...! !

This made the originally confused people startled and felt extremely fearful at the same time.

"Absorbed by Su Changge?"

"This is the World Extinguishing God Thunder! It was absorbed so easily?"

They don't understand, what kind of monster is this Su Changge?

"I can only say that the taste is barely okay."

Su Changge smiled slightly: "Is there any more? I haven't had my fill yet."


Dead silence, dead silence!

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the figure in white.


Is this what people say?


"very good."

The huge eyeball just uttered three words.

But the sense of oppression is even more terrifying, and this power makes everyone fear even more.

Even Luo Yanyu felt a breath of death.

She is really worried about Su Changge now, because Su Changge really irritated this eyeball!

Sure enough, in the next moment.

More and more laws of destruction interweave and form on the huge eyeball.

The divine thunder on the sky covered thousands of miles.

Perhaps outside of Kunlun Mountain, even the world of Immortal Valley here is flooded by endless thunder.

This anger and thunder seemed to destroy the world, as if all creatures in the world would disappear in smoke in front of this huge anger!

Just when this huge eye of the sky is about to burst out with more powerful destructive power.

But there was a cold snort resounding in its consciousness like an endless river of time.

"The Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors? What a majesty!"

"Are you targeting my Son of the Holy Land, do you want to make a complete enemy of my Guiyuan Holy Land?"

Chapter 173 The existence of breaking the rules, the heavens are my enemy?then hunt the heavens

The appearance of this voice stunned Tianyan, who was gathering the power of destruction.

"The ancestor of Guiyuan Holy Land?"

Although their Tiandao Supervisor Alliance is also afraid of returning to the Yuan Holy Land, this matter cannot be compromised.

Su Changge has become an anomaly that breaks the rules, an existence that is absolutely not allowed by the Dao of Heaven.

"He is not allowed to exist in the long river of fate, and returning to the Yuan Holy Land is completely against the will of heaven!"

"Hehe... Even if it is the way of heaven in the fairyland, I am not afraid, let alone the way of heaven in the lower realm?"


Tianyan was a little angry, "Don't you really dare to smash these three thousand Dao domains!?"

"How important is the Three Thousand Dao Domain? You also know in your heart that the appearance of such existence will only break the balance since ancient times!"


The ancestor of Guiyuan Holy Land sneered: "This is just the rule of your dimension order. Although the Three Thousand Dao Domain is important, it is not the only one. So what if it is really broken?"

"Although it takes countless time and effort, I can still open up a new Dao Domain from the original place."

"Changge is the only hope we have been looking forward to for countless epochs. It is also his ability to become an existence that breaks the rules!"

"No matter what kind of monsters appear in the younger generation, no matter what kind of youth taboos appear, this is also the path that Changge has taken."

"However, if you older generations dare to intervene, what's wrong with ruining this day!?"


As these words fell, a more terrifying aura permeated the world.

This breath has far surpassed the sub-world, and only exists in the endless river of time. The richness is the law of destruction that can turn everything into nothingness!

"Good good!"

"What a Guiyuan Holy Land!"

Tianyan was extremely angry, why didn't he know that Guiyuan Holy Land was threatening him?

But the most important thing is that he has nothing to do!

It really angered Guiyuan Holy Land and they might really be able to do such a thing.

In all kinds of thoughts, Tianyan gradually calmed down the previous destructive power under the unwillingness and anger.

At the same time, Kunlun Mountain.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the thunder that was originally thick and full of destruction is slowly disintegrating and disappearing!

"This... What's the situation? The power that was so great before is gone now?"

Everyone was a little puzzled, the aura of destruction just now was too terrifying!

That destructive force came with the will to kill Su Changge completely, but it disappeared suddenly after condensing such a large force.

This really confuses them.

The huge sky eyes stared at Su Changge coldly. This feeling of being able to only see but not move made him extremely aggrieved.

Since the birth of the Three Thousand Dao Domain, this was the first time he was so aggrieved!

Suddenly, another piece of information was passed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

This information turned his original anger into horror!

"Tiandao Thirteen Round Table actually adopted this method?"

The Tiandao Thirteen Round Table is the highest decision-making body of the Tiandao Supervision Alliance, and any decision can change the long history of the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

He didn't think much, and looked at the young man in white coldly.

The Tiandao Supervisors Alliance has been established for an unknown number of epochs, and now it uses such means for a junior.

I don't know if it is really down, or this Su Changge is too scary.

The sound like divine punishment resounded through the heaven and earth again, and a strong breath of heaven was permeated in the sky and earth.

"Eternal odd numbers turned out, this is the most unstable cause and effect in the Three Thousand Dao Realm."

"My Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors swears by the Dao of Heaven that the four sons of the Dao of Heaven will be born out of thin air, and they will destroy the strange numbers of all ages!"

These words made the people who were already in a state of bewilderment even more bewildered.

"What is the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors?"

"What is the eternal odd number?"

However, the face of another Tianjiao was pale, "The Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors? Is it true or not? Is the record in the ancient books true?"

"What is recorded in ancient books? Can you not be tricky?"

Some Tianjiao showed doubts and asked the pale Tianjiao.

The Tianjiao pondered for a while, as if he had just recovered, he murmured: "The Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors, I only heard one of the ancestors in the sect mention it, as the name suggests, they are the orderers of the Heavenly Dao ,supervisor."

"If the world appears and breaks the existence of the so-called balance, the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance will take a strong shot to kill it."

Everyone gasped when they heard the words.

Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors, isn't that related to the supreme Heavenly Dao?

He is actually the orderer and supervisor of the Dao of Heaven, so how powerful is it?

And this so-called existence of breaking the rules, this is again...

At this moment, that stalwart voice echoed in the world again.

"If there is someone capable of destroying Su Changge, the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors hereby swear that there is no need for competition in the Emperor's Road, and our Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors will reward another lifetime of destiny!"


After the dead silence, it was even more boiling!

"One life's destiny! That is the existence of proving the Tao and becoming an emperor!"

"Rewarding the destiny of another life, doesn't that mean that there will be two great emperors in this life?"

"Is your focus wrong? He said that he doesn't need to participate in the land competition, but he can directly become the emperor!"


This sudden news made all the monks fall into madness.

Destiny is the highest ideal in the hearts of all monks in the three thousand realms.

Step on the emperor's road, seize the destiny, and prove the emperor.

One will be successful, and the bones will be dry, let alone the road of the emperor?The bloodiness of Dilu is self-evident.

But now, as long as they kill Su Changge, they can get the fate of a lifetime. How much time will this save them?

Some monks who were originally full of fear of Su Changge now had fiery faces, and the greed in their eyes turned into substance.

Tianyan finally glanced at Su Changge with some sarcasm.

"I want to see how this person who dares to break the rules is capable of facing my Son of Heaven."

"Now I hope you don't die so soon."

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