Speaking of this, the charming girl covered her tears with a light veil, mist filled her beautiful eyes, and her voice was choked with sobs.

"If the little girl offends the adults... please punish the adults..."

This lovely and pitiful voice made those onlookers feel a sense of wanting to be cared for.

From time to time, some people turned their gazes to the Charming Soul Girl and then to Su Changge.

They really wanted to jump out and accuse Su Changge loudly of not being sympathetic.

What kind of skill is bullying such a beauty?

However, Su Changge's strength and background are all there.

If they ran out to offend such a capable person, I am afraid that their entire family would "thank" them for a lifetime.

In the end, rationality prevailed over the desire to protect.

"Gao... This acting skill is really high!"

On the other hand, Zan Wushen, who was beaten into a pig's head, sighed.

Like you know it all.

Don't ask, if you ask, you have been cheated by this woman!

If it wasn't for his identity as the prince of the buried royal family, he might have been sucked to death by this charming girl!

Since then, he has even cast a shadow on Charming Soul Girl.

But I haven't seen each other for so many years, I didn't expect the other party's acting skills to soar again!

To be honest, Buried Wushen's acting skills were also learned from the Charming Soul Girl.

Why do you want to learn this?

Good question!The world of Huangquan is very chaotic, if you encounter such an iron plate like Su Changge.

Look, is it not easy to die if you excel at acting?

"It seems that simply crying is not enough!"

"Should I learn to pretend to be pitiful in the future?"

Zan Wushen made up his mind.

If he didn't know the character of this charming girl, he might be deceived by the scene just now!

"Good acting."

Looking at the Charming Girl who was crazy about her acting skills, Su Changge smiled lightly.

"But what I hate the most is when other people use such dirty tricks."

Speaking of this, Su Changge's tone gradually turned cold.

"If you don't leave, you will die here for me."

Chapter 223 Heading to Nine Burial City, Shanzhen Building, Qudaohui

And everyone who heard this sentence was stunned.

Almost subconsciously, they all looked in Su Changge's direction.

At this moment, Su Changge's face was icy cold.

The coercion slowly overflowing from Su Changge's body made Su Changge incomparably taller in everyone's eyes

Squinting his eyes, he looked down at the charming girl.

Following his gaze, the charming girl only felt her scalp go numb.

The world of Huangquan was originally cold and gloomy all year round, but because of Su Changge's emotions, the world here became even colder.

It's like falling into an extremely cold abyss.

"Why...won't it work?"

And at this moment, there was a huge wave in the heart of the charming soul girl.

These actions of his own not only did not win the slightest sympathy from Su Changge.

Even the other party had a killing intent towards him!

"You still have three breaths."

And the fallen soul girl who heard Su Changge's words trembled with fear.

She knew that Su Changge was definitely not joking with her!


The fallen soul girl gritted her teeth and gave Su Changge a hard look.

But the extreme fear made her dare not say much, so she could only run away in a hurry.

She was afraid that if she said one more word, she might really die!

And everyone looked at the fallen soul girl who fled in a hurry, and then at Su Changge.

The awe and fear in their hearts became more and more intense.

"It's just a ray of killing intent that can even affect the surrounding environment..."

"I'm afraid this lord hasn't fully exposed his strength before..."

Thinking of this Guiya ancestor, he felt terrified, his grandson walked on the edge of a cliff once!

Buried Wushen's scalp was also numb, it turned out that he was infinitely close to death just now!

At this time, Su Changge said lightly, "Take me to the nearest town."

Hearing this voice, Patriarch Guiya finally came to his senses.

Hastily sacrificed a pitch-black flying boat from his bosom.


As the roar of the law resounded through the sky, the pitch-black flying boat pierced through the sky towards the other side of the burial ground.

And looking at the departing flying boat.

Those people who saw the whole story in their eyes had mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Hey, it seems that the buried royal family has met a big shot this time."

"There are so many beauties in my ghost chicken clan, why don't adults look down on them?"

"Ha ha...."

In another hidden direction, the enchanting girl who had already fled away was watching Su Changge's disappearing figure.

His eyes were full of ice-coldness.

"I don't care which faction you come from..."

"As long as you are in the realm of the underworld, you will not be able to escape from my old lady's palm..."

There was a sneer on the corner of the charming girl's mouth.

Su Changge's spirit, she is going to decide!


on the boat.

Su Changge was drinking tea leisurely.

But Luo Yanyu who was sitting opposite him was staring at her.

"I said this girl, I really don't know who Su Changge you are talking about."

Su Changge said with a light smile: "My name is Su Wei, but it is completely different from the Su Changge you mentioned."

"Besides, I saved you. It's too impolite for you to stare at me like this."

Staring at Su Changge's words, Luo Yanyu dispelled her doubts.

It can't be her fault, this man really looks like Su Changge.

"Yan Yu was rude."

"Thank you, son, for your help."

"If there is a chance to invite young master to come to my holy land of Yaochi in the future, Yan Yu will be very grateful."

Hearing Luo Yanyu's words, Su Changge wanted to laugh.

This little girl is still playing tricks on him until now.

Especially the tone of the word Yaochi Holy Land is a bit more emphatic.

He even used his peripheral vision to observe the changes in Su Changge's expression.

"It doesn't have to be."

Su Changge's tone was indifferent, without any emotion on his face, he just continued to blow the hot tea in his cup.

"Is he really not Su Changge?"

Seeing that the other party has not changed at all, Luo Yanyu gave up.

She was a little bit emotional, as expected of the golden age, she just met someone as perverted as Su Changge.

This day is over.

On the other hand, Tang Wu'er had black hair. She always felt that there was something in the words of these two people?

"My lord, the largest town where we are buried is ahead."

"It's called Nine Burial City."

At this moment, the voice of Patriarch Guiya sounded from outside the hall.


He still has some understanding of Nine Burial City.

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