"I want to become stronger! Let everyone prostrate at my feet!"

Wang An clenched his fists, silently swearing in his heart.

At this time, his mood was completely warmed up.

He desperately wants to become stronger, only in this way can he protect his beloved!

"However, now, we still need an opportunity!"

Wang An's eyes were slightly closed, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"I'm going to get stronger!"

Wang An muttered to himself.

Soon, Wang An came out of his thoughts and returned to a calm state.

At this moment, his eyes looked out of the window.

He wanted to see what time it was.

However, when he looked out of the window, he found that it was raining outside.

"Why is it raining?"

At this time, the little fairy doctor came to pick him up with an umbrella.

"Brother Wang, don't be dazed for now, let's go quickly, otherwise the rain will be too heavy, and I'm afraid you will get wet." Said the little fairy doctor.

"it is good!"

Soon, Wang An got into the carriage.

Soon, Wang An looked out of the window.

"Why is it raining?"

At this time, the little fairy doctor came to pick him up with an umbrella.

"Prince Wang, don't be dazed, get in the car quickly, otherwise the rain is too heavy, I'm afraid you will get wet." said the little fairy doctor.

"it is good!"

Soon, Wang An got into the car.

Soon, his eyes turned to the window.

"Why is it raining?"

Wang An was a little surprised.

At this moment, his attention has been fully focused on the rainwater in front of the car.

This rain is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, the whole car became hazy.

At this time, the little fairy doctor also put down the umbrella and planned to close the door.


However, at this moment, suddenly, the car door was opened suddenly.

Wang An's figure rushed out immediately.

The little fairy doctor was startled, and hurriedly chased him out.

However, Wang An had already run far away, and she couldn't catch up at all.

"Damn it! This guy, really..." The little fairy doctor cursed angrily.


Wang An, on the other hand, galloped on the street.

The roads here are very narrow, and there is no room for a carriage to drive. Therefore, Wang An didn't care so much, and ran quickly.

The old man was weak and dying, and it seemed that he might die at any time.

Wang An felt compassionate, so he saved the old man and took care of him for a period of time.

Later, the old man told him that all his family members had suffered, and he had no relatives, only himself left.

The old man wanted to repay his kindness, but he had no money, so he asked Wang An to take him in.

For Wang An, this matter was just a matter of little effort, so he agreed to the old man's request without hesitation, and, during this period, took care of the old man.

The old man also liked him very much, and would often take out many precious medicinal materials and give them to him for use.

Later, Wang An gradually got used to the old man, and also regarded the old man as his own parents.

However, he did not expect that in this year, the old man died suddenly and strangely.

This made him very angry and sad.

Wang An thought in his heart, and a look of indifference appeared on his face.

At this time, he felt a dangerous breath.

He immediately raised his head and looked forward.


In just a split second, Wang An's pupils shrank like needles.

"this is......"


Wang An's eyes stared at somewhere ahead without blinking.

I saw that at the corner of the street ahead, there was an alley, and there was a woman standing in it.It was Zi Yan.

This woman, with a handsome appearance and plain clothes, looks like the daughter of an ordinary person.

However, Wang An's eyes were firmly fixed on her.

"Zi Yan!"

he asked coldly.

There was no surprise on the woman's expression.

"Prince Wang, you are really smart, you can't even hide it from me. Let's fight!"

The woman spoke lightly, and then, the corners of her mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

Wang An frowned.

Fei Lu, Hedgehog Cat, shared novels on the whole network, 1500+ updates per month, the search group number enters the world-weary novel transfer station [-], [-] books are updated every day, and bid farewell to the book shortage "I asked , Who are you!" Wang An shouted coldly.


The woman sneered.

"I am, the woman who wants to kill you."


After hearing her words, Wang An suddenly turned pale with shock!

He never thought that there would be such a vicious woman in this world!

"However, you are useless now." The woman said coldly, and at the same time, a cold color flashed in her eyes: "However, you don't have to worry, wait until I kill you , will leave immediately."

"Kill me!?" Wang An's gaze narrowed, and he said, "That's not necessarily the case!"

"Oh, then try it." The woman said lightly.

After finishing speaking, there was a icy coldness in her eyes.

The next moment, the figure of the woman flickered suddenly.


A white light flashed away, like a ghost.

Wang An didn't see clearly how the woman was moving, only saw that the woman had come to his side.


This punch hit Wang An's chest hard.


The next moment, Wang An's entire body was blown away.

"Bang bang bang!"

He hit the walls of houses on both sides of the street continuously, and finally hit the roof of the wooden building before stopping.


Wang An he got up with difficulty and looked at the woman.

"It turns out that your strength has improved a bit, but unfortunately... your speed is still much worse than mine!" the woman said lightly, her tone full of contempt.


Wang An snorted coldly, and then directly circulated the battle energy in his body.stand in the air.

"Your attack power is really low."

The woman's voice sounded, and then, she stretched out her jade finger and aimed at Wang An.

"call out!"

However, as soon as the woman's arm was waved, Wang An's figure disappeared from the woman's sight in an instant.


The woman's body immediately flew upside down.

However, she is a Douhuang master after all. Although Wang An's attack power is extremely strong, she still resisted it.

She landed on the ground with pain on her face, but she didn't faint.

At this time, Wang An walked over, looked at the woman indifferently, and asked, "Why are you fighting me, Zi Yan?"

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