Accompanied by an exclamation from above the nine heavens.

That phantom was torn apart by the sword energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A terrifying sound came out, and the terrifying sword light directly cut into the nine heavens.

The extremely gorgeous sword, the air exploded in the void, and layers of void fragments fell from the nine heavens!

The golden phantom was instantly annihilated by the sword energy, and it completely lost its movement.

"Can you escape?"

Chu Jianxin's tone was cold.

I saw him soaring into the air, holding Fanjian high above his head.


Then he slashed in the direction where the phantom disappeared.

I saw the wind and clouds shining above the sky, and countless sword qi emerged, forming a sword light like a galaxy.

Spanning the boundless space, covering the entire heaven and earth, it seems to be able to cross the stars at will, but the wisp of sword energy emitted is like an ancient sacred mountain in the three thousand realms.

"Chu Jianxin! Do you want to make a complete enemy of my Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors!?"

I don't know if it was frightened by feeling this sword energy, but the golden phantom let out a mournful roar in the direction of escape.

However, Chu Jianxin ignored the voice.

He just slowly retracted the sword into its scabbard.

"I said, starting today."

"The Thirteen Heavenly Dao Round Table will be renamed from now on."

Boom! !

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a blazing divine light erupted from the distant horizon.

It was like a bright star exploding.

With bursts of sword energy, the tsunami swept towards the direction of the Three Thousand Dao Domain overwhelmingly.

Even some strong men in the Holy Master Realm were unable to resist, and were thrown upside down.

And the Great Emperors of the Guiyuan Holy Land hanging outside the starry sky of the universe also operated the emperor's will and turned into light curtains, which was the way to barely catch the terrifying breath.

And the aftermath of this sword energy lasted for tens of breaths of time.

When the sword energy subsided again.

Looking at the messy universe, there are pieces of star fragments floating in the starry sky.

This made the scalps of all the great emperors in Guiyuan Holy Land tingle.

"It seems that Patriarch Jianxin is still as ruthless as ever!"

"Hey! You also know Patriarch Jianxin's violent temper. It's not good for this person to provoke him. He must provoke Patriarch Jianxin."

"It's all right now, not even a complete body left."

There was a hint of sympathy on the faces of the several great emperors talking.

According to the explosion of this kind of sword energy, let alone the corpse, I am afraid that even the ashes are not left behind.

They have been cultivating for so many years, and they have seen the horror of the ancestor Jian Xin.

To be honest, people like them who have become great emperors have more or less been trained by several ancestors.

But especially this Jianxin patriarch was extremely ruthless!

In their view, this battle was without suspense from the beginning.

They have also heard about the Thirteen Heavenly Dao Round Table.

It can be said that every higher level of seats means each more sky.

This No.13 seat still looks a little too weak in front of the ancestor Jianxin.

And Chu Jianxin, who put the ordinary sword into the scabbard, once again regained a sense of returning to the ordinary.

If not everyone had seen the horror of that sword before.

I'm afraid there will be some blind people who will regard Chu Jianxin as a piece of trash.

"Changge, did you see that?"

"Just go boldly, no one in this world can bully you."

"If there is an old thing who dares to fight, then I will stand up for you. It doesn't matter if I can't beat it. We don't have many things in Guiyuan Holy Land, but there are many ancestors."

Su Changge who heard the words showed a helpless smile.

It turns out that the biggest evil force in the three thousand realms is himself?

At this time Chu Jianxin said again: "The army continued to move forward, and I collected all the training resources and all the treasure houses of Tianshan Sect, Xiaoxitian, Zhenhuang Cave, and Shenlong Island."

"If someone leaves a stitch..."

Speaking of this, Chu Jianxin's tone became even colder.

"Yes! We will live up to our ancestor's trust!"

All the troops of Guiyuan Holy Land continued to march towards the small world of several major forces.

Chu Jianxin yelled at Tianqiong again: "Beyond the starry sky, don't you do anything after fighting the Emperor's War?"

"Go and help me!"

The expressions of all the great emperors who returned to the Yuan Holy Land suddenly changed.

Good guy, watch the excitement and see yourself coming!

Hastily divided into several groups and went towards the ancestral lands of several major forces.

Empress Xuanyu on the side hurriedly took Su Changge's arm.

"Ancestor Jianxin, I will be responsible for protecting the safety of little brother Changge!"

"Don't worry about my work!"

This is Chu Jianxin's retracted gaze.

"If Changge is missing a hair, I'll ask you."

"Okay, now I'm going to visit Demon God's Abyss and Hell God's Palace."

"Why is this old ancestor?"

Su Changge asked suspiciously.

Why don't you just press it with the army?

"The Prison God's Palace and Demon God's Abyss are respectively in the Demon Realm and the Underworld Realm. The situation there is more complicated."

"If the army is driven over, some older existences may be awakened."

At this moment, Chu Jianxin sneered and said, "However, it doesn't mean they won't have to pay for this incident."

"Since the army can't make it through, then I'll go to their ancestral land in person."

Chapter 209 A Fisherman in the Flow of Time and Space

Seeing Patriarch Jianxin's meaningful sneer.

Su Changge's scalp tingled a little.

It seems that another storm is about to break out!

"Xuanyu, protect Changge well, if something happens to him, I will ask you."

After the words fell, Chu Jianxin turned into a streamer and galloped away.

Looking at the direction where Chu Jianxin was going away, Empress Xuanyu let out a long sigh of relief.

And Su Changge also discovered this scene, and said with a smile: "Sister Xuanyu, are you so afraid of Patriarch Jianxin?"

"Afraid! Why aren't you afraid?"

"Before we became emperors, we were often taught by the ancestor Jianxin."

"But sister, I really envy you, the ancestor Jianxin treated you very well!"

"It's really sour."

Su Changge understood, and then teased.

"Sister Xuanyu is afraid of Patriarch Jianxin. From then on, sister Xuanyu treats me badly, so I will make a small report."

Empress Xuanyu froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Little brother Changge, you are not cute if you do this~"

"I liked you quite a lot at first, but I didn't expect you to be so bad, now..."

"I like you even more!"

Su Changge's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly stopped Empress Xuanyu who was about to rush forward.

"Don't move your hands and feet, hey!"


At the same time, in a mysterious land.

The fairy light is misty, and the Tao rhyme stretches.

There are thirteen heavenly palaces standing in this fairy fog world.

A long, shining river like the Milky Way surrounds this world.

It sets off the extraordinary and ancient.

What is surprising is that this long river like the Milky Way is actually full of rich time laws.

But compared to the long river of time in the legend, it is much worse. On the contrary, it is more like a branch of the long river of time.

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