However, he didn't ask too much, after all, his teacher's work was always unpredictable.


At the same time, in an ancient bluestone square on Tianji Island.


The strong power of time permeates this place, and it even constructs a magic circle that exudes bright blue light.

Every time the magic circle rotates, the space will tremble slightly until the obscure inscription on it is fully manifested.

Ripples appeared in the space, and the stars of martial arts emerged from it, slowly forming phantoms one by one.

It wasn't until these areas were solidified that it could be seen that these people were the arrogance of the many human races led by Su Changge.

Gu Ling'er's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her hazy eyes.

"This is..."

She braced herself to get up, but the chaos in her mind made her physically and mentally exhausted.

Suddenly, she caught sight of a figure in white in the center of the circle.

There is a golden light rain fluttering around him, like the center of the sky and the earth, and the aura between the sky and the earth is actively approaching him.

The divine light is radiant, transcendent and refined, like a banished immortal walking from nine days away.

She rubbed her eyes: "Is this a fairy?...So I have already entered the world after death..."

Gu Ling'er felt a little disappointed, she shouldn't have believed in that human race, she didn't expect that she would die for no apparent reason.

The freedom she longs for...

She longs for the outside world...

Is it an illusion after all?

"How long are you going to lie on the ground?"

Suddenly, the white-clothed figure spoke.

Gu Linger was taken aback, "What is this voice?"

As her consciousness gradually became clearer, it was only in time that she could see the scene in front of her clearly.

Here the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the trees are overgrown, and it is full of strong vitality.

This breath even made her feel refreshed, this is... the breath of freedom!

Unexpectedly, after falling asleep, she actually reached the Three Thousand Dao Realm that was in her heart!

Seeing Gu Linger's ecstatic look, Su Changge's hair was black.

He was obviously fine in the turbulent flow of time, but why did his IQ drop after he came out?

How can you help him with such a fool?

Su Changge waited here for a while.

Not long after, Ye Lintian, Mu Yanxi, and many holy sons and daughters of Guiyuan Holy Land also appeared here through the teleportation circle.

"Everyone, long time no see."

Su Changge smiled lightly, and said loudly to everyone in Guiyuan Holy Land.

It is enough that the people he is familiar with have not fallen into the turbulent flow of time, the road is long, opportunities and crises coexist, and peace is blessing.

"Lord God Son!"

After seeing Su Changge's figure, Yun Xinyan's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened.

She always felt more at ease by Su Changge's side!

"Senior Brother Su, long time no see, Senior Brother, you seem to have become stronger."

Ye Lintian also walked over and said with a smile.

As the owner of double pupils, he is extremely sensitive to perceive the breath of the holy body.

If Su Changge was an abyss before, just looking at it would make people creepy.

But now Su Changge is a bottomless cosmic black hole, he doesn't even need to look at him, just getting close to him, his soul is trembling violently!

That is an extremely dangerous breath!

"Junior Brother Ye will gain something if he wants to come, how about learning from each other?" Su Changge asked with a smile.

This made Ye Lintian tremble even more!

Learn from each other?

He did get some opportunities in the turbulent flow of time, but he asked himself, facing the monster Su Changge, he felt a little scared in his heart!

He has also traveled to many star fields outside, but it can be said that at present, Su Changge is the most perverted one he has encountered, bar none!

Just that body breath can completely suppress it, and now I don't know what heaven-defying opportunity, the breath has become more terrifying than before.

Beating him is not a father beating his son?

"Cough, cough... Senior Brother Su, don't praise me..."

He turned his gaze to Gu Ling'er behind Su Changge, "Senior brother, is this...?"

Ye Lintian had noticed Gu Ling'er behind Su Changge before.

She has black hair like a waterfall, and there seems to be a monstrous devilish energy deep in her pitch-black eyes.

Just looking at it, it makes the soul feel a little cold!

As if feeling Ye Lintian's helplessness, Su Changge shook his head and smiled, not wanting to make Ye Lintian's downfall really difficult.

"Forgot to introduce it to everyone."

"This is Gu Ling'er, the Young Priest of the Time Remnant Clan, the Ancient Demon Clan. She will practice with us in the future."

"Young Priest of the Ancient Demon Clan, Gu Linger, I have met fellow Taoists."

Gu Ling'er showed a lack of interest and didn't respond.

As far as she is concerned, perhaps only this Ye Lintian can compete with her now, as for Su Changge...

Too strong, no reference!

As if sensing Gu Linger's thoughts, Su Changge withdrew his gaze and cast a casual glance at Gu Linger.

This made Gu Linger shudder even more!

Those cold eyes seemed to make her face a supreme god, and a wave of fear was set off in her heart!

"You fellow Taoists, just call me Ling'er!"

As he said that, Gu Linger bowed deeply to the people in Guiyuan Holy Land: "I'm new here, please forgive me fellow daoists!"

Gu Ling'er, who was originally aloof and aloof like a queen, greeted everyone obediently like a kitten!

There is no way, I have to bow my head under the eaves!

She really can't beat the monster Su Changge!

And the faces of many Guiyuan Holy Land disciples who watched this scene were full of admiration!

"The Son of God is invincible! Even the timeless family can submit to the Son of God. I don't think those ancient arrogances of dusty forces are the opponents of the Son of God!"

"Of course! The Son of God must be the one who suppresses the great world!"

Many of them didn't know that the ancestors of the bereaved family were once the creatures of the fairyland at this time.

But a race that can reproduce in the turbulent flow of time is definitely not easy!

But even the proud of such a powerful race is the son of God who surrendered to their holy land!

And those human arrogance brought out by Su Changge also looked longingly in the direction of Guiyuan Holy Land.

Although they have forgotten the memory of that stalwart figure.

But I can still remember Su Changge's heroic demeanor of suppressing those Qingqiu fox tribe's arrogance.

Destroy the goddess, kill the emperor!

When you raise your hand, the group's arrogance falls!

How can this not make them yearn for new life?

"Can I leave the sect and join Guiyuan Holy Land now?"

"What? You actually want to leave the sect?"

The senior brother of Tianjiao asked angrily when he heard the words: "The sect has trained you for so many years, but you actually want to defect from the sect because of the son of Changge?"

"Ah... no... Brother, don't..."

But he didn't wait for the man to explain.

His senior brother changed the subject.

"Me too!"

This made everyone almost tremble, this senior brother, really...

What a timekeeper!

With such a powerful Son of God in Guiyuan Holy Land, it can be said that the future is limitless!

"Oh, but to suppress a degenerate race, dare to say that the other party can compare with us?"

"I'm not afraid that the higher the promotion, the worse the fall!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded at this moment.

A teleportation rune seemed to come from heaven, suddenly descending on this world.

The void split open even more abruptly, and a young figure walked out of it slowly.

His aura is strong, and dragon energy roars all over his body, as if a terrifying real dragon is manifesting around him!

Just the majestic aura that emanates makes people feel palpitations!

A Tianjiao reacted and said in horror: "It's the dusty Tianjiao of Dragon God Island, Long Batian!"

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