"Just wait, as long as I can shoot that ancient technique this time, when I fully grow up, I will definitely tear Guiyuan Holy Land and that damned Su Changge into pieces!"


Soon, Su Changge brought Tang Wuer here as well.

Looking at the plaque on the huge palace, Su Changge smiled lightly.

"Bone Auction House?"

But such an auction house actually attracted so many important people.

It seems that this auction will not be short of things!

"When I went out, the ancestor gave me hundreds of millions of spirit stones. It's good to have a good time here."

Every time before he goes out for a long trip, the ancestors of Guiyuan Holy Land will give him a lot of secret treasures and spirit stones.

The previous few times, he was useless for a single spirit stone, and now the wealth he has accumulated can be said to be in the hundreds of millions.

Su Changge just wanted to enter the auction house.

But he was directly stopped by the servant in front of the door.

"My lord, please stay and show me your invitation letter."

"Invitation card?"

Su Changge frowned slightly, apparently not knowing what it was.

And hearing Su Changge's tone that I don't have, the servant who was originally smiling instantly collapsed.

"Sorry, entry is prohibited without an invitation letter."

He said coldly: "Your Excellency, please go back and forth from wherever you are."


Su Changge smiled and said, "Then how can I have this invitation letter?"

The servant looked at Su Changge again, and seeing that he had an extraordinary temperament, he guessed that he was also from a wealthy family.

So the tone softened a little, but he still explained impatiently: "To be eligible for the invitation letter, you must recharge 1 million yuan of high-grade spirit stones at my Bone Auction House."

"Only 1 million yuan?"

Su Changge thought he wanted a few hundred million yuan, so that's all he wanted for a co-author?

"Hehe~ this little brother, don't talk big~"

At this time, a woman's light laughter sounded behind Su Changge.

Looking back, I saw that the person who came was a tall woman with extremely fair skin and wearing a large red gauze dress.

The figure is extremely hot, even the wide gauze skirt can't cover up her twin peaks that are about to come out.

His eyes are like autumn water, yet they reveal a charming charm.

"Master Blood Lotus!"

And the servant of the Bone Auction House was even more happy when he saw the woman, and he stepped past Su Changge.

"My lord, please come in quickly!"

This woman named Xuelian is the daughter of the suzerain of the Endless Demon Cave!

He is also a distinguished guest of their Bone Auction House, but he has recharged a full 5 million yuan of high-grade spirit stones!

It can be said to be their big boss!

Xuelian ignored the servant, but looked Su Changge up and down.

She has seen countless men in her life, and this is the first time she has seen such a plump and handsome man!

Especially the temperament of Su Changge, there is a feeling that he can't describe.

It seems to be a kind of strong man who is born high and high, like a fairy descending from the mortal world.

I saw the blood lotus giggling: "I am a blood lotus, and I have met fellow Taoists."

"If fellow daoist wants to enter this bone auction house, I can bring two fellow daoists in."

"No need, I can still afford a mere 1 million yuan in high-grade spirit stones."

Su Changge directly refused. He came to this auction house just for fun, and 1 million yuan of spirit stones is really not much.

"Tsk tsk... This kid really doesn't know how to be flattering. There are only a handful of people that Miss invites so kindly!"

"Hmph! I think he's just a wild boy from a remote area, and he's still pretending to be here!"

"To shut up!"

Xuelian yelled loudly, and directly yelled at the guards who were talking behind her.

"Do you need to discuss what this lady should do!?"

This frightened the complexions of the guards who had mocked Su Changge and wanted to win Xuelian's favor.

"Miss calm down!"

Looking at this scene, Su Changge couldn't help but sneered, but he didn't care.

It was just a bunch of bugs, if it really made him unhappy, it would be a big deal to slap him to death.

Su Changge directly took out a kit from his arms and threw it into the hands of the servant of the auction house.

He said lightly: "The [-] million high-grade spirit stones are enough."


This sentence is like a thunder, exploding in everyone's heart.

[-] million high-grade spirit stones! ?

This is a one-year offering from a high-ranking sect! ?

How could this man casually throw out [-] million high-grade spirit stones?

"This man is not bragging, is he?"

"8 million high-grade spirit stones? How is that possible!?"

"I find it hard to say! If this person is really lying, how could he have no expression at all? It seems to be a very common thing!"



And at this moment, a sound suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

The servant standing in front of the auction house fell to his knees.

His hands holding the kit trembled a little.

Sweat poured down like rain, completely soaking his clothes.

He said tremblingly: "It's...really...really [-] million high-grade spirit stones!"


All the onlookers looked in disbelief, where did this hidden boss come from! ?


At this time, there was another loud noise in the sky.

The runes all over the sky formed a magic circle, and a slightly bloated man in a Chinese robe leaped out of it.

And when he came, he fell directly in front of Su Changge, and bowed his hands respectfully towards Su Changge.

"Your Majesty, the owner of the Bone Auction House, Jin Defa, my lord!"

And the people watching this scene were even more confused.

They were a little dazed.

The owner of the Bone Auction House is a well-known dragon who never sees the end.

Now he actually showed up in person for a junior! ?

But the blood lotus looked even more horrified.

A person who can take out 8 million yuan of high-grade spirit stones at will is definitely no worse than her, the daughter of the owner of the Endless Devil's Nest!

"Is he also from some top superpower?"

Chapter 255 Shanghuan private room attracts the audience

At this moment, Su Changge glanced at Tang Wuer.

Tang Wu'er instantly understood what Su Changge meant.

He cupped his hands towards Xuelian and said, "Thank you fellow daoist for your kindness before, I'll just wait until I get in."

At this time, Su Changge also smiled at Xuelian: "I think the identity of the girl must be extraordinary."

"But with such shallow-sighted guards, it's a bit pricey."

After saying that, Su Changge stepped straight towards the Bone Auction House with his hands behind his back.

He, Su Changge, can't be regarded as a kind person, let himself be embarrassed?

So don't pay the price?

"My lord... watch out for the steps..."

And the owner of the Bone Auction House at the side even led the way for him personally, just like a guide.

This made everyone a little bit emotional, and this sudden scene obviously refreshed their worldview.

Xue Lian's face was a little gloomy when she heard the words.

Seeing this, the guards at the side hurriedly volunteered: "Miss, don't worry, I'll catch that brazen person right away!"

Hearing this sentence, Xuelian became even more angry, and slapped her backhand directly!

Boom! !

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