But if it is Dacheng, it even claims to be able to swallow stars and moons!

"Elder Bai, don't worry, this is the turbulent flow of time, no one can get involved here."

Hearing this, Bai Yu was also silent, sighed, and walked towards the distance: "I hope it's just an illusion."

However, when they make this decision.

The Qingqiu Fox Clan will face the abyss of despair.

Chapter 107 Reminiscing about the performance in the world, the time has come, it's time to hit the road


A beautiful figure flew out of the smoke in embarrassment, and hit the ground fiercely, with blood flowing from the corner of its mouth, its appearance was very poignant.

"My lord!"

The Tianjiao of the Qingqiu Fox Clan showed horror, and wanted to help their heavenly daughter.

"Don't come here!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox Girl stopped her clansmen and struggled to get up from the ground with her body supported.

Instead of the previous calm and indifference, there was a hint of ferocity on the contrary.

Has she ever been so humiliated as the proud daughter of heaven?

What's more, the opponent is just a mere human race!

She has always disdained the human race the most. With a weak body and mediocre talent, why can there be so many people who defy the sky?

"Aohan Jue, Ice God Pillar!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox Girl pinched the formula in her hand again, and a huge formation slowly emerged in the void!

Every time it rotates, Dao Dao Qing Tian Bing Zhu will fall from it!


The huge icicle seemed to be connected to the sky, and the cold breath even caused the surrounding air to drop sharply!


Runes flickered on the icicles, and chains of ice appeared out of thin air, as if resonating with each other's breaths!


Immediately afterwards, the icicles that were as tall as the sky burst out a blue light like a cold moon, which turned into a frost barrier and enveloped Su Changge in it!

In this world, wisps of icy aura continue to condense, turning into ice cones all over the sky and floating in the sky!


The nine tails behind the nine-tailed fox girl stood up high, and at the same time exuded a radiant aura!

Whoosh whoosh!

The ice cones pierced the sky like meteors, and poured down towards Su Changge like the frost trial of the sky!

"Before the ultimate power, the number is just a burden."

Su Changge's right hand was used as a sword finger, standing in front of his chest.

There is endless sword intent rising in his eyes, indifferent and fierce, and has the potential to cut off the world!


Su Changge flew across the sky in an instant!

An incomparably bright sword light brought out a little bit of cold light, leaving streaks of stars in the sky!

No matter how cold and violent Frost is, it will only dissipate sadly in front of this soaring sword energy!

As far as the sword energy reaches, the ice and snow are silent!

Click! !

The sword energy instantly shattered the ice barrier, like a ray of light piercing the sky, cutting into the depths of the void and disappearing!

"How is it possible!?"

Nine-tailed fox girl's complexion was even more pale after being shocked by this scene!

Invincible physically, unparalleled in swordsmanship.

How could such a human being exist?

Su Changge's eyes were light, his white clothes danced lightly, and his expression was even calmer: "If there are no moves, then it's time to go on the road."

"Arrogance! How dare you speak like that to Lord Tiannv!"

The Tianjiao of the Qingqiu Fox Clan was even more furious. Su Changge's actions simply did not take their Qingqiu Fox Clan seriously!

"Don't think that you are guaranteed to win, it is your honor to force me to use this trick!"

Nine-tailed fox girl snorted coldly, she has always been cold-tempered, but now she is also irritated by this human race man in front of her!

"Okay, please start your performance."

Su Changge once again made a gesture of please.

"Leaving the last performance in the world before dying can be regarded as a memory of the world."

The nine-tailed fox girl felt even more murderous.

She was planning to kill these [-] Dao Domain Flying Talents to seize the divine source in their bodies.

But this human race man, she will not kill, she will use the most painful way to torture the damn human!

Nine-tailed fox girl folded her hands on her chest, palms facing down.


The sky and the earth became a little dark, and wisps of icy blue cold air lingered in the sky and the earth.

The extreme cold even left traces in the void, which lasted for a long time.

The ultimate direction of these ice-blue moving qi is to gather towards the palm of the nine-tailed fox girl.

Ka Ka Ka!

There was even a strange freezing sound from the sky and the earth.

The extremely cold temperature even made some Tianjiao feel as if the blood in their bodies had been frozen!

"Isn't this the final form of my clan's Aohan Jue!?"

"It can't be wrong! Such a cold breath, what else is there other than the legendary trick? I didn't expect that Lady Tiannv really succeeded in cultivation!"

"This arrogant human race must die!"

Although the many arrogances of the Qingqiu Fox Clan felt cold because of this aura, they were more excited!

The goddess of their Qingqiu Fox Clan once again created a legend!

The red eyes of the nine-tailed fox girl were even more icy, and the nine tails behind her were also covered with frost and snow!

The extremely low temperature spewed out in all directions centered on her!

"Ao Han Jue, Absolute Zero!"

After the words fell, the Nine-Tailed Fox Girl shot out the ice blue ball of light in her hand!


That icy blue ball of light seems to contain the coldest aura in the world. Wherever it passes, even the ground is frozen by that aura, covering it with tens of feet of frost!


Some Tianjiao were unable to dodge in time, and were even frozen by the aftermath, turning into ice sculptures and standing in place.

This scene even changed the faces of many Tianjiao disciples, but the breath alone could easily freeze their bodies!

How terrifying should the body of the ice blue light ball be?

But Su Changge just watched this scene quietly, without any action.

"I don't know if my sword field can resist it?"

He suddenly became interested, and wanted to use this to test the defense of his sword domain.

But the nine-tailed fox girl who was looking at this scene sneered: "Humans are still human beings, so insolent, it is a dead end after all."

"This guy's appearance... Could it be that there is some bad water?" Gu Ling'er murmured, but she had a completely different opinion.

After the previous fights, she can be sure that there is not much difference between the nine-tailed fox girl and her natural strength.

Logically speaking, Su Changge could easily crush the opponent.

But after fighting for so long before, she could feel that Su Changge was not serious at all, as if he was using the other party to hone his moves!


She remembered what Su Changge said before: "A performance before death?"

Gu Ling'er trembled all over, and her pupils shrank!

This guy is treating this battle as a game?

Being so arrogant is a life-and-death battle for many people, but it's just a game for Su Changge?

"What a monster." Gu Ling'er shivered.

But after thinking about it, how could the ancient demons surrender willingly without such a terrifying talent?


The icy blue light ball was blocked by Su Changge's condensed sword field at a distance of tens of feet.

With the gentle sliding of Su Changge's fingertips, it burst like a frosty star!

The unleashed frost storm turned hundreds of thousands of miles into a world of ice!

Some inferior Tianjiao were also involved.

The moment he was frozen by this frosty breath, he was shattered into ice powder by the ensuing shock wave!

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