A terrifying aura swept out, sweeping towards the vast area.

However, everyone was horrified to find that the pitch-black spear was crushed by an inexplicable force the moment it touched Su Changge.

This terrifying power directly turned the jet-black spear into bursts of runes and gradually disappeared.


Everyone's hearts were beating, and the full blow from the Zhundi powerhouse had no effect on Su Changge! ?

Can this still be called Tianjiao?

This should be regarded as that kind of immortal old monster! ?

"Soul fills the world!"

At this time, Patriarch Huntian also chose to take action, he wanted to arrest and suppress Su Changge directly by means of exile.

Another terrifying force came down, making some weaker people feel as if they were about to suffocate.

"It's good to come."

"Next, I will teach you the first move. This move is called Taixu Sword Finger."

Ghost Sword Immortal's voice sounded in Su Changge's heart again, and an obscure formula was transmitted to his mind at the same time.

And his fingers had already been used as sword fingers, and they were lifted directly under the manipulation of Ghost Sword Immortal.

I saw endless radiant sword energy emanating from Su Changge's fingertips, and the dazzling sword light seemed to flood the sky.

Everyone saw a galaxy-like sword energy piercing towards the black mist spreading down from above.

"Get out of the way!!"

The master of the ghost hall looked terrified, and this force had even affected them, the onlookers.

The terrifying sword qi seemed to be an invisible howl of the sword, bringing everyone into the other space world.


After piercing the black mist, Su Changge's raised sword finger fell again.

The terrifying sword energy snaked down as if it had been endowed with life, and when it fell into the sky, it overwhelmed the world!

In front of this sword light, Patriarch Huntian felt a strong threat, and he roared angrily.

Behind him suddenly appeared a terrifying Shura.

"Asura is angry!"

Immediately afterwards, the body of this Shura shone with blazing black light.

But seeing the loud rumbling sound, the huge Shura stretched out his pitch-black palm.

In an instant, endless ghost energy surged up in the sky again.

Shura suppressed the sky with both hands, trying to completely block this sword light.

But he obviously underestimated the power of this sword, this sword light seemed to be able to overwhelm everything.

He was clearly increasing his strength, but Shura's figure was slowly shattering!


The terrifying power caused his knees to bend, and the terrible rumbling sound continued to radiate, and his body continued to explode.

Patriarch Huntian spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

"Sir, spare your life!"

Chapter 245 Tens of thousands of years of swordsmanship, dominating the first immortal in Huangquan

"How, do you want to kill?"

Ghost Sword Immortal smiled and said: "I don't care, but the forces behind him may continue to settle accounts with you."

"Keep looking for it and keep killing."

Su Changge responded lightly.

"Yes, I just like your kid's character."

He directly manipulated Su Changge's body to activate the power of this sword energy.

This bright sword light exploded directly, and the fierce sword energy shattered the void layer by layer.

Even the laws of that area were completely annihilated.

"Huntian is dead...?"

The quasi-emperor figures around were all terrified, and all the people who had cultivated to their level were monks standing at the pinnacle of the world here.

But at this moment, in front of a junior, they seem to be facing a real fairy!

Su Changge looked in the direction of Patriarch Miexin, with a sharp sword light flickering in his pupils, and his voice was no different from that of a ghost sword fairy.

"A group of guys who have cultivated to the dog, dare to attack the younger generation, then you should die too."

As soon as his words fell, Ghost Sword Immortal manipulated Su Changge's body to slash another sword.

In an instant, countless sword shadows appeared, covering the sky and covering the sun, slapping out like a sea of ​​swords.

The Mie Xin Patriarch of Ghost Zhoushan let out a furious roar, with his palms facing forward, terrifying black energy gathered in his palms.

As the ghost energy surged, a pitch-black sun appeared in front of Patriarch Mie Xin's palm, but within it was an extremely cold ghost energy.

Seems to want to devour everything.

"This trick is called the sword character."

"You have to watch it."

A formula appeared in Su Changge's mind again.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Sword Immortal manipulated Su Changge's body to move.

Lifting the sword and cutting, in an instant, endless characters were seen flying out of Su Changge's body.

And these characters actually carry an incomparably terrifying sword aura, which winds and stretches vertically and horizontally.

The endless characters gathered together unexpectedly formed an incomparable storm of sword energy, pointing directly in the direction of Patriarch Mie Xin.


It was obviously just characters, but the sword chant that erupted was far stronger than the previous ancient sword storm.

"A mere junior, how dare you be so presumptuous!?"

Not only was his grandson killed by the person in front of him, but now even his own dignity was shaken by the person in front of him.

In anger, it exploded its power to the extreme, and the huge and incomparably black sun reflected a terrifying black light.

The two forces collided fiercely.

But when these sword characters entered into the pitch-black sun, the huge pitch-black sun began to explode and shatter.

The void collapsed, as if everything was going to be turned into dust and ashes.

In just a short moment, all the powerhouses saw the huge sun directly destroyed!

"not good!!"

At this time, Mie Xin Patriarch let out another exclamation.

These terrifying sword runes rushed directly into his body!


Afterwards, Su Changge's indifferent voice sounded, and a bright crack appeared on the surface of Mie Xin Patriarch's body.

The terrifying sword energy erupting from it seemed to be tearing his body apart.


The severe pain of the body being torn apart made the Patriarch Miexin let out a shrill roar.

"Stinky boy!!"

"If you want to die, then die together!!"

Patriarch Mie Xin let out a furious roar, bursting out with the last strength directly, his body seemed to be ignited by a jet of black fire.

Then it turned into a terrifying ghost that was ignited and rushed towards Su Changge!

But Su Changge didn't move any more, just staring at the ancestor Miexin who was still struggling to die.

When he was about to approach Su Changge, the last strength of Patriarch Miexin seemed to be completely wiped out by the sword character.

His body slowly shattered and melted in the air, and then slowly dissipated into waves of black smoke.

And when his body completely disappeared, there were ancient characters suspended in the void.

With a slight trembling, it flew back into Su Changge's body again.

"Miexin... died too...?"

Looking at Su Changge floating above the sky, the hearts of those who believed that the matter had been settled were all beating violently.

Quasi God!

There is only one realm left to become a great emperor.

Become the supreme figure in the legend, but the existence that is closest to the supreme figure, but two of them died at once!

Su Changge turned his gaze to the remaining ghost hall masters and the four ancient towers of Shanzhen Building.

This made them tremble even more.

"Lord, we came here to help you!"

Master Shanhai suppressed the fear in his heart, and continued: "I'm waiting here, absolutely selfless!"

But Su Changge who heard the words sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the other party almost wrote his intentions on his face.

Not yet selfish.

"Let go of your consciousness, let me plant a slave mark, and I will let you go."

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