The white-clothed figure was even more enveloped by a mass of aura light, and disappeared without a trace!

"Hiss... with such a powerful force, I'm afraid Su Changge is in danger!"

Some Tianjiao who didn't understand Su Changge's strength sighed.

This force is too strong, and these contemporary young people can only do nothing to face this force!

However, many disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land, like Su Changge, had the same calm expressions, as if everything was expected.

There are thousands of avenues, and invincibility is the most.

But in their view, there is only one person who has reached this ultimate path.

Returning to Yuan Holy Land God Son, Su Changge!

Chapter 116 One blow breaks the dragon Batian, let's go together, Wanlong Shatian formation


But at this moment, a violent roar resounded through the world.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the sky shook.

Suddenly, a divine light exploded in the land ravaged by dragon energy, and a figure in white clothes slowly emerged.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and everyone saw the figure clearly again.

There was a hint of a smile in the indifferent eyes, as if a kind of disdain.

Even though he was under such a powerful attack, there was not even a speck of dust on his robe, and his white clothes were still better than snow.

"It's half a catty."

Su Changge stood with his hands behind his back, but said indifferently.

This made Long Batian feel a strong sense of shame while being horrified.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Did you use some secret treasure to block my attack?"

This is the only possibility that Long Batian thought of. Logically speaking, how could his attack be resolved by the opponent so lightly?

"Heh...then you can try again."

After Su Changge said a word, a bright light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

He turned his palm into a fist, the blood in his body roared, and hundreds of millions of glow particles of the Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Strength covered his fist.

Just the power of qi and blood alone can make the void tremble and roar!


A soaring fist light dazzles the world, as if it has the power to suppress the world!

"Not good... this power..."

"Dragon King Bodyguard!"

Long Batian felt the strength of this force, and without any hesitation, he directly used the secret defense technique of Longshen Island.

A golden real dragon descended from the void in an instant, and even coiled in the void to form a huge dragon shield.

The golden dragon scales exude a shining divine light, which looks like the sturdy scale armor on the dragon shield.


Endless bursts of radiance are surging waves of mana!

There was actually a jaw-dropping sound of broken bones!

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew out of it in embarrassment, and even rolled on the ground several times!

With just one blow, half of Long Batian, who claims to be physically gifted, was already torn apart!

His eyes were wide open at the moment, he was shocked and at the same time a little dazed, he couldn't care less about the pain in his body.

what happened?

Why is Su Changge's body as strong as iron?

Why is that power of qi and blood far superior to him?

Their dragon race is known as the best in body, but why can't they compare with a human race?

Su Changge walked slowly towards Long Batian who was lying on the ground.

There was a touch of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Is this the body you are so proud of?"

"Su Changge!"

Long Batian roared angrily, his eyes were eager to tear Su Changge to pieces!

"Master Batian is right, you must have used some secret treasure to block Lord Batian's attack!"

"That's right! With Lord Batian's strength, how could he be defeated so easily? It must be some kind of conspiracy by your human race!"

Seeing that his boss was in such a mess, some of the monster clan's arrogance who followed Long Batian stood up at this moment, wanting to save some face for Long Batian.

"Presumptuous! I return to the Divine Son of the Yuan Holy Land, how can you young people criticize me?!"

Ye Lintian stepped forward with one step, his hair fluttering, and there was a breathtaking aura flowing in his eyes.

A sacred, supreme coercion shrouded this world!

As the first holy son of Guiyuan Holy Land, he was once defeated by Su Changge. In fact, he had already recognized Su Changge's strength and identity in his heart.

Now someone wants to pour dirty water on Su Changge, so he naturally doesn't agree!

Yun Xinyan and Gu Ling'er also stepped forward, as if there was a chill in their cold eyes.

"Master Shenzi, is it something you ants can criticize!?"

Seeing this scene, the faces of many Tianjiao who followed Long Batian were somewhat ugly.

Needless to say, Gu Linger and Yun Xinyan.

Ye Lintian alone could sweep them across a large area, and if there was a real fight, they wouldn't be able to take advantage of it.

But at this moment Su Changge spoke.

"As the mud legs of Long Batian, there is no doubt that you are qualified."

"That's why I, the Son of God, also give you a chance."

Su Changge stretched out his finger, and pointed around the many arrogances who followed Long Batian.

"Come on, you can bring your Lord Batian together."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar.

Su Changge actually wants to challenge so many people again?

They had heard before that Su Changge often fought with one enemy, and even crushed him.

But among the Tianjiao who followed Long Batian, there are also some ancient Tianjiao. Although they are not freaks, their strength should not be underestimated.

What's more, the young Tianjiao who can cultivate to the state of great power at such a young age, all of them have talents that are one in a million.

In this way, it is a bit reckless to many people to fight against the few.

Long Batian's face was even more gloomy, every action of Su Changge was to insult him.

But what annoyed him the most was that there was nothing he could do about it!

But remembering all the humiliations before, he finally restrained his arrogance.

Although it would be shameless to besiege a person, he just wanted to tear Su Changge apart as soon as possible. As for morality and arrogance?

He couldn't care less now!

"Since Changge Shenzi said so, don't blame me!"

Long Batian said with a sinister smile, "Where are the six sons and daughters of the dragon?"

After the words fell, six figures suddenly jumped out of the crowd.

There are men and women, and they look young.

But what is surprising is that these six men and women all have a majestic dragon spirit.

Their aura just stood there, as if they could connect with each other and form a whole!

"My lord please give me instructions!"

Due to the blood of the Heavenly Tyrannosaurus, Long Batian's physique has extremely strong resilience.

His shattered body had already recovered half, but his breath was still a little weak.

"Since the son of Changge said so."

"Go, let him experience my Dragon Clan's Ten Thousand Dragons and Heavenly Fiend Formation!"


The eyes of the six dragon sons and daughters are extremely indifferent, and their whole bodies are full of fighting spirit.


They burst out with incomparably powerful cultivation in an instant, and a mysterious aura was revealed in their bodies, connecting them with each other to form a whole.

In the void, there are golden ancient characters manifesting one by one, and with the rise of the inscriptions, a shining formation is constructed!

Among them, there seemed to be countless dragon auras that turned into dragon shadows roaring and roaring in it.

The secret technique of Shenlong Island, the formation of ten thousand dragons and heavenly demons!

Chapter 117 Breaking the array, wasting the time of the Son of God, dangerous


The bright magic circle is like a natural formation, and the space seems to be imprisoned layer by layer.

The rune formations all over the sky rose and manifested, and there were even dark vortexes twisting and spinning in the void.

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