Accompanied by this indifferent and domineering voice, a giant hand that covers the sky and imprinted with endless runes came down from mid-air!

This seems to be a verdict from the heavens, intending to kill all spirits and destroy all things!

"That is……"

Everyone's face was terrified, and their hearts trembled.

The boundless and terrifying giant hand covering the sky erupted with a bright golden light, like the hand of God, it erupted with a powerful aura and moved towards the two people on the Heavenly Demon Mountain to suppress them!

"Which one who is not afraid of death dares to shoot at me!?"

Xiong Qi reacted, clenched his big hand into a fist, surging with blood, and punched the big hand that covered the sky.

However, at the moment of contact, Xiong Qi's complexion changed drastically. Their clan has always been proud of Haotian's divine power, but this power made him feel a sense of insignificance, like a weight of ten thousand catties!

The blow I made was completely like a small stone bullet on a sacred mountain!

This shocked Xiong Qi's expression even more!


The giant hand suppressed it!

Just the aftermath caused the ground to collapse, rocks pierced through the sky, and the sky trembled!

This scene stunned everyone. With just one move, they defeated the ancient demon clan in the Heavenly Demon God Mountain?

"Xiong Qi!?"

Kunpengzi was also frightened, who on earth hit such a terrifying palm?

If Xiong Qi heard this, he would vomit blood angrily, and even scold Kunpengzi for being shameless.

Originally, they were able to resist Su Changge's palm together, but Kunpengzi, the sixth child, ran away by himself!

Are you still worrying about your own safety now?

It's really sinister!

"Xiong Qi? It's a good name."

"Unfortunately, I can't stand up today."

In the astonished and awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, a hazy figure dressed in white paced forward, as if stepping on the nodes of heaven and earth.

The proud and indifferent face is like a god coming to heaven and earth, overlooking the ants in the world.

This figure is too dusty, too supreme.

In particular, the young supreme beings who returned to the Yuan Holy Land all around him seemed to be accompanied by immortals and gods.

The ancient sacred body, Li Haotian.

The ancient double pupil, Ye Lintian.

The king of the gods has a green body and a clear glow.

Innate Eucharist Dao Embryo, Su Changge.

The four saints of Guiyuan Holy Land gathered again.

Everyone looked at this scene with unprecedented shock and shock in their eyes!

"I feel that these people in Guiyuan Holy Land have become stronger. They must have obtained other opportunities in Kunlun Shenshan!"

Many young Tianjiao looked terrified and trembled in their hearts.

This force enough to sweep the Kunlun Mountain has arrived again!

"God's Son of Guiyuan Holy Land, Su Changge?!"

Kunpengzi also looked shocked. Although he had just woken up not long ago, he had heard many rumors about Su Changge.

But as the arrogant of the Heavenly Demon Mountain, he has always looked down on the human race. Until I saw Su Changge himself, there was a wave of fear in his heart.

This human is much stronger than he imagined!

And besides him, there are also three great saints!

"Damn it, I didn't expect the rumors to be true. Find a way to pass this news back to Tianyao Shenshan."

Kunpengzi thought in his heart, he came here firstly to achieve the status of saint, and secondly to inquire about the information of Guiyuan Holy Land.

After all, their Heavenly Demon Mountain and Guiyuan Holy Land also have a relatively large relationship, and the Heavenly Demon Mountain has just been born, and they also need to spy on some new information.

"The god son of Guiyuan Holy Land is also playing sneak attack?"

boom! !

In the place previously suppressed by Su Changge, a gust of wind blew away the rubble and dust.

Xiong Qi's figure stepped out of it slowly, his whole body was surrounded by a raging monster aura, his face was a bit ferocious, he himself, the majestic pride of the Heavenly Demon God Mountain, was casually patted down by the human race?

But what he didn't know was that after Su Changge devoured the heavenly overlord's body and the heavenly overlord's bloodline, his physical strength had far exceeded what this world could comprehend.

Not to mention the majestic blood in his body, the current him can be said to be able to suppress ordinary ancient freaks casually.

"I thought it was a thin dog, but it turns out it can still grow up."

Su Changge said that the entire Kunlun Mountain was quiet.

Everyone's expressions seemed to freeze.

What Xiong Qi said earlier meant some mockery and contempt.

But what Su Changge said is a blatant insult to the other party's dignity, right?

"If you don't understand, just ask, what is a thin dog? Isn't Xiong Qi a bear? Why does God Son Changge say that the other party is a thin dog?"

"It should be to describe the opponent's strength is very thin?"


A Tianjiao couldn't hold back anymore.

"Small dog is not a mental or even physical insult. It is like the place where men come from. It is described as..."

"Combined with the homonym of Xiong Qi, I'm afraid you will know what it means."

The Tianjiao's words seemed to awaken the dreamer.

Everyone knows it.

I have to say that these words are not very lethal, but extremely insulting!

"What did you say?!"

"You actually call me a dog?"

As the arrogant of the Heavenly Demon God Mountain, even the ancient monsters of the Yaozu would salute and bow to him when they saw him, but today he was met with such insult and contempt!


Xiong Qi's monster power surged and burst out, and his heart was full of murderous intent and anger.

The right hand transformed into a huge and sharp bear claw and swung it down towards Su Changge in an instant!

However, Su Changge is not afraid at all, so what if the current him confronts the ancient monster head-to-head with his body?

There is also mana circulating in the palm of his hand, and in an instant, it is like an eternal river rushing out.

While the aura surged, the earth-shattering world trembled because of him.

"Is this really an attack that can be launched by the Almighty Realm?"

It's obviously not the cultivation level of a saint, but the burst of aura even exceeds the full strength of some saints!

This stalwart aura made everyone feel a little numb. Now that they have the power to surpass a saint, how terrifying would it be if they broke through to a saint?

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle!


The big hand collided violently with the bear claw.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the wind and clouds shook!

Xiong Qi didn't use all his strength to stimulate his physical body before, but now that he is fighting Su Changge, he has completely activated the power of blood in his body.

The supernatural giant bear can break the sky, break the sea, and destroy the earth. The ultimate physical body combined with its tough bones is extremely powerful.

Even its powerful physical body is not inferior to the ancient dragons.

But now that the two are handing over fists, Su Changge's single punch can make Xiong Qi's expression change.


The terrifying countershock force exploded!

Xiong Qi's figure burst back again and again, his powerful and powerful arms creaked, as if being crushed by a huge force.

This made everyone even more horrified and gasped.

"Xiong Qi, whose body is comparable to that of the ancient dragon clan, has fallen into a disadvantage?"

"Oh my god! How powerful is Changge Shenzi's physical body?"

Many exclamations sounded, and even some ancient tires of other forces jumped out of the corners of their eyes.

Su Changge's physical strength, just a single punch made the void faintly distort!

Xiong Qi also took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling slightly.

If his own bones were not strong enough, just that punch would have dislocated his arm!

Chapter 162 Climbing to the highest peak, being the most ruthless child of God

"This Su Changge is actually stronger than the rumors!"

Xiong Qi didn't dare to be careless, and urged all the power of his own blood, the roar of weeping blood could be heard endlessly, and his extreme physical body showed his terrifying power.

He stepped on both feet and shot out like a meteor, and the ground was rumbled by the strong impact of his feet.

With unparalleled force between the fists, it smashed towards Su Changge fiercely.

Su Changge's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't take a step back.

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