"Changge is still inheriting the opportunity in the Bronze Temple, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while."

"It doesn't matter, if the bronze temple doesn't release the long song, it will be smashed at worst."

An ancient ancestor on the bronze platform spoke lightly.

If other people know, I'm afraid their jaws will drop.

The Bronze Temple is one of the six great miracles, and it actually said it was going to be smashed!

Is that human being?

The Patriarch Pojun said coldly: "Shenlong Island and Tianshan Sect have frequently mobilized their troops recently, and I think they can't sit still."

"The Zhenhuang Cave is also ready to move, presumably waiting for the complete awakening of the Heavenly Demon Mountain."

"The Devil God Abyss and the Hell God Palace are also restless. I'm afraid they have been secretly connected with several major forces."

Ba Cang Patriarch snorted coldly when he heard the words, his eyes were full of disdain.

"This group of things that are not afraid of death, do they really think I am returning to the Yuan Holy Land, or are they the original honest people?"

"Since they already have the idea of ​​threatening my son of the Holy Land, then just kill them!"

Patriarch Jianxin, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

The sword intent rising in the eyes seems to be able to shatter the heavens.

"Do you need me to go to their ancestral land?"

"No need, if you make a move, the Dao Thirteen round table may not be able to sit still at all that day."

An ancient ancestor said lightly: "Today's three thousand Dao domains are too fragile, and opening the emperor's war is the limit."

"If a more powerful existence intervenes, there must be no need for these three thousand realms to exist."

"Since these short-sighted juniors like to dance, let's crush them to death."

"Pojun, how is the matter I asked you to do?"

The Pojun Patriarch bowed and said, "Gu Patriarch, follow your instructions."

"Among them, Emperor Zhan led four powerful emperors to come to Dragon God Island."

"Emperor Baizhan led four great emperors and powerhouses to come to Tianshan Sect."

"Emperor Huangtian and Empress Xuanyu lead the six great emperors and powerhouses to wait in secret. If other forces dare to intervene, they will be destroyed in one fell swoop."

"Very good, since the other party already wants to fight with me in Guiyuan Holy Land."

Gu Zu's tone was light: "Then let's start this battle."

"Sacrifice the drums of war in the heavens."


The Patriarch Pojun held up the battle drums of the heavens and flew into the void.

A voice spread through countless Dao domains like a big Lu Hongzhong.

This time he didn't have much.

"Dragon God Island, the Tianshan Sect, is ready to challenge me to return to the Yuan Holy Land."

"Then today, I will return to Yuan Holy Land, and I will announce it."

"Start the immortal battle!"

Boom boom boom!

The sound of fighting in the heavens was played for the second time.

The bursts of killing and attack oppressed the world, and thick dark clouds covered the nine heavens.

The hurricane suddenly rises, and the situation changes.

After a few breaths of time.

A roar came from Dragon God Island and Tianshan Sect.



"I'd like to see, Guiyuan Holy Land, how can you dare to launch an immortal war with us!"

Longshen Island and Tianshan Sect, whose schemes were discovered, simply stopped pretending.

Now with the secret help of the other two major forces.

What are they afraid of?

A total of eight great emperors!

Not to mention returning to the Yuan Holy Land, even the entire Beiming Dao Domain can be completely sunk and turned into powder!

They are also immortal forces handed down from generation to generation. Are they the cats and dogs that were destroyed before?

In their view, no matter how strong Guiyuan Holy Land is, it can only kill six great emperors.

Do you want to rely on these great emperors to destroy them?


too naive!

Moreover, why can their great emperor return?

That is also Guiyuan Holy Land turning a blind eye.

After all, in the extraterritorial battlefield, is there any participation of this group of trash.

They Guiyuan Holy Land can still suppress one side.

Chapter 189 The Immortal War Begins, Disasters Nine Heavens and the Universe, Two Emperors Come Out

"Returning to the Holy Land, cruel and ruthless, killing all [-] saints and Tianjiao of my Dragon God Island, this is an unshakable hatred!"

"Dragon subduing talisman, cause war!"

Following the order of the Dragon Lord, amidst the turmoil of the wind and clouds, the sky suddenly split open.

The raging dragon energy turned into a red runestone and descended from the sky.

"Dragon Talisman? This can bring back all the great emperors from the foreign battlefield!"

"It seems that Shenlong Island is planning to play for real this time."

The space was even more cracked layer by layer, and countless troops from Dragon God Island stepped out.

Swords and guns blared, killing and killing the sky.

The densely packed sergeants and dragon soldiers numbered in the millions!

But it wasn't over yet, as the space became more and more fragmented, three portals slowly formed.

There is endless brilliance rising in that portal.

Three vague figures stepped out of it slowly.

The moment the three figures stepped out of the portal, the terrifying imperial prestige swept across the sky.

The dragon aura lingering around them turned into substance, and the breath alone made the law cry and shatter.

At this moment, the entire Yaoxu Dao Domain was shaking.

"Three...three great emperors!!"

"Oh my god! Isn't the emperor always on the battlefield outside the territory? Why did the emperor of Dragon God Island come so soon?"

"Recently, Dragon God Island hasn't made any big moves. Presumably, the army has already been mobilized secretly."

"Such a sudden change, no matter how strong Guiyuan Holy Land is, it may be difficult to guard against it."

Some of the onlookers sighed in their hearts.

I have to say that Dragon God Island's surprise attack really caught people off guard.

No one expected that Dragon God Island had gathered such a large army behind its back, and brought back three great emperors.

"Has this group of stinky loaches started yet?"

"Pass it on, let the great emperor of our clan stand by, and when the time is right, give Guiyuan Holy Land a smashing blow."

The Master of the True Phoenix Cave has a cold face. The war many years ago has caused his family to suffer a devastating blow.

But today, if it is Guiyuan Holy Land, it will be able to counter the alliance between Dragon God Island and Tianshan Sect.

Then they don't make a move.

If Guiyuan Holy Land is a bit weak, then Zhenhuang Cave will join without hesitation, adding fire to the process of Guiyuan Holy Land's destruction!


The screen changed, and it was in the sacred mountain of Tianshan Sect.

"Haha...has Dragon God Island started yet?"

"Then we can't procrastinate any longer, issue the Purple Divine Edict!"


But in the direction of Tianshan Sect, endless purple air lingered.

The rising room turned into a huge purple curtain, rising into the sky like a big purple sun!

"My Tianshan Sect and Guiyuan Holy Land are inseparable!"

"Let's crusade against Guiyuan Holy Land today!"

The saints of the younger generation of Tianshan Sect were not only wiped out.

Even the bloodline of their first child, the Heavenly Overlord Body, was swallowed by Su Changge.

They are all immortal forces that have been passed down for countless epochs, how could they swallow this breath?

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