Next to him is Wang An, who also wears a mask, but he is not as beautiful as Xun'er, but he is more handsome, his eyes are piercing, and there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, As if thinking about something.

While Xun'er had a sweet smile on her face, but that smile was very bitter.

Chapter 216 Kindness

It looks like a sad picture scroll.

The backs of the two were dyed golden yellow by the setting sun, and the trees on both sides cast mottled silhouettes in the sunlight, reflecting on their bodies.

A beautiful scroll.

Wang An's heart suddenly ached, he glanced at Xun'er, she was staring into the distance, as if lost in thought, and there seemed to be a trace of sadness between her brows.

Wang An knew that this was her heart disease.

He knew she had always had this problem.

She always thought of that person, her parents, and her fiancé inadvertently.

This may be her fate, and he can't change it.

Deep loss and helplessness emerged in Wang An's heart.

Wang An sighed.

"What are you thinking?" Wang An asked.

Xun'er shook her head, she knew he was referring to her fiancé.

Wang An also sighed, looked at the setting sun in the distance, and said softly: "That person is dead, now we should look forward. "

Xun'er nodded, glanced at him, and then stopped talking.

Wang An also looked into the distance, his eyes were a little erratic.

"Where are we going?" Xun'er asked.

"I don't know, I don't know either." Wang An replied.

"Then why did you bring me here?" Xun'er asked.

"I don't know, let's go." Wang An said.


In this way, the two walked together among the green mountains and green waters.

After a while, the two came to a bridge. Under the bridge was a clear stream. On both sides of the stream were rows of small houses.

Wang An and Xun'er walked to the middle of the bridge and stopped.

Here is a small forest. There is a big pagoda tree with dense branches and leaves, which blocks the sun's rays. The tree is covered with red fruits, which looks very attractive. When a gust of wind blows, there will be a burst of fragrance.

Such a place is very suitable for living.

""Wait here for me, I will pick a fruit for you to eat. " Wang An said.

Xun'er nodded.

Wang An turned around and went to pick the fruit.

He quickly picked off a jujube and walked up to Xun'er.

"Eat it first." Wang An handed the jujube to her.

"Okay." Xun'er took the jujube and started to eat it.

After she finished eating, she looked up at Wang An.

His expression was a little tired.

"Are you tired?" Xun'er asked.

Wang An shook his head.

"Then why don't you take a break?" "Xun'er asked.

Wang An smiled.

""I'm all right. "

Xun'er lowered her head, took a bite of the jujube, and then started to eat it.

Wang An also started to eat.

After eating a jujube, he felt warm all over and felt very comfortable.


"Do you like it here?" Wang An asked softly, looking at the distant sky.

"En." Xun'er nodded, with a happy smile on her face.

"It would be great if we could find such a beautiful city in the future." Wang An said.

Xun'er didn't answer, she just smiled slightly.

"At that time, we will definitely have a long period of time, we don't need to live at the bottom of society, we can live a very ordinary life.

"Do you miss your hometown very much?" Wang An asked.

Xun'er didn't answer.

Wang An's mood was also a little sad. He looked down at her and said:

"You don't have to worry, we will live a prosperous life." Wang An said.

Xun'er felt a little warm in her heart, she didn't answer, but just lowered her head and continued to nibble on the jujube in her hand.

After a while, Wang An suddenly asked:

"Are you feeling better?"

Xun'er shook her head.

"Are you sad?" Wang An asked softly, looking into the distance.

""No. "Xun'er shook her head, a faint smile appeared on her face, and said: "

"I'm in a good mood, you see."

Wang An turned his head and saw a faint smile on Xun'er's face, that smile was like a blooming flower, beautiful and brilliant.

A warm current rose in Wang An's heart, and he suddenly said:


"You have to remember, no matter what, I will always be by your side!"

Wang An's words made Xun'er feel very warm.


"Yeah," Xun'er nodded, "

""I believe in you, Wang An. "

""It's so kind of you. "

Wang An looked into the distance. They were surrounded by ancient buildings. The buildings they saw all belonged to that kind of ancient buildings. Some buildings even kept their original shape. Above, the patterns of carved dragons and painted phoenixes and various exquisite works of art highlight the charm of classical and artistic.

It was a very luxurious house, occupying the entire mountain area, and it looked very spectacular, like a huge manor.


"What is this place?" Wang An asked.

"""This is called Nangong Mansion, and it is my home." Xun'er said.

"The Nangong family?"

""Yes. "

"What kind of family is the Nangong family?"

""The Nangong family is a big family. There are many masters in the family. They can help you realize your dreams! "

"How do you know about my dreams?" "

"I am the housekeeper of the Nangong Mansion, the grandson of the Patriarch of Nangong, of course I know your dream, and I also know that your dream is to become an excellent doctor!"


Xun'er smiled and said:

"Thank you, Wang An, it is my greatest honor to have your support!"

There was a hint of awe in Xun'er's eyes as she looked at him. She was trained to be an excellent nurse since she was a child, treating patients as if they were patients, and she performed her tasks very strictly.

Her heart is actually lonely.

But she never wants to tell anyone the secret in her heart, she just wants to use her own efforts to prove that she is no worse than anyone else, and she can do better!

Therefore, in front of others, she concealed it very well.

However, she didn't dare to trust a stranger easily, because she didn't know if he was trustworthy, or if he was worthy of her entrustment.

In her view, everything is false, and she would rather choose to believe in herself.

And Wang An was the one she chose to believe.

""I also hope that you can live a good life. " Wang An said.

"Wang An, do you have something to tell me?" "Xun'er asked suddenly.

Wang An was taken aback, with an embarrassing look on his face.

""I just asked casually, "I don't have anything important, so don't tell me." Xun'er's tone was a little indifferent.

Wang An was a little flustered, he quickly explained:

"No, no, I want to tell you that you are not alone, and I will protect you too. "

""You don't have to do this, I have my brother to protect me. "Xun'er said.

""That is my responsibility and my obligation. "Wang An insisted.

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