Su Changge slowly stood up from the ground, patted the ashes on his body, his expression was still indifferent.

As if killing a few insignificant bugs.

"Let's go."


The owner of Shanzhen once again looked at the corpses lying in the pool of blood, with a sense of unreality in his eyes.

Whether it is Ghost Wuya or the fallen soul girl in their burial place, they can be said to be the pride of heaven.

He has even achieved excellent results in many major competitions.

However, the two of them teamed up and had no power to fight back. From the beginning to the end, Su Changge didn't even move an inch.

Just a face to face, these people are all dead!

The owner of Shanzhen couldn't help thinking carefully, "It seems that the Emperor's Road in this life will be very tragic..."

She is only the quasi-emperor, and if she wants to become the great emperor, she must go to the emperor's road, or else she needs to go through a very special way.

But Dilu is undoubtedly the best choice, but unfortunately she is not talented enough, and going to Dilu is just to die.

Seeing Su Changge now, she seems to have seen the birth of a legendary emperor in the future.


When the two walked away, Lan Xin, the sub-rudder of the ghost temple, slowly walked out from the dark void.

Her beautiful eyes were full of seriousness, if it hadn't been concealed by the law of the compass of ghosts and gods just now.

I'm afraid she was also discovered by Su Changge.

Looking at the corpse lying on the ground in a pool of blood, Lan Xin sub-ruler sneered: "You actually wiped out his spirit and soul completely, so that he can't send any signal to his sect?"

I saw Lan Xin's sub-helm master's fingers clenching formulas, and dark ghost fog emerged from the corpses of these people.

Then rushed to the sky and scattered in all directions.

And Lan Xin, who had done all this, sneered: "If you want to blame, you will blame me for taking my ghost's relic."

"Even if I can't kill you, more people will come to kill you."

Chapter 233 Finally met, the story only one person knows

And at the same time.

The realm of the underworld, the burial ground, and Ghost Zhoushan.

"Bastard! Who killed my descendant of Ghost Zhoushan!"

"I want him to be buried with my descendant of Ghost Zhoushan!"

A roar came from a pitch-black mountain.

In an instant, the ghostly aura spread for countless miles.

Countless ghosts trembled from this roar.


And in a hall in Fallen Soul Valley, there was also a burst of anger.

"The fallen soul girl is dead, who is not afraid of death, dare to offend me in Fallen Soul Valley!"

"Come on!"

"Please tell the owner of the valley."

Hearing the roar of this black shadow, several ghostly figures flickered out of the void in an instant.

"Go, dig three feet to find me the person who killed my descendant of Fallen Soul Valley!"

As for the death of the two great powers, it was also spread throughout the funeral.

In a restaurant.

There was a lot of people talking and there was a lot of discussion.

"Have you heard? The descendants of Ghost Zhoushan and Fallen Soul Valley have all been killed!"

"I also know about this matter, but now there is an uproar. I heard that the royal family of the buried earth knows the whole story of this matter, and the two major forces have gone to the royal family of the buried earth to confront each other face to face!"

"You don't know, don't you? I heard that the burial royal family has a close relationship with that person. Not only did they not reveal any information about that person, they even advised the two major forces not to offend them!"

However, some people laughed and said, "I think that's what the royal family of the burial earth did on purpose, and insisted on talking about such groundless things."

"That's right, the burial royal family also claimed that the other party's identity and background are extremely terrifying. It's true that everyone is Su Changge, the backer king of the Three Thousand Dao Realm!"

"Hahaha! Brother, you are making a joke of me. How could the Son of God of Guiyuan Holy Land come to a place like ours?"

"The probability of this is even lower than the probability of the Nine Burial Sword Box reappearing in the world!"

But in a corner, Luo Yanyu, who was wearing a black robe to cover her face tightly, listened carefully to everything.

"Fallen girl...?"

"Gui Wuya... aren't these the two who offended Su Wei?"

Luo Yanyu frowned, she had already collected the medicinal ingredients ordered by her master, and she was just about to return to the Three Thousand Dao Realm.

But hearing such a thing again made her feel a little tangled.

To be honest, she really didn't want to go through this muddy water.

"However, that guy Su Wei is comparable to Su Changge..."

"You can't defeat Su can conquer Su Wei, right?"

Thinking of this, Luo Yanyu made up her mind to help her in this kind of crisis.

Even if you can't attack the other party, you still owe yourself a favor. Isn't your road to the road in the future can be laid flat?


And after entering Shimen, Su Changge and others.

Another journey.

The world behind the stone gate is even more strange, all kinds of strangely shaped rocks protrude like ghosts.

Especially on these boulders, there are some plants similar to human organs, exuding a smell of corruption that seems to have accumulated over time, making people sick.

But at this moment, Su Changge paused.

He stared ahead vigilantly, and there was a vague figure in front of him.

Like kneeling on the ground.

"This is...."

But before Su Changge investigated carefully, the owner of Shanzhen who was following him couldn't control his emotions.

He ran quickly towards the blurry figure.

"Mr. Feather!"

Fortunately, there were no accidents during the journey, and the owner of Shanzhen ran directly to the dead bone and hugged it tightly.

Perhaps it was the accumulated longing that finally broke through at this moment.

Tears fell like rain, and San Luo fell on the cold bone.

But no matter how much tears are baptized, the dead will eventually sleep forever.

Su Changge also came to the owner of Shanzhen, because he lived in a humid environment all year round and was surrounded by ghosts.

This corpse has been corroded to an unsightly state. Perhaps the owner of Shanzhen has always kept this person's aura in his memory, but he knew it was the person she missed as soon as he met her.

But a paragraph of words engraved in front of this dry bone attracted Su Changge's attention.

This line of handwriting was crooked, as if it was written in a very weak state: "Sorry, Meihua, I think I missed the appointment."

"I'm really sorry that we didn't fulfill our agreement, this Plum Blossom Bird Song will be my last..."

This passage of text came to an abrupt end, probably because this person was too weak to finish the rest of the sentence.

Su Changge looked at another place again, and there was a jade talisman and a bronze compass lying quietly on the ground.

This jade talisman is supposed to be the song of plum blossoms and flying birds written by this man before his death.

But this bronze compass made Su Changge a little puzzled.

There is still a strong death energy on it, presumably it should be the product of Nine Burial Sword Mountain itself.


After a long time, Shanzhen's sobs gradually became smaller.

"What are you going to do next?"

Su Changge said lightly: "Only by going deeper can we have a chance to leave here."

But Shan Zhen's landlord shook his head lightly when he heard the words: "My goal of this trip has been achieved, I have already met him...."

The owner of Shanzhen still didn't let go of the dead bones in her arms, for fear that she would lose the person she was thinking of again.

Su Changge nodded slightly, and continued walking towards the depths with a somewhat sad Tang Wuer.

"Please wait..."

At this moment, the host of Shanzhen called Su Changge to stop, and floated the bronze compass and a golden token into Su Changge's hands.

"This golden token is the owner's order of Shanzhenlou. As long as you hold this token, Shanzhenlou will obey your orders unconditionally."

"I think this bronze compass will be helpful to the young master, please accept it as well..."

"But, this bronze compass should have been brought out by your sweetheart desperately. Do you want to just give it to me?"

The owner of Shanzhen's voice is a little hoarse at the moment: "It doesn't matter whether it's a chance or not, or a mystery or not...."

She looked at the dry bone in her arms and showed a touch of tenderness: "The world with him is meaningful."

After Su Changge accepted the two items, he glanced at the owner of Shanzhen again, and walked slowly towards the depths.

"The dead follow the wind, the living move forward."

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