"The wages of avarice is death."

Su Changge looked at the rushing ancient demons with contempt, but he didn't move.

The Tianjiao disciples around him were even more worried. The world Su Changge was in seemed to be shrouded in light, and the colorful clouds that set off everything were gorgeous.

But directly in front of him was a surge of darkness, and waves of darkness swept towards Su Changge like overwhelming.

Turbulent darkness, peaceful light.

The visual impact it brings is even greater!

Looking at the black tide that was getting closer, Su Changge finally moved.

I saw his right hand raised high, and time seemed to slow down at this moment.

"The code of Tao, the light of destroying gods!"

Su Changge's hand dropped immediately!

While falling, there are layers of double shadows, as if it is a trace of interpretation in the world.

Finally, when his palms were down and parallel to the ground.


Like the first ray of light from the beginning of chaos, it illuminated the eternal era, tore apart the endless darkness, and reflected the heavens and myriad ways.

That power didn't have any destructive aura, but was very gentle and calm.

Any power, any thing, it will be gently brought into its arms...

There was no struggle, not even the howling before death, as if annihilated and dissipated along with the white light, and finally returned to nothingness...

It took a long time for this power to slowly dissipate.

Everyone slowly opened their dazzled eyes, and it took a long time before they became clear.

But everything that happened in front of them made them stagnate again!

All gone!

The previous turbulent dark tide seemed to be wiped out of this world by an extreme force, as if there had never been a trace of them appearing.

If it weren't for the huge deep pit in front of them, they would really believe that everything just now was just an illusion!

"Hahaha! Good! Good!"

"This is the power of the complete Eucharist!"

"It's ridiculous, you don't have much power left now, right? This time it's time to be a general."

"Remember, the person who suppressed you is named Gu Yi."

As soon as the ancient words fell, a strong demonic energy erupted, as if even the void was collapsing layer by layer.

He has no sympathy for the deaths of his own people.

You must know that if he can successfully plunder the blood of the other party's holy body, he is the hope of the ancient demons!

Those dead clansmen?They will be the pioneers of the ancient demon race!

"Just wait, Gu Ling'er, when I get the Eucharist bloodline, you will belong to me forever!"

Gu Ling'er is the young priest of their ancient demon clan, and has atavistic blood, and her appearance is even more beautiful. She is the top beauty of their ancient demon clan.

But suddenly, a palm print covering the sky slammed into where Gu Yi was.

Immediately, the divine light exploded, the air wave soared into the sky, and the terrifying aura caused the heaven and earth to shatter even more!

Su Changge withdrew his palm, and said impatiently: "Whispering, do you still want to hit?"


A jet of black devilish energy rolled out, instantly dissipating the smoke. Gu Yi didn't suffer much injuries, but he was disheveled and even embarrassed.

"Bastard! You don't talk about Wude and engage in sneak attacks!?"

"Death to me!"

Gu Yi raised his head and shouted loudly, more and more terrifying demon energy gushed out of his body like a terrifying wave!

There was even a vague black shadow manifesting behind him!

His voice became even hoarse, as if he was a different person.


Gu Yi kicked his feet hard, and the ground under his feet was cracked inch by inch by this force, like an ancient giant mountain coming towards Su Changge!

He even held high the mace surrounded by pitch-black runes, and slammed it down on Su Changge!

boom! ! !

Something that shocked everyone again happened!

Su Changge used his bare hands, and firmly held the mace in his right hand. His body surface was covered with a strong divine light, and the opponent's weapon could not hurt him at all!

If it wasn't for the strong air wave that lifted Su Changge's clothes, everyone would have thought it was a still picture again!

"That's it?"

Su Changge asked with a faint smile.

Chapter 98 Absolute Power, Ancient One's Fear, The Destined Day


Gu Yi tried his best to pull out his mace from Singer Su, but no matter how hard he tried, he still didn't move at all!

"You... let me go!"

Gu Yi was a little anxious, he was considered to be extremely powerful in the ancient demon clan, how can such a thin and weak human race suppress him?


"Why don't you get a new one?"

After the words fell, Singer Su Chang's divine light flickered, and he made a fierce effort!


The mace made of strong divine iron was directly crushed by Su Changge!

Debris are flying all over the sky!


But it didn't wait for Gu Yi to finish speaking.

Su Changge punched out again!


The rune exploded, the void roared, and a huge sonic boom sounded.

Gu Yi was wearing solid armor and had an extremely strong body, but facing this force that could shatter the world, he still felt his internal organs churn.


Gu Yi was thrown into the air by this punch, and blood splashed out in the air.

On the other hand, Su Changge's eyes were indifferent, like a fly in a photograph.

The white clothes are spotless, like the center of heaven and earth, and an invincible force bursts out from him!

"Brat! Originally, I wanted to capture you alive, but now..."

"go to hell!"

Gu Yi let out an angry roar, and more powerful power gushed out from him.

The scene just now made him feel really humiliated. Before he could react, he was knocked into the air by the opponent.

He still didn't think that Su Changge was strong, so he thought it was his own carelessness!


"The stars don't know the brilliance of the bright moon."

Su Changge looked at Gu Yi with some amusement.

In this boring secret realm, it would be nice for someone to relieve his fatigue.

With a thought of Su Changge, the innate holy body dao embryo in his body resonated with his body again.

A sacred and supreme aura lingered around Su Changge's body.

As if a whole new world was opened up, endless chaotic light overflowed.

And in that bright and ancient world, there is even more mysterious aura that is as famous as ten thousand ways!

Immediately afterwards, a figure reaching to the sky seemed to have the potential to survey the sky and judge the earth, and the immortal king ruled the nine heavens!

But it's not over yet.

Figures once again appeared in the void, some gods whispered, and some ancient demons roared.

The phantom of the ancient gods and demons kept kowtowing towards Su Changge, and it was tens of thousands of gigantic!

And behind Su Changge, there is an ancient sacred mountain rising from the ground, and the chaotic light pours down like a river of heaven!

At this moment, Su Changge is like the Lord of Gods and Demons, the King of All Gods, standing on top of the world!

Just that breath alone makes people want to worship him!

"This is...!?"

Gu Ji felt the restlessness in his body, and a sense of uneasiness suddenly surged into his heart.

Although he tried his best to restrain the impulse in his body, it still seemed a little futile!

The depths of his soul were trembling, as if he was afraid of something!

"Unfortunately, I have a vision of the holy body called God and Demon Kowtow."

Su Changge smiled and said, "Since you are a branch of the devil, why don't you kowtow together?"

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