Tianzi Yin's icy voice resounded through the world, and asked Su Changge.

But Su Changge's eyes were still dim, and he knew the reason when he saw the ghostly aura lingering on his body.

It seems that his punch at the beginning made him very painful!

The one who couldn't wait jumped out and wanted to tear down his own platform.

Thinking of this, Su Changge sneered and said, "So what if it is true or not?"

"I crushed an ant, why did I need to explain to you?"

The people who heard the words gasped even more!

Really domineering!

Really tough!

They knew that Emperor Yin had jumped out on purpose to refute Su Changge's face, but Su Changge's words even compared Emperor Yin to an ant.

What is the identity of Son of Heaven?

The Supreme Being of the Prison God Palace, in terms of his status, is not much different from Su Changge, but he is so insulted in public!

Sure enough, Tianzi Yin's complexion turned cold instantly!

Standing behind him, Tianjiao, known as the Seven Great Ghost Kings of the younger generation, was also eager to protect the Lord.

At this moment, he also jumped out and shouted: "Presumptuous! How dare you insult the Son of Heaven like this, Su Changge, don't you know any rules!?"

"It's ridiculous, I, the Son of God of Guiyuan Holy Land, need to obey the rules of you ants?"


But at this moment, a terrifying sound like thunder suddenly sounded above the sky.

A space channel suddenly split open, and an extremely powerful coercion came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, huge ancient chariots rumbled through the void and hovered in the sky.

On the chariot, a banner fluttered in the wind, with two ancient characters written on it - Guiyuan!

There is an old and immortal atmosphere in the simple characters.

Afterwards, all kinds of monsters that covered the sky and covered the sky with overwhelming momentum exuded a wild and ancient atmosphere.

"This...this is..."

"so horrible!"

"It's Guiyuan Holy Land!"

"It's really a great skill to directly open up a space channel of hundreds of millions of miles to come here!"

Countless monks were shocked, this power is really terrifying!

More young disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land appeared above Kunlun Mountain.

The ancient warship was stained with blood and all kinds of sword marks, as if it had been fighting all the way from ancient times.

The young people standing on top of the warship all had an innate aloof self-confidence. Although they didn't show it deliberately, they had a completely different feeling from the monks below.

This is absolute self-confidence, and this is deep confidence.

Behind the warship, the aura of each wild ancient beast is also extremely powerful, and its armor is surrounded by brilliant brilliance, which is extremely extraordinary.

In addition, there was a slender figure sitting cross-legged in the rolling cart that looked like a divine phoenix pulling a cart, but the hazy figure alone made many young arrogances admire.

"My God! That's the former proud daughter of Guiyuan Holy Land, a generation of supreme, Bi Qingxia, with the body of a god king!"

"I once fought against the eldest princess of the first dynasty of Nanxuan Daoyu for a day and a night, and finally suppressed her!"

"The man on the white jade chariot...why does it give me a sense of antiquity and vastness?"

"Idiot! That's the dust-laden supreme of the Guiyuan Holy Land, Li Haotian!"

Someone exclaimed again: "The owner of the ancient holy body once dominated an era, and countless young strong men were even more eclipsed in his era!"

The entire Immortal Ancient World was boiling, and the people of Guiyuan Holy Land who suddenly appeared from the void passage made their hearts jump!

Chapter 151 The four great saints gather together, willing to go through fire and water for the Son of God, and the Goddess's night visit is mooted?

"The ancient holy body Li Haotian, the god king body Bi Qingxia, the ancient double pupil Ye Lintian, and the innate holy body Dao embryo Su Changge! All four holy bodies are gathered!"

"Then there are a few of them who have the same powerful aura, not even weaker than the holy body!"

This made them even more shocked and a little scared at the same time.

Such a powerful force can be said to have walked sideways after entering Kunlun Shenshan!

In the face of this powerful force, even a dragon has to coil up and a tiger has to lie down!

Of course, what they don't know is that Su Changge alone is far more than the innate sacramental body and dao embryo!

"I have seen the Son of God!"

Many young Tianjiao floating in the sky looked excited and saluted the figure in white clothes below.

Some of them just woke up from the dust. Although this was the first time they saw Su Changge, they heard many legends about Su Changge when they woke up.

Innate Eucharist Dao Embryo, the first of the top ten Eucharist.

Break the eternal record and achieve the Ten Purple Mansion.

It even shattered the Tianji Tower with one punch.

In the immortal battle, he slashed countless arrogances with his sword.

With the advent of the golden world, it is still easy to suppress the ancient freaks.

It is also known as the chief of the contemporary young generation, a taboo-like existence for young people!

"Li Haotian, I have met the Son of God!"

"Bi Qingxia, I have met the Son of God!"

Li Haotian and Bi Qingxia also saluted, and then Qiqi looked at each other with horror.

"Even the Supreme Elder with a high level of cultivation does not have such a natural and consistent level of demeanor in his Taoism!"

"Besides, the aura he exudes is like facing an endless abyss, which makes people feel unfathomable!"

Moreover, both of them are holy bodies, and they have the same perception of breath as Ye Lintian.

Su Changge gave them the feeling that it was not just a simple innate sacramental body, but even stronger and more mysterious.


There was dead silence around, and the faces of the people watching this scene were even more ugly. They thought that these two great saints would dissatisfy Su Changge.

Looking at the current situation, it can be said that it is extremely harmonious, and there is even a faint feeling that Su Changge is the leader!

In fact, it wasn't that the two great saints had no arrogance. For example, Ye Lintian, as the owner of the ancient double pupil, was not much different from them, but he was also defeated by Su Changge.

This strength is enough to get their approval.

At this time, Bi Qingxia took a step forward.

Her figure is graceful and graceful, her eyes are like a dream, her long golden hair looks like a golden galaxy, and there is a golden lotus mark between her eyebrows, which makes her look extraordinarily dignified and fierce.

At this time, his eyes were respectful, and he cupped his hands towards Su Changge and said, "My lord, this time I return to the Yuan Holy Land with a total of 560 five Tianjiao participating, half of them are in the Great Power Consummation Realm, and the lowest is in the early stage of the Great Power Realm. There are 24 people between me and me.”

"This trip to Kunlun Shenshan, I am willing to wait for the Son of God to dispatch me, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Walk through fire and water, do whatever you want!"

"Walk through fire and water, do whatever you want!"

"Walk through fire and water, do whatever you want!"


Countless Tianjiao disciples who returned to the Yuan Holy Land on the sky shouted together, the shouts shook the sky, stirred up the wind and clouds, and shocked the gods!

Guiyuan Holy Land's move is more like a demonstration.

But the effect is remarkable, like a spear piercing deeply into the hearts of all the Tianjiao present!




All kinds of complex emotions linger in their hearts!

Not to mention the aborigines of the Immortal Ancient World, even the disciples of the Immortal Great Sect in the Three Thousand Dao Domain trembled a little!

"Which ants dared to speak insultingly to my son of the Holy Land just now?"

"Get out of here!"

Li Haotian yelled again, his voice spread like a huge sound wave in all directions!

Some people with weaker cultivation bases trembled because of this voice, and their hearts were even more frightened!

But the direction of the Prison God Palace was silent, and their expressions were equally ugly.

The four great saints!

There are also many powerful young supreme beings, ancient freaks.

Who is not afraid of death and dares to provoke?

"Forget it, Brother Li, they are just a bunch of clowns who can't get on the stage, why bother with them?"

"Let's go, let's discuss this matter about the Kunlun Mountain."

Su Changge smiled and shook his head, not caring about it at all.

Let these little leeks enjoy the comfort before the "hunting" has not started.


Looking at the mighty army heading to the Guiyuan Holy Land stationed in the distance.

The hearts of many Tianjiao are extremely heavy.

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