Those who watched this scene gasped even more. It can be said that Su Changge did not hesitate when he did it!

Let the opponent die almost in an instant!



Gu Ling'er was also instantly enraged by this scene. As the young priest of the ancient demon clan, she was like a proud girl of heaven.

I heard that their ancestors came from the Immortal Realm, which means that she also has the blood of an Immortal!

Even if they were trapped in the turbulent flow of time for countless years, that's not the case, mere mortals in the lower world can provoke!

A black Bianhua flower manifested from her hand, and then she slapped it out with one palm!

The phantom of the Bianhua shattered the void, and suppressed towards Su Changge with the demonic energy that devoured the world!

"Good come!"

A divine light flashed in Su Changge's eyes, and there seemed to be an infinite fighting spirit gushing out of his body.

He could feel the strength of this force, which was far beyond that of the old miscellaneous fish Gu Yi!

The spiritual energy in his body was circulating, and suddenly he punched out!

boom! !

The fist light and the Bianhua collided fiercely, and the light and white continued to burst and evolve between the sky and the earth!

The white light is blazing, and the black light is cold!

But with that fist light shaking out more powerful power, the power like a brilliant sun dispels the darkness in an instant!

The black Bana flower melted immediately!

"How come!?"

Gu Linger was a little surprised, how could his strength be broken so easily?

But the power of that fist has not diminished, and it is like a star falling towards her!

"Tiangang Demon Art!"

Gu Ling'er didn't dare to be careless, and shot out a black light with both hands, and the black light flowed, forming a black barrier to envelop her.


The huge fist print was eventually destroyed, but the powerful force still made Gu Ling'er's figure retreat a few steps!

She was a little shocked in her heart. If she hadn't strengthened her shield again at that moment, I'm afraid she would be in a mess now!

"You are very good. I have also met many human beings who claim to be the pride of heaven."

"I have to say that they are all braggarts, but you are indeed much stronger than them."

"If you are willing to become my follower, you will kill my clansman, and the matter will be exposed. In the future, I can take you to the fairyland."

Gu Ling'er was immediately moved by her love for talent, but her expression was still a little proud.

In her opinion, she made such a condition, and even promised that the other party would lead him to the fairyland in the future, and the other party would not refuse no matter what.

"Hiss... Immortal world? Isn't that the legendary existence? Could it really exist?"

"Having long hair but short knowledge, don't you know the road to immortality? That is the only way to the immortal world!"

"You said that the other party offered such a condition, if God Son Changge really agrees, what should we do?"

This sentence instantly made the boiling crowd fall into dead silence, and even made everyone speechless.

yes!If Su Changge really followed the young priests of the ancient demon clan, wouldn't they all have to die here?

But Su Changge was a little disdainful.

He has always asked the other party to follow him, so why do he say that he follows others?

"I have to say, you are quite confident."

"Maybe you haven't seen the gap between you and me."

Su Changge looked at Gu Ling'er indifferently, and said with disdain.

Invincible physique, invincible system, invincible background, if he follows others, he must not be laughed at by other traversers?

"Very well, that's how I like you."

"Such arrogance can have the value of training."

Gu Ling'er sneered, and a more powerful demonic energy burst out of her body!

The darker and richer flower of the other shore seems to be rooted in the sky and the earth, and the dark atmosphere tens of thousands of miles around is surging towards here!

That dark Bana flower seems to be alive, every time it trembles, it will set off a monstrous wave of darkness!

Where the waves cover, more dark flowers of the other side will grow!

It was like a dark sea of ​​flowers, filled with dead air, strange magic flowers, full of dead stillness and despair!

Gu Ling'er's fair skin looked even more dazzling in the darkness, and countless magic flowers gradually grew out, winding around her body.

She is like the queen of flowers on the other side!

She raised her proud face, and her voice was playful: "Are you ready to be trained?"

Chapter 100 A sword came to the west to startle the immortals, taboo the Su family

Hearing Gu Ling'er's words, Su Changge couldn't help feeling black.

"What kind of strange habit does this young priest have?"

The more he thought about it, the more his scalp became numb. How can a good man stand upright, how can he be taught by a woman?

"Being distracted when fighting me, this also needs to be adjusted well."

In the darkness behind Gu Ling'er, the phantom of the Bian Hua suddenly condensed a few jet-black vines, and immediately flung them towards Su Changge!



Almost at the same moment, Su Changge dodged to dodge, and the area he was in was instantly blasted out of a huge pit by that powerful force!

But just as Su Changge fell, another pitch-black vine swung towards him!

Su Changge snorted coldly, made a sword finger with his hand, and slashed forward obliquely!

The huge sword light is like a blooming thunder, tearing apart the vertical and horizontal space!

It swept across all directions like a destructive force, and the pitch-black vines were turned into dust and dissipated!

"It's not bad, I didn't expect the talent of swordsmanship to be so strong, I really want you to be my servant more and more~"

Gu Linger chuckled.


Countless dark Tengwanzi Bianhua flowers grew out, as if they had the potential to cover the sky and the sun!

This scene even made the scalps of many Tianjiao disciples go numb!

"Go! Get out of here! I can't help God Son Changge, so don't hold God Son back!"

They dare not get involved in this level of battle, the battle between giant beasts, they will only be ruthlessly annihilated if they enter!

The dense black vines swayed wantonly in the sky, and even the aura of Dao Ze here was stirred into chaos!

"Be careful~"

Gu Linger snapped his fingers.

Whoosh whoosh!

The countless pitch-black vines behind her seemed to have received an order, and with the momentum of breaking through the air, they poured towards Su Changge like a wave of black snakes!

The space that was plundered was even more roaring, and the dark storm swept all directions!

"Why, do you have to force me?"

Su Changge shook his head helplessly, and slowly pulled out the God Sword from the void with his hand.

The sound of the sword sounded, and the cold light was dazzling.

In Su Changge's eyes, a sharp sword intent began to rise, and that sword intent seemed to be the best in the past and the present, leading to the future!

Without any hesitation, Su Changge suddenly slashed out with a sword!

A sword came to the west to startle the immortal!

There were bursts of thunder in the void, tearing apart every inch of space, and the bright sword light dazzled the world!

At this moment, those Tianjiao disciples who had turned to flee turned around one after another.

In this life, they have never seen such a stunning and peerless sword!


This sword is like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, causing the Tianhe to roll back and the sky to lose its color, it is not like a sword of mortals!

laugh! !

The pitch-black vines that covered the sky were completely suppressed by this sword!

They continue to collapse like snowflakes, and the originally boundless waves continue to shrink, thousands of feet, thousands of feet, hundreds of feet, until finally disappearing without a trace!

The endless night was also torn apart by this sky-dipping sword, illuminating space and piercing time and space!


But at this moment, that vast sword light tore through the wave of darkness and fell straight towards Gu Ling'er!

All the people stared blankly at this scene, and the storm-like sword energy kept impacting their sluggish faces!

They don't know how to describe this sword. If they have to say it, they can only say that this sword is very strong, very strong...

"Since I have the ancestral blood of the ancient demon race, how can I be afraid of you?"

Gu Ling'er could feel the horror of this sword, but the pride in her heart still didn't want to admit that he would lose.

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