The ear-piercing and sharp roar of the ghost appeared, and the terrifying power continued to gather on the blade of the gun.

Under the anger, Jiu Yuan directly erupted with the strongest force, trying to penetrate Su Changge in one fell swoop.

But Su Changge's expression was always calm, and he swung a sword casually while raising his hand.


The sword qi and gun glow instantly counteracted and collapsed.

Whoosh whoosh! !

At this moment, several terrifying arrows appeared in the void on the other side, and a ghostly hurricane was even born around the arrows.

And there seemed to be another pitch-black spell brewing under his feet, and as he squirmed, it seemed that a thorn was about to burst out.

Su Changge sneered at the corner of his mouth, want to use the same move again?

Su Changge felt the Shangcang Sword in his hand attentively. At this moment, the Shangcang Sword seemed to merge with Su Changge again.

The mighty sword energy slowly overflowed from Su Changge's body.

"I am Mayfly."

"The sword is for the sky!"

Su Changge uttered the Dao sound lightly, but at this moment, he slashed forward magnificently!

This sword is clean and neat, without any change, as if it has been engraved in the soul.

So much so that in the eyes of others, Su Changge is like standing still with a sword...

But Su Changge had already drawn his sword, and a sword light was like the dawn breaking dawn, like the moonlight in the dark night.

As for Jiu Yuan, who had come in by surprise, the black gun in his hand seemed to have completely lost its color at this moment.

When the sword passed over him, his actions came to an abrupt halt.

It actually stagnated there.

He stared blankly at his chest, unexpectedly a red mark had appeared at some point.


This trace suddenly tore his flesh and blood, and blood sprayed wildly.

The people around heard the sound of spurting blood and stood in place in horror.

Chapter 239 Two swords determine the universe, and the army is destroyed


This powerful sword energy instantly tore through Jiu Yuan's defense.

Bright red blood spurted out of his mouth continuously.

He, one of the five sub-masters of the Ghost Temple, the peak of the Holy Realm, didn't even receive a sword?

"court death!"

"How dare you hurt Lord Jiuyuan! Kill him!"

After reacting, Bai Chi and Tian Yu led the remaining Guishang army to attack Su Changge like a tide.

"I really don't take the old man seriously."

The old man with the sword snorted coldly, and when he wanted to make another move, he was stopped by Su Changge.

"No, I can handle these miscellaneous fish by myself."

Looking at the surging crowd, Su Changge's eyes were indifferent.

These are living targets for his own sword practice, how can he let others?


"Xuan Ming Candle Dragon Formation!"

I saw the remaining Guishang army chanting strange runes, and the void in front of them rippled, and the dark runes flickered out.


In an instant, the roar of the space dragon in front of him shook the sky, and phantoms of black dragons appeared in the surging ghost energy.

They knew that Su Changge's strength should not be underestimated, so they used the combined attack technique to kill Su Changge in one fell swoop!

The group of dragons roared, and all the summoned black dragons roared towards Su Changge.

Black guns flashing, black dragons tumbling, ghosts raging, ghosts roaring...

All kinds of strange auras ahead interweave into an incomparably terrifying picture.

But Su Changge just slowly raised the sword and pointed it straight at the sky. This time, his sword technique seemed a little slow, and the brilliance shone from the sword, as if he was about to summon something.

"God Crossing Sword Art, ten thousand swords return to the clan."

Following Su Changge's words, all the ancient bronze swords in the entire Sword Tomb made a sound of sword cries.

Then overwhelming sword shadows rose from the ground, and the cold sword light flickered, like a bright galaxy composed of dots of stars.


With the dance of the sword of God in Su Chang's singer, this galaxy of swords seems to be endowed with vitality.

Like a swimming dragon, it swept towards the Guishang army ahead.

hold head high! ! !

Perhaps feeling the strength of Su Changge's sword energy, those tiny black dragons actually formed a larger black black dragon.

The black air is rolling.

The turbulent ghost energy is gathering.

This black dragon opened its bloody mouth wide, trying to completely devour the sword galaxy that Su Changge cut out.

However, the other party's idea seemed a bit whimsical.

"Before Tianhong, everything was just a mayfly."

Su Changge said with a faint smile: "You guys have to take this first sword."

The eyes of the old man with the sword on the sidelines were also slightly bright, and his eyes were fixed on Su Changge.

He seemed to see a once magnificent figure.

"Master Ghost Sword Immortal..."

I saw that the galaxy of swords manipulated by Su Changge condensed into a huge sword under the convergence of countless ancient swordsmanship.

A giant shadow like a mountain peak appeared above the sky.

The shadow of the sword is like a peak, and its momentum is terrifying!

Su Changge finally dropped his sword, and it was built on the sky, and a mountain peak that was really gathered by sword energy was cut down like a thunderbolt.


Amidst layers of sonic booms, the sword shadow of the mountain fell straight down, and the black dragon was directly suppressed by the mountain, and fell violently to the ground.

The raging sword energy instantly crushed the black dragon into black mist!

And those Guishang army who charged towards Su Changge were also swept away with sword energy, and were crushed into a blood mist before they could even react!

"You damn human race, die for me!!"

Jiu Yuan, who had just been healed, raised his gun again and flashed out like a black star.

"Shattering Void Nine Stars!"

"Hell of the Abyss!"

But this time, Bai Chi and Tian Yu also used their ultimate moves to cooperate with Jiu Yuan.

Nine jet-black arrows roared out, lingering around Jiu Yuan's body, making his aura even more terrifying.

And on the ground, there were layers of pitch-black ground thorns that broke through the ground in Su Changge's direction like a tsunami.

"grown ups!"

Tang Wu'er's complexion changed, and she wanted to mobilize the blood dragon to take part of the damage for Su Changge.

"No need to intervene."

Su Changge said again: "I am enough."

"This is the second sword."

Su Changge pointed out the Cangjian again.

An ultimate sword intent rose from the depths of Su Changge's eyes.

The endless killing intent even turned into a sword field. In this world of sword energy, it seems that gods and demons can be seen falling and bleeding in it.

Killing God Sword Intent, One Thought God Demon!

"God Crossing Sword Art, the sword opens the world!"

The sword that Su Changge was holding high suddenly fell down, and this time it actually made the entire Jiuzang Sword Mountain tremble.

"This is...."

But the old man with the sword on his back noticed this change. It turned out that the moment Su Changge raised his sword and slashed down, all the laws originally condensed in the void were taken away.

Immediately afterwards, there was another terrifying howl of the sword, which turned into an extremely blazing sword light and slashed straight out.

"Nine Meteor Spear Technique!"

At the same time, Jiu Yuan shouted angrily, he knew that Su Changge's sword was very strong.

But as one of the sub-masters of the Ghost Temple, he naturally doesn't want to fail like this!

It is also to burst out with all my strength, wanting to share life and death with Su Changge.

boom -

The blazing white light seemed to devour everything!

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