Su Changge is too lazy to solve these trivial matters. Now that the Liangzi has been tied, it's better to have a showdown!

Hearing Su Changge's question, Ye Bucai shuddered all over, and hurriedly said: "Ge...Ge Jingyun can only be ranked third, and the strongest is Chu Changqing, who has a heavenly body and is invincible not only physically , even the cultivation base has already broken through to the holy realm..."

Ye Bucai told the truth about the situation of Tianshan Sect in one brain, the scene just now was really terrible!

A Taoist of their Tianshan Sect died so casually, even their Tianshan Shield was taken away by Su Changge!

"Chu Changqing? The heavenly overlord?"

At this time, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

【Ding!A new option task has been detected. Option [-]: Make friends with Chu Changqing and become a close friend with him. Reward: Heavenly Overlord Body Essence and Blood.

Option [-]: Hunt and kill Chu Changqing.Reward: Crossing the Sword River.

Please note: Chu Changqing is a rare arrogance of the Tianshan Sect for thousands of years. Killing the opponent will result in bloody revenge from the Tianshan Sect. 】

"Bloody revenge?"

Su Changge sneered, he really wanted to see what kind of means the Tianshan Sect had to carry out bloody revenge on him in Guiyuan Holy Land.

"Bury your Daozi's body well."

"Yes yes yes... I will definitely not tell anyone else about this!"

Ye Bucai nodded his head vigorously, fearing that the killing god would make him follow in Ge Jingyun's footsteps in the next moment.

"Who told you to hide it?"

Su Changge said with a smile: "You have to say it, it's best to tell Chu Changqing that I, Su Changge, killed him."

"If he wants to avenge his junior brother, Su will be there anytime."

Everyone gasped when they heard the words, their pupils constricted, some couldn't believe it!

"Su Changge is deliberately provoking Chu Changqing?"

"I don't think it's a provocation. If I have the strength of Su Changge, I will choose to show my cards!"

"Is the collision between the Heavenly Hegemony Body and the Innate Saint Body Dao Embryo?... Really exciting..."


There are also people who look forward to it, and they will benefit a lot from seeing the top Tianjiao's duel.

Ye Bucai didn't understand Su Changge's behavior.

But he didn't dare to ask more, this Chu Changqing is not simple, don't look at a look of indifference to the world, in fact, the most unbearable thing is the provocation of others!

When Chu Changqing was born from the seal, there was an unconvinced contemporary Tianjiao from the Tianshan Sect who challenged him.

Chu Changqing turned it into powder on the spot and sent it to spiral up to heaven!

After Ye Bucai and other Tianshan Sect disciples fled in a hurry, Su Changge smiled lightly, "Let's go, everyone, I never lose my word."

Some Tianjiao who were about to leave paused, and looked at Su Changge in surprise, with even more joy on their faces!

"Thank you, Son of Changge!"

"Thank you, Son of Changge!"


Many people began to respect Su Changge from the bottom of their hearts. It was hard to find a way, and it was even harder to find opportunities.

But Su Changge took the initiative to take them in, which made them admire even more.

"God Son of Changge... I heard from the elders in my clan that Chu Changqing was the number one genius in his era, and his cultivation level is about to break through to become a saint...

"When I come out this time, I'm afraid my cultivation base will be even more terrifying. I'm afraid the Son of God's move..."

A pretty woman walked out from the crowd.

"No need to compare."

Su Changge didn't look back, but said indifferently: "I am alone."

"No. [-] in the world."

"The best here."


This sentence rang in everyone's heart like ten thousand thunderbolts. What kind of courage is this?

Perhaps, the figure in white in front of them has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Perhaps, in the not-too-distant future, this white-clothed figure on Emperor Road and Tongxian Road will still amaze people forever!

Chapter 96 One person is enough, the first time we meet, let me die

After Su Changge and others entered the entrance of the cave, there was a long rock tunnel in front of them.

The black stone was stained with a little blackened blood, and it has been integrated with the surrounding environment. I don't know how many years have passed.

At the end of the tunnel is a huge bronze door, which looks very strange.

After such a long period of time, the bronze door is still bright, and there is not even the slightest trace of decay.

"Master Shenzi, this is the weird bronze door. We have tried many supernatural powers and spells, but we still can't break through."

A young Tianjiao stood up and said.

"It's normal if you can't open it, but your strength is not enough."

Su Changge stepped forward.

With a calm complexion, he clenched his palms into fists, a huge force of qi and blood boiled in his body, and the originally peaceful void was stirred up to boil by Su Changge's power!

There was even a surge of dragon energy lingering above his fist, which was the dragon element he had absorbed before, combined with the power of divine fire he had mastered, it was even more like a fire dragon roaring!


Su Changge punched out, and the incomparable power seemed to come from the nine heavens. That terrifying power made everyone tremble!



The giant gate that was originally as strong as a god iron fortress exploded like fireworks, as if it was vulnerable to a single blow!

"Let's go."

Su Changge stepped through the ruins and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

The people behind were staring blankly at this scene.

"Is this still human?"

A Tianjiao picked up a fragment of the giant door, and used his spiritual power to slam it down towards the fragment.

Seeing this, there was no reaction, just silently throwing the broken pieces aside.

She covered her right hand with her left hand and said nothing, a few crystal tears fell from the corner of her eyes.

A person came over and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Brother, it's fine, it's not your problem, it's because Changge Shenzi is too strong."

"You don't need to compare yourself to this legendary person, just be yourself."


The man was a little choked up, his expression was very painful, and he yelled: "My f*cking hand hurts!!!"

It was only later that everyone found out that the man had used too much force, and instead of breaking the stone, he had broken his own hand bone!

But this is also a ruthless person, he just didn't even hum when it was broken!

However, someone thought of Su Changge smashing the entire giant door with one punch, which made them even more terrified.


Everyone followed closely behind Su Changge.

After all, Su Changge allowed them to come in, and they didn't dare to run in front of Su Changge to snatch the opportunity.

After the giant gate, the surrounding environment became even weirder.

Only faint candles are burning.

There is a huge stone block directly in front of it, and pictures are carved on it.

There are also some monster skulls around, and even some human skulls.

Like a place of worship.

But as they approach slowly.

boom! !

Suddenly there was a monstrous black mist surging in front of him, followed by a burly figure clad in black battle armor appearing from it.

The pitch-black armor covered his whole body, and some special paints were tattooed on his face, forming various patterns, which looked very strange.

Those eyes exuding magic power made him look like a death devil in the dark, which made people feel chills down the spine!

And he held a mace in his hand, which was still stained with a little blood!

"The pride of the three thousand realms?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Su Changge also frowned when he looked at this figure with soaring devilish aura.

"Time survivors?"

Before he set off, the ancestor told him to be careful of the time survivors hidden in the turbulent flow of space.

Sensing the strange aura on the other party, he was sure that he was a survivor of time.

"Very good, they still get together? It really saves my time!"

"Come out, it's time to hunt."

Following that phantom, the words fell.


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