This legendary item was actually taken away by Su Changge from Guiyuan Holy Land!

Originally, they wanted to use this battle to put pressure on Chaoguiyuan Holy Land to hand over the Bone Sea Magic Flute.

As a result, not only did he get nothing, but he also paid a very heavy price.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Demon God Abyss became even more angry.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you want to go to the Endless Sea of ​​Bones too?"

"Then tell them that the Son of God in Guiyuan Holy Land has obtained the Bone Sea Magic Flute, and I, Demon God Yuan, would like to discuss specific information with him in detail."

The people below were taken aback when they heard the words.

"Lord Yuan, do you want...?"

Demon God Yuanzhu smiled coldly.

"Since the water has been muddied, let him muddy it even more."

"Su Changge will definitely go to the endless sea of ​​bones in the underworld if he has the magic flute of the ancient sea."

"As long as we make a scene that everyone knows about, someone will take care of him for us."

Speaking of this, the Lord of Demon God Abyss said again: "My son of Demon God Abyss is about to wake up, and he will be sent to the Yellow Spring Realm to stop Su Changge."

"Su Changge wants to go to the endless sea of ​​bones so smoothly? Daydreaming!"


And all the resources of several major forces have been divided by Guiyuan Holy Land.

Some of the remaining imperial soldiers were also collected by Guiyuan Holy Land.

As for those resources, Guiyuan Holy Land also distributed them to its affiliated forces.

After all, in these two immortal battles, these subsidiary forces also contributed a lot of strength.

At the same time, in the main hall of Guiyuan Holy Land.

All the great emperors who returned from the foreign battlefield this time have come here.

And Su Changge was surrounded by several emperors like a rare animal.

In particular, the eyes of the empresses were shining when they looked at Su Changge.

The handsome face, combined with the restrained temperament, is such a handsome young man.

"That's right, suave and handsome, if you become a great emperor in the future, I'm afraid your appearance will go up to a higher level!"

"Tonight you accompany my sister to watch the moon, how about I give you an imperial weapon?"

"Mu Xin, you are also an empress after all, and you still have the idea of ​​admiring the moon?"

Another empress said to Su Changge: "Brother Changge, can I explore the avenue with my sister tonight?"

"I can also give you an imperial weapon."

And Su Changge is even more black-haired, these few are all empresses!

He can't beat him, and he can't afford to provoke him.

As if seeing Su Changge's embarrassment, Empress Xuanyu smiled and said: "Okay, stop teasing little brother Changge."

Empress Xuanyu pulled Su Changge to her side, with the appearance of protecting food.

Su Changge, who thought he was out of "danger", suddenly sighed in his heart.

It's really just leaving the wolf's den and entering the tiger's mouth!

At this moment, the Great Emperor Bai Zhan said, "Changge, where did you get my heaven-shaking palm?"

"I remember that I didn't teach you this trick."

Hearing this sudden sentence from Emperor Bai Zhan.

Su Changge paused, he couldn't tell the other party that he got it through system options, right?

Just when he was about to explain, Emperor Huangtian said indifferently: "You can have fun in Baizhan, Changge has learned your sky-shaking palm, which also means that your inheritance has come true."

The Emperor Bai Zhan also shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, but he was not prepared to ask more questions, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

And an exceptionally powerful person like Su Changge has a lot of secrets.

Anyway, Su Changge is the god son of their Guiyuan Holy Land, so it's meaningless to ask too many questions.

"I have to say, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times."

At this time, another male voice with a smile came from outside the palace gate.

"Di Zhan, you are slow to come back, has Xiao Xitian solved it yet?"

Di Zhan said with a smile: "There was a little more trouble on the way. The divine thoughts left by the Western Paradise Sect were intervened, and I wiped them out."

"Western Paradise?"

Su Changge was a little puzzled, he still didn't have a clear understanding of some forces in this world.

This monumental battle has since blasted some older instances out of the water.

I'm afraid the days ahead will not be easy.

"This is Su Changge, right?"

Emperor Di Zhan looked at Su Changge, sized him up, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It's really good, a dragon and a phoenix among people, a legendary person."

And Su Changge looked at Di Zhan Da Di almost subconsciously.

Almost as soon as they looked at each other, he felt a breathtaking pressure.

This was the first time he felt his own insignificance.

"So strong."

This emperor is definitely the one with the strongest comprehensive strength among these great emperors.

Originally he thought that the strongest emperor was Emperor Huangtian, but now that he saw Emperor Dizhan, even he didn't know how deep the water in Guiyuan Holy Land was.

It seemed that he could see what Su Changge was thinking.

Emperor Di Zhan smiled and said: "There is no need to have such a great pressure, I am very optimistic about you."

"I believe that you will become an emperor in the future, and you will definitely not lose to me, and even far surpass me."

"Di Zhan, what's the point of saying so much? It's hard to see little brother Changge, and you don't take out any of your treasures?"

Listening to Empress Xuanyu's ridicule, Emperor Di Zhan smiled slightly.

"So, I do have something good here."

I saw him make a big move.

A flashing red orb flew out from the space crack he created.

And when this orb flew close to Su Changge, he finally saw it clearly.

It looks like the eyeball of something, but there is still a strong ghostly aura around it!

Just the wisp of breath that emanates seems to make the temperature in this world drop sharply.

"Good guy, Di Zhan, you actually gave this kind of thing to Changge?"

Empress Xuanyu frowned.

"Isn't this the ghost eye you obtained in the foreign battlefield? You gave it to Su Changge, are you trying to kill him?"

Su Changge was taken aback when he heard the word ghost eyes.

He does know the blood of ghosts and gods, but what are these ghosts and gods eyes?

As if seeing Su Changge's doubts, Emperor Di Zhan explained: "I think you should know that ghosts and gods are the ancient figures who ruled the world of Huangquan countless epochs ago."

"This eyeball is a part of his body, because I feel an inexplicable breath in you."

"On your chest, there is a vague ghostly aura. Although this thing is rare, it is of no great use to me."

"So I'll give it to you."

Hearing Emperor Zhan Dadi's explanation, Su Changge was also a little shocked.

It seems that the other party immediately noticed the longevity bone in his body.

However, as a ghost eye, this thing has an inseparable relationship with the world of the underworld.

Originally, he was still wondering if Tang Wuer, a humanoid purifier, would not be enough to go to the endless bone kelp in the underworld.

Now I really want to come here!

Chapter 214 The Supreme Immortal Scripture, Canggu Star, Huge Backlash

But at this moment, the cold mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

[New option task detected: Option [-]: Please go to the Underworld, return the Ghost Eye to the Ghost Temple, reward: Ghost Art.

Option [-]: Bring the Ghost Eye into the Nine Burials Sword Mountain, reward: Nine Burials Sword Box.Please note: this action will cause the hostility of the ghost temple, and may even affect the life safety of the host. 】

Su Changge's scalp tingled even more when he heard what the system said.

Nine Burials Sword Mountain!

It is also one of the four incredible things in the Underworld.

And this Nine Burial Sword Box is the legendary item of Nine Burial Sword Mountain.

This item has been lost many epochs ago.

I didn't expect to get it directly after completing the system task!

This is a taboo item!

Anyway, there is already an Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors eyeing him, and it is worthwhile to have an extra ghost temple!

Just when God Son Su Changge wanted to thank Emperor Di Zhan.

A majestic voice suddenly sounded in the entire Guiyuan Holy Land.

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