There is also a huge vortex, constantly rotating and condensing in this portal, the terrifying devouring power seems to suck everything in the world into it!

"Reincarnation exile!"

Chapter 271 Surrender or die, the sword is born from the heart, everything is a sword

The moment Su Changge finished speaking.

The power of samsara seemed to be urged to the extreme, lingering in strands and strands, and spit out the brilliance of the sky.

This space is even more shattered like a mirror, one after another pouring down from the void.

And among the endless space fragments, there is a simple and simple door of brilliance suddenly opened.

It seems that there are countless space-time fragments flickering in it, making it as bright as a starry sky.

I saw the attacks that were plundering towards Su Changge one after another, if they entered the sea like mud cows, without causing any waves, they were all absorbed by this portal!


Accompanied by an increasingly blazing divine light piercing the darkness, it seemed to pierce the entire world.

All the darkness will be wiped out in front of this divine light.

"My body is out of control!"

"Damn! What kind of sorcery is this!?"

All I could hear was the exclamation from the Taoist figure who was rushing towards Su Changge.

The powerful suction emanating from the reincarnation portal unexpectedly dragged them into it like a big hand!

No matter how they resisted, they were suppressed by the powerful force in the portal, and it was useless!

"Damn! What kind of magic is this?"

The strong man in the Holy Master Realm also seemed to be struggling in the face of this terrifying force.

But he reacted quickly, and directly made the best choice. With the power in his palm, he shot directly at the few disciples who were closer to him.

These few disciples also did not expect that their elders would sell them directly!

Caught off guard, he was thrown into the air and fell towards the gate of reincarnation!

"Elder you!"

Mo Wuqing's face changed drastically, why did his guardian attack his subordinates?

"My lord, you can't have an accident!"

"This power is really weird. If you don't sacrifice them, the two of us will also be doomed!"

Facts have proved that the elder of the Holy Master Realm has indeed made the best choice.

Su Changge's cultivation base is limited, and the time for this portal to be opened is also limited, after exiling several powerhouses from the Holy Realm and the Great Holy Realm.

Just hear a bang.

After this gate was merged, it turned into a sky full of stars and gradually dispersed.

Although the duration was short, the spell Su Changge comprehended was extremely terrifying.

It just existed for a short time of ten breaths.

Except for the strong man and Mo Wuqing of the Holy Master Realm, all the other disciples were exiled by the gate of reincarnation.

If Su Changge's strength is strong enough, the reincarnation portal opened can even release the great emperor.

"Who are you!?"

At this time, Mo Wuqing, who had been slowing down, yelled at Su Changge again: "My Demon God would like to have no grievances with you, why did you treat us like this!?"

I don't know if it was the embarrassment just now that made him angry.

Or just say that you don't want to die in such a vague way.

The outburst of emotions made him question Su Changge angrily.

"No grudge against me?"

Su Changge smiled faintly: "Then you just look at who I am."

Accompanied by Su Changge's words.

The law runes attached to the surface of his body gradually faded like wind and sand.

And Su Changge's aura is undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment!

In everyone's horrified eyes.

I saw that Su Changge's original snow-white and silver hair was gradually turning into jet black like ink.

Three thousand black hairs fluttered in the wind, and strands of laws lingered on them.

It was as if he was born with the blessing of fairy light, which made the already finely carved facial features even more perfect.

The faint smile on the corner of his mouth revealed a powerful self-confidence, as if everything in the world should surrender before him.

"Is this what your lord looks like...?"

The Bai Ze brothers and sisters who were watching from a distance also saw this scene in their eyes.

If there are immortals in the world, it is nothing more than that.

But compared to the two of them.

Mo Wurui's pupils searched at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is shock, there is confusion, there is fear!

"Su Changge why are you here!!??"

When he said this, his voice trembled a little.

This is the chief culprit who caused his Demon God Yuan to suffer catastrophe!

It was this person who made the once famous Chu Jianxin go to the ancestral land of their Demon God Academy!

Until now, the scene where most of the Demon God Yuan's ancestral land was destroyed is still vivid in his mind.

When the sword comes out, the world changes.

When the sword falls, the sword abyss becomes!

Especially Chu Jianxin's sword energy remaining in their Demon God Abyss, even though they resorted to all kinds of methods, they still couldn't get rid of it.

And this became the lingering shame of their Demon God Yuan.

His Taoist companion, the emperor of Demon God Yuan, was also beheaded by Su Changge.

In addition to this incident, Mo Wuqing, who is a disciple of the Demon God Yuan, could not swallow this breath.

So he asked Yuanzhu for orders, and secretly sneaked into the world of Huangquan to find opportunities.

But now it turned out that the enemy's road was narrow, and he ran into Su Changge just like that!

Originally, he thought that he would at least have a back and forth fight with Su Changge, but he didn't expect that Su Changge would press him on the ground and rub against him from the beginning to the end!

This made him even more unable to accept the reality!

"What are you? Why am I here? Do I need to explain to you?"

Su Changge stretched out two fingers, and said coldly: "Now you have two choices."

"One, surrender to me."

"Second, die here."


When Mo Wuqing heard the words, the veins on his forehead popped up.

Who is he?

The emperor of Demon God Abyss!

Under one person, above ten thousand people!

High status, omnipotent.

Now Su Changge actually made himself surrender to him?

"Junior! You have to forgive others and forgive others!"

"Could it be that you don't take the old man seriously!?"

And the strong man in the Holy Master Realm was also furious.

No matter what he said, he was also the ruthless protector of the devil, but Su Changge's words from beginning to end completely regarded him as air.

Although Su Changge's move was terrifying, but the other party was only a Holy Realm, it was impossible to do it again!

If my majestic Holy Master is still eating a turtle in front of this junior, then he has practiced Taoism for so many years, so he is still practicing!

"Oh? It seems that you are quite short-sighted, an old man."

Su Changge glanced casually at the old man beside Mo Wuqing, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I'll see you on your way first."

I saw a stronger sword intent condensed again.

There was another clanging sword sound in the void, and in an instant, an endless stream of swordsmanship directly swept towards this strong man in the Holy Master Realm.

"Too deceiving!"

"The old man fought with you!!"

This strong man in the Holy Master Realm was also pushed into a hurry, and was suppressed by a young man from the beginning to the end, which made him aggrieved and extremely annoyed at the same time.

I don't know where the courage came from, but he stretched out his big hand and grabbed towards the void.

It was formed again by the gathering of monstrous devilish energy, forming a pitch-black and huge devil's claw, and the majestic devilish energy continuously gathered and merged into this devil's claw.

"Destroyer Heavenly Hell Claw!!"

At this moment, the strong man in the Holy Master Realm pushed his remaining strength to the extreme.

Looking at this huge claw, Su Changge looked indifferent.

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