But Emperor Ming still didn't stop releasing his power.

The terrifying dead air surged again, like a hiss from hell.

Another booming explosion was heard, and a dark mushroom cloud rose instantly.

There are also countless terrifying ghost figures roaring out of this pitch-black wave!

But before Ming Tianzi had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Changge's faint laughter came from the surging ghost energy.

"I thought the so-called Ming Tianzi was so strong, but it turned out to be half a catty."

Hearing this sentence, Ming Tianzi was a little stunned: "How is it possible...!?"

In order to ensure that this move can completely kill the opponent, he has absolutely no reservations!

Logically speaking, no one would have thought that he would go all out at the beginning, and the other party would definitely relax!

But why was it blocked? !

And as the smoke gradually dissipated.

A scene that frightened him even more appeared.

His extremely heavy epee was actually firmly held by two fingers that Su Changge stretched out at will!

The blow he made didn't even make Su Changge's robe dusty!

"Ming! Let's go!!"

Gui Tianzi let out a terrified roar, the strength of the person in front of him has far exceeded their cognition!


Chapter 263 Fighting against the two emperors, Huangyun, Huohe and Jianjiang

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, stretched out his left hand as a sword finger again, and tapped the heavy sword in Ming Tianzi's hand.

There was only the sound of a nail being nailed.

ka ka ka-

The next moment, there was a creepy cracking sound!

In Ming Tianzi's frightened eyes.

His ten-thousand-jin epee was being torn apart and shattered by streaks of bright sword light!

What frightened him the most was that the sword light seemed to turn everything into wind and sand.

Not only the epee in his hand was broken, but also his entire right arm!

"Ghost Slash!"

At this time, the ghost emperor also made a move, and he took out a pitch-black long knife and slashed at Su Changge from another direction!

boom! !

Su Changge didn't react too slowly, he raised his foot and swept away the badly injured Son of Heaven!

Then he turned around again and punched Gui Tianzi who was attacking him.


The fierce collision of the fist light and the saber energy changed the color of the world, followed by a huge explosion sound!

The fluctuations caused by that terrifying power caused the area to explode layer by layer!

And the knife that Gui Tianzi slashed with all his strength was actually blasted and torn apart by Su Changge's punch!

On the other side, Ming Tianzi, who was kicked by Su Changge casually, got up angrily.

He clutched his severed arm and looked in Su Changge's direction, with a strong killing intent.

It seemed that the humiliation of Su Changge's foot had fully stimulated his potential!

"Damn things!"

Bursts of terrifying black air continued to linger around his body, and suddenly one after another pitch-black mountains appeared behind Emperor Ming.

There are many mountains and mountains, as if the top cannot be seen, and with the emergence of a stronger ghost, those dark mountains change again.

It can be clearly seen that they are actually green-faced ghosts with three heads and six arms one after another!


And at this moment, a huge black dragon roared in the sky.

A blood-red beam of light, intertwined with strong destructive power, penetrated directly from above the sky.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaobai!"

At this time, Tang Wu'er activated the soul seal again, and the two 10-year-old soul beasts also joined the battle instantly.

"court death!"

The blow caught off guard caused Ming Tianzi to be smashed into the ground again, only to hear him roar, and the huge green-faced ghost he condensed danced with six arms.

A strange air that made the soul feel cold spread quickly, as if it made this area fall into endless deep cold!

boom -

In another direction, another blazing divine light exploded.

The terrifying sword energy rippled like a glow, dazzling to the extreme, like the hottest and cleanest sun embedded in the dark horizon!


Hearing the sound of the sword screaming suddenly, a figure in white swung his long sword and slashed out in the midst of the great sun.

At this moment, countless huge bones scattered on the pitch-black soil were smashed into powder one by one by this sword energy!

The sword energy swept across, stirring up these bone powders like starlight.

It also formed a magical picture.

The bone dust exuding radiance rolled towards the air one after another, as if turning the world upside down.

boom! ! !

A figure was directly blasted out from this radiant divine light, and its body violently hit a huge bone of a giant beast.

Boom! ! !

The huge white bones thousands of feet trembled violently, and then the huge mountain of bones was slowly collapsing!


Ming Tianzi controlled the dharma body behind him and slapped the blood dragon attacking towards him with a palm, wanting to help Gui Tianzi.

At the same time, he was extremely terrified, the overall strength of Gui Tianzi was stronger than him.

But how long has this battle just started, and Gui Tianzi was unilaterally suppressed and beaten?

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

But at this moment, a cold voice made Ming Tianzi's heart sink to the bottom.

He looked up into the void in horror, and at some point Su Changge's figure had appeared above his head.

Almost at the moment when his eyes met Su Changge's, the long sword Su Changge held high cut straight down!

"The sword destroys the world."

Swish! ! !

The bright sword light fell like a galaxy falling, but on the way down from mid-air, the earth and the mountain and the moon trembled violently!

When the sword fell, the solid rock was torn apart like paper, and the terrifying aftermath of the sword energy blasted the earth into collapses!

The cobweb-like crack spread for miles, and the end could not even be seen at a glance!

The terrifying sword edge rolled up flying sand and rocks all over the sky, and this sword slashed firmly on Ming Tianzi's body.

And amidst the flying sand and rocks, the earth split open suddenly, and a deep gorge of sword energy appeared, bottomless.

However, the figure of Ming Tianzi disappeared long ago. I don't know if he was cut directly into the deep gorge, or his physical body has been completely annihilated.

Just as Su Changge was thinking for a while, the ghost emperor who was buried in the ruins had already approached this area.

He ran like a ghost in the flying sand and rocks, lowered his aura to the extreme, and wanted to use the haze of flying sand and rocks to get close to Su Changge.

Use your strongest ultimate move to give Su Changge a fatal blow!

Finally, at a distance of several feet away from Su Changge, the ghost emperor directly soared into the sky!

"Ghost Prison Six Delusion Slash!!"

As soon as the words fell, the endless saber energy sang loudly, and six saber lights that could cut off the universe flashed out.

These six saber auras were all cut out at different angles. While falling towards Su Changge, the ghost aura in the void was continuously loaded like iron stones being attracted by a magnet.

The knife qi that was only tens of meters wide just now turned into hundreds of meters wide in an instant, and in the process, the six knife qi became bigger and wider at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Be careful, son!"

Tang Wu'er let out an exclamation, wanting to use her soul power to block the blow for Su Changge.

But her speed was too slow, and she could only watch helplessly as this ultimate move fell towards Su Changge!

But Su Changge, who is the righteous master, didn't care.

I saw his footsteps stepping forward even more, and one could see a burst of fiery energy bursting out of his body.

Su Changge's movements were also fast.

"Huang Meteor."

Su Changge's left hand seemed to gather a blazing sun, and the scorching sun even brought a wave of red flames.

Huangyun, this is a combat technique bestowed on Su Changge by the Emperor Baizhan, especially for the evil spirits.

This is when he came to the Underworld, he specially asked Emperor Bai Zhan to teach him.


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