Su Changge stepped forward.

The surface of his body is covered with golden radiance, the runes flow, and the laws are intertwined, brilliant and out of the dust.

Every time he took a step, the aura on his body became stronger, and the dazzling divine light was filled with holiness.

Like a group of exiled immortals walking in the world.

"Holy Eucharist vision, am I missing it?"

Su Changge smiled lightly.

After the words fell, the space around him rippled even more, as if a door opened by Dao Yun!

There are also dense figures of stalwarts!

There is radiance, and there is magic energy soaring into the sky!

All the phantoms of gods and demons kowtow!

Su Changge took another step.

The blue dragon splits the sky.

The white tiger thundered.

Suzaku burns the sky.

Xuanwu Zhenyue.

Four great beasts appeared in the void, they wanted to conquer the sky and conquer the God of War!

Another step out.

Ten bright suns appear!

The divine light is dazzling and shocking!

Among the ten bright suns, there are visions manifesting in them, which seem to be interpreting everything in the world and suppressing the universe and starry sky!

Especially the tenth sun, the light must be as bright as it is in ancient and modern times, and the sun above the nine heavens is not as dazzling as it!

What made everyone even more horrified was the sacred aura emanating from Su Changge, as if he was the proof of the Tao and the law!

The divine light that went straight into the sky set off his figure incomparably stalwart.

Just the breath alone makes people feel that mortals are facing gods, and they can't help overflowing with despair!

As for the devouring power, when Su Changge's first vision manifested, there were already signs of collapse.

When Su Changge's second vision came out, it was even crushed in an instant. This world has already become Su Changge's domain!

"You are also a Eucharist!?"

"Impossible! How could the Holy Body have such a powerful power!?"

Looking at this miraculous scene, Bai Changsheng roared.

He had known about other holy bodies, but facing Su Changge's holy body, there was some fear in his blood, and even a little surrender!

Although there is a gap in the Eucharist, the real encounter must be a terrifying battle. Although his Devouring Eucharist is not great, it is not weak.

But why when facing Su Changge's Eucharist, he was completely desperate, let alone have the slightest desire to fight?


"It must be, it must be that you are hiding something!"

Bai Changsheng roared again, as if he was using this method to cover up the fear deep in his heart.

"Changsheng! We missed it, you are not his opponent, go back to the ancestral land!"

At this time, the ancestors of the Qingqiu fox clan transmitted their spiritual thoughts, and they also felt the extraordinary power of that power.

There is an extremely terrifying power deep in Su Changge, which even surpasses what they have seen and heard, and is completely independent of their cognitive world!

"Very well, the heavenly daughter of my family died, and now even the emperor is in extreme danger, you are really enlightened!"

Elder Bai Yu, who was the first to oppose being an enemy of Su Changge, was extremely angry at this moment.

There is no doubt that the Qingqiu Fox Clan made the most desperate choice this time!

Just provoked such a monster!

With a physique beyond their cognition, the power possessed by the forces behind him is also beyond their cognition!

"How can things go so far?"

"Recall the emperor first! No matter how strong the junior of the human race is, is it possible that he can destroy the ancestral land of my Qingqiu fox clan?"

However, Bai Changsheng did not obey his ancestor's order.

He has always been smooth sailing since his rise against the sky.

But now that his Taoist companion was beheaded by the other party, and he did nothing, but was insulted at will by the other party, how could he let it go?

"How could I not be as good as you!?"

Bai Changsheng roared loudly, as if he was trying to suppress the fear in his heart.

It even exploded with all the power to devour the holy body, turning into a tsunami of purple energy that covered the sky and roared towards Su Changge!

Wherever the purple air tsunami passes, it will devour the aura of heaven and earth and the vitality of all things, and use this to increase its own strength!

When it reached Su Changge's tens of feet, the world was filled with this huge tsunami, as if it was going to drown everything!

But Su Changge was unmoved at all, his indifferent eyes were like a calm lake.

"The impotent rage is nothing but the last struggle of the weak."

He walked slowly towards the tsunami of purple air covering the sky: "Then in the end, I will let you know."

"Why, the real Eucharist!"

Chapter 110 Looting and Devouring the Eucharist

The next moment, the majestic aura lingering around Su Changge soared into the sky!

Raise your hand and blast a palm!

A big hand reached out and grabbed Bai Changsheng. It was like a red gold mountain, capable of suppressing all enemies in the world!

Just the slight dispersal of that breath that crushed the universe made everyone tremble and sweat!

If they don't use their aura to resist this breath, their bodies will be broken by this pressure!


This blow alone was like a great sun falling into the world, but it just evaporated the tsunami of purple air in an instant, and Bai Changsheng's devouring holy body was directly suppressed by this breath!


Bai Changsheng flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and a large stream of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Just such a casual blow dispelled all his strength!

He couldn't accept it in his heart. Is the gap really that big?

"Too strong! Is the son of Changge really just a simple holy body!?" Someone said in horror.

They all knew that Bai Changsheng used his strongest strength, but was easily defeated by Su Changge.

The two are not at the same level at all!

Bai Changsheng struggled to get up, his body trembling a little.

Another divine thought passed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Longevity! Enough! Return to the ancestral land quickly!"

This voice was full of anxiety, this is the ancestor of the Qingqiu fox tribe who is most optimistic about Bai Changsheng.

The heavenly girl is dead, they can no longer lose the emperor!

The great cause of their Qingqiu Fox Clan needs the top talents of the younger generation to complete.

However, when they chose to be enemies with Su Changge.

Their great cause has long been in vain, and what awaits them is nothing but the abyss of despair.

Seeing Su Changge getting closer to Bai Changsheng.

A young Qingqiu Fox Clan Tianjiao yelled, and began to circulate a terrifying aura.

There are rocks and debris surrounding his body, forming a rock armor!

Charge towards Su Changge!

"God be careful!"

A Tianjiao of the human race shouted a reminder.

But Su Changge didn't even look at this person.


The flames of the gods shook the sky, shining on the nine heavens, and piercing through the universe!

It made the world brighter, as if the sun, moon and stars were dimmed!

Then the infinite flame was connected to the sky, spinning and boiling continuously, and when it finally returned to calm, the figure of the Fox Clan Tianjiao had long been lost.

Only the magma melted by the flames was left in place!


Some of the fox tribe's geniuses who were about to go along with the action were even more frightened by this scene, and they retreated unconsciously.

This Tianjiao is the well-known defense force of their Qingqiu Fox Clan, and can even resist the power of the earth and turn it into a solid rock armor.

But it was melted casually by such a blow?




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