"Many epochs ago, there were great wars, endless wars, and the loss of countless souls. However, their cultivation base was strong, and their Taoist bodies were immortal, so their bones could only be buried in every corner of the heavens."

"But the Yin Qi accumulated over the years has caused many influences on the laws of the heavens. Later, there was a mythical powerhouse who took over the will of the heavens with his whole life cultivation and transformed himself into a world."

"And this world is Huangquan, Jiuyou, and Demon Realm in the population of later generations, and the endless sea of ​​bones is the tears of this mythical powerhouse, and tears are also known as rootless water."

"The mythical powerhouse wants to use the purest rootless water to purify and seal the bones and remnants of the world, so as to separate life and death from yin and yang."

Su Changge nodded slightly. It turns out that there is such an ancient legend in the world.

The strong man in the myth turned himself into a world, and even affected the cause and effect of the heavens. How powerful should this be?

After some emotion, Su Changge continued: "However, what does what you said have anything to do with the Lord's bloodline you mentioned?"

"Don't worry, my lord. This is exactly what I want to say. Your lord is the No. 90 ninth-generation descendant of this mythical powerhouse."

"It is also the true guardian of the once endless sea of ​​bones."

When Su Changge heard these words, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and there was a trace of surprise in the original calm.

"Nine generations of descendants of No.90?"

"Then the bloodline you mentioned..."

"That's right, she is the hundredth generation descendant of that mythical powerhouse." Bone Lao Liu said.

"But why does the son of the mythical man you mentioned sleep in the endless sea of ​​bones?"

Su Changge was at a loss again: "With such a powerful ancestor, it wouldn't be possible to take root in this desolate endless sea of ​​bones, right?"

Hearing the words, the bone old sixth forced a smile.

"I don't know the specific reason, I only know that the father of the lord's ancestor was involved in a terrible battle..."

"In that war, there were even many forces that surpassed the world's cognition, and the last war also ended in a tragic victory for the heavens..."

"The lord's father also fell in it. Although the lord came back alive, he was also seriously injured. He could only use the special law of the endless sea of ​​bones to cultivate."

"Thousands of years ago, the Lord finally healed his wounds, but he said that he wanted to find the important things he lost, so he just went there and never came back..."

"So only the only blood of the ancestors is left to sleep here, but time has passed, and the law of the endless sea of ​​bones has also undergone tremendous changes. The group of people who originally followed the Lord have also changed their appearance..."

"They are used to freedom and don't want to go back to the era of being controlled again, so they threw the only Bone Sea Magic Flute that can enter here into the Three Thousand Dao Realm, so that future generations will never be able to understand the truth again. ..."


After listening to this explanation, Su Changge's thoughts were a little confused.

"The hundredth generation descendant of a mythological figure..."

"Could this hundredth generation heir be the Queen of Bone Sea?"

At this time, Su Changge captured some details from Gu Liu's paintings.

Those followers who originally followed the Lord in his mouth all rebelled, and they were more eager to pursue their own freedom.

If the Queen of Bone Sea is the hundredth generation heir, wouldn't she encounter great resistance?

"How many rebellious followers are there?" Su Changge asked again.

If there are still dozens of strong men in the Great Emperor Realm or even above the Great Emperor.

Even with the hole card given by the ancestor of the Nine Burial Sword Box, it is not enough to fight!

It's impossible for Guiyuan Holy Land to straddle the starry sky of the universe and directly launch another immortal battle in the endless sea of ​​bones, right?

"Don't worry, my lord, those traitors have long been wiped out in these endless years, and the special law of the endless sea of ​​bones has long since wiped them out."

"Besides the Bone Dragon King, there are at most three or four traitors."

Su Changge nodded slightly, he didn't ask Gu Liu why he didn't disappear.

Don't think too much, it must be because of this bone sailing ship.


But at this moment, the sound from ahead attracted Su Changge again.

At some point, the scene in front of them changed again.

The originally pitch-black seawater was gradually turning into white. As the skeleton sailboat sailed, the pitch-black seawater seemed to have completely faded from black, and gradually turned into a blank space!

But the sky is still unparalleled black.

It forms a sharp contrast with the dazzling white on the sea!


At this time, there was the sound of dense bones colliding on the bone sailboat.

Su Changge looked under the hull again, and the scene in front of him made his scalp tingle even more!


The eyes and places are full of bones!

These bones are no longer sunk in the bottom of the sea, but layer upon layer, turning into a sea of ​​bones as if endless!

And the bone sailboat is actually sailing in an ocean completely made of bones!

And the huge roar in front attracted Su Changge again.

The center of the endless sea of ​​bones seemed to be stirred by a powerful force.

Take a closer look, it is a huge vortex, like a white black hole standing across the sea of ​​bones!

All kinds of bones were drawn into this endless vortex one after another, densely packed like star dust being swallowed by a white black hole.

The shock of the scene greatly impacted Su Changge's cognition!

Chapter 284 Bone and Jade Coffin, Sending You to the Underworld

"This is... the bone sea vortex?"

Su Changge's voice couldn't hide his astonishment. Every time the huge white vortex turned around, countless white bones were swallowed by it.

Judging from its diameter, the bone sea vortex stretches for thousands of miles, as if it is endless.

Seeing this scene, Su Changge's face was even more ugly.

He was as insignificant as an ant before this huge bone sea vortex.

The system asked him to go here to release the Queen of Bone Sea.

I'm afraid it's not rushing in to deliver the food, right?

"System, do you want me to die with this mission? Look at this posture, if I go in, I won't be able to get out!" Su Changge said to the system through sound transmission.

【Ding!There is no need for the host to panic, the bone sailboat you are riding on can ignore the powerful devouring power of the endless sea of ​​bones. 】

[At that time, the host only needs to find the bone jade coffin in the center of the vortex, and use the bone sea magic flute as the key to release the bone sea queen. 】

Hearing the words of the system, Su Changge's heart was finally at ease.

The power of this bone sea vortex is really terrifying.

It also contains a strong law of restraint and suppression. If one is accidentally involved, it is basically hopeless.

"My lord...the center of the bone sea vortex is ahead, and the Lord's blood should be sleeping in it..."

"My lord, don't panic. This bone sailing boat is blessed with special laws, so it won't be affected by the vortex of the sea..." Gu Lao Liu whispered, as if he was afraid that Su Changge would change his mind and run away.

"Well, let's move on." Su Changge's tone was flat, and he still looked flat.

This appearance of Su Changge made Gu Lao Liu feel even more shocked.

It's no wonder that he has such talent and strength at such a young age, so he has seen big scenes before!

At the same time, in a hidden area on the edge of the bone sea vortex.

Three bone creatures with strong aura are watching this scene coldly.

"Bone Phoenix King, can't you make a move? If they reach the center of the bone sea vortex, it will be too late!" The Devil Bone Tiger King said coldly.

"That's right, if you don't make a move, those guys will succeed!" Another voice sounded, it was a huge bone turtle.

Phoenix King Xugu is the strongest among them, so the two of them are also willing to listen to Phoenix King Xugu.

Although they were very impatient, they still didn't dare to make a move.

"Don't panic, their purpose is undoubtedly to release that bastard. As I said, when they are about to succeed, they are the most lax."

"At that time, it will be their death."

The will-o'-the-wisps in the Phoenix King's eyeholes became more and more strange, and a mere human brat dared to spoil their good deeds!


Su Changge on the bone sailboat also frowned slightly. His perception has always been very sensitive, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

"There is a killing intent... Am I being targeted?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Su Changge's mouth, no need to guess, it should be the traitors mentioned by Gu Lao Liu.

My Nine Burial Sword Box still has a few ghost sword spirits, so I will use it a few more times at worst.

And with the bone sailing ship getting closer to the center of the ancient sea vortex.

The scene in front of him became more and more shocking.

The white vortex is like a dark abyss, which seems to be endless and has no end in sight.

The inhaled bone remains did not know where it fell.

"That is....?"

As Su Changge's eyes moved, a white dot floated above the black hole of the bone sea vortex.

In front of this endless black hole, it is as small as a grain of white dust!

And as Su Changge held his breath and concentrated his attention, he couldn't help but gasp after gathering his gaze.

It is a coffin suspended above the vortex of the sea of ​​bones!

The whole body is made of unknown materials, the whole body is pure white, with strange inscriptions engraved on it, like an ocean formed by piled up skulls.

In particular, the runes shone slightly fluorescent, as if they were absorbing the ancient breath in the vortex of the sea of ​​bones!

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