"Mo Lei Shang!"

The next moment, this terrifying figure directly threw itself at the strange creature in the dark red portal!

Boom! !

The sky was filled with pitch-black thunder and thunder burst, causing dark purple thunder clouds to roll in the pitch-black night.

Conceived with the ultimate power of destruction, the terrifying coercion makes people tremble.

In an instant, countless black thunderbolts landed on the sky, and the terrifying black thunderbolts instantly flooded the huge portal!

When the thunderstorm disappeared, the huge portal was not affected in the slightest.

Instead, it angered the weird creatures in it!



Densely packed strange creatures rushed out of the portal like crazy!

Accompanied by a rotten stench overwhelming!

"Damn it! This bastard Di Cang has angered these guys! Run away!"

A large group of monks looked at the scene in front of them, their faces changed drastically, and they fled in all directions in a panic.

This weird creature made their scalps tingle, and the weird and hideous appearance made them feel powerless to fight against!

"Why run away!? This must be the gateway to Jiuyou. How can such an opportunity be handed over?"

"Oh...those guys are just casual cultivators fishing in troubled waters. As the heirs of a great power, how can we be scared away by such evil spirits?"

"Kill! Kill them!"

The people who came here were all the top powerhouses among the big forces, so they naturally had their own arrogance.

In their view, although these creatures are weird, they are nothing more than a group of evil spirits!

Chapter 295 Old Liu Luohe Sword Sect?Su Changge's plan

The next moment, the war broke out instantly.

Where does the huge weird portal lead to, the weird creatures surging out of it are overwhelming.

And this time, everyone finally saw the appearance of these strange creatures.

In the vaguely covered by the black mist, a broken body was revealed.

A huge tiger that has been eroded to bones by the years, with scarlet flames burning in its empty eye holes.

There is also a rotten flesh skeleton with only half of its body left, wearing a broken ancient armor, but it can crawl quickly on the ground with its skinny and shriveled hands!

There is also a black night rakshasa with blue face, fangs, scarlet arms, and sharp claws, making a ferocious and shrill howling sound!


"Is this the legendary dark creature!?" A monk with long experience suddenly exclaimed.

Dark creature, the initiator of the World Annihilation War.

According to ancient records, on that day, the black sun hung high in the sky.

It emitted a pitch-black light, dyeing the entire world in black.

In the dense darkness, an ancient and immortal palace manifested in it. The huge portal opened, and countless dark creatures, even the dark emperor surged out of it.

Wherever he went, there was blood and blood.

Wherever it is looted, all spirits and common people are silent!

The World Annihilation War broke out too suddenly, but it swept the heavens in a short time.

Countless great saints of the human race, emperors of the monster race, and ancient powers fought against them, and finally the world was broken and the heavens wailed.

And that war was called the World War of Extermination, also known as the Dark Turmoil, and that era was also called the Dark Era!

"Damn! Why are there dark creatures in the devil world!?"

"Are you in the Demon Realm colluding with dark creatures and deliberately deceiving us!?" A monk from the Three Thousand Dao Realm shouted.

"Fuck the hell! Although I cultivate demons in the Demon Realm, I never do such indecent things. Huang Quan was broken in that battle. Isn't it normal to have dark creatures!?"

"Could it be that there are no dark creatures in your three thousand realms!?" The demon cultivator was obviously unconvinced and directly refuted.

The monk heard the words and didn't say anything more.

There is no doubt that what the demon cultivator said is correct.

After the World War, the wave of darkness receded temporarily, although the heavens mobilized their own forces to wipe out the remaining dark creatures again.

But there is no guarantee that there are no remaining dark creatures hiding in the heavens.


Although there have always been a steady stream of strange creatures coming out of that portal, but many of the arrogances here are descendants of top forces.

However, the group of monks below did not have much fear.

One after another, they activated their cultivation bases and fought towards the front!

all of a sudden.

In the dark night, a blazing divine light bloomed, accompanied by waves of earth-shattering air waves.


The roaring explosion resounded through the silent world.

There are also various magical powers and spells, which turn into various brilliance and bloom in the dark night!


But in this fierce fighting crowd.

There is a group of people who are particularly dazzling.

They defended with a sword formation, hiding behind a dark mountain.

If some people saw it, I don't know if they would be shocked, because these people are all sword cultivators.

In the world of practice, sword cultivators are notoriously top-notch, because sword cultivators pay attention to forging ahead, any difficulties, any setbacks, will be cut with the sword in hand.

Not to mention the extermination of this kind of evil spirit, sword repair should be obligatory.

But they casually killed some strange creatures that slipped through the net from the front.

They were actually drinking tea and chatting leisurely!

"Oh, nephew Aotian's Gou Dao is really amazing!"

Hongchen Young Sword Master patted Wuji Aotian's shoulder with a smile while drinking: "If I had discovered that my nephew had this talent earlier, I wouldn't have had to suffer so much before!"

"Hey hey.... Uncle Master is too famous, I just shared some of my great experience!"

"Hahaha! I know, I know!"

Hongchenjian patted Wuji Aotian's shoulder again: "The Dao is three thousand, Gou Dao is the king!"

It can be said that Wuji Aotian's Gou Zijing is very popular in Luohe Sword Sect.

It even changed the ethos of their sect for a time.

Although the Zongmen was also angry because of this, Dannai and too many people agree with this Gou Zijing, so we can only punish the public!

"Uncle Master's praise!" Wuji Aotian smiled and cupped his hands.

From Wuji Aotian's point of view, the Three Thousand Dao Domain has outstanding people.

The monster Su Changge alone made it impossible for them to see the hope of becoming an emperor.

Not to mention the other Young Sovereigns!

The world is so big, there will always be people who will move forward with heavy burdens, and there will always be people who will enjoy the tranquility of the years.

Wouldn't it be nice to be the person who enjoys the tranquility of the years?

"When I get rid of the monster Su Changge, won't I be invincible?"

Wuji Aotian is full of hope again, and now even Wang Quanjian, the strongest young sword master, agrees with his ideas.

What else is he afraid of?

Not only does he want to carry out his Gou Dao to the end, he even wants to develop the Luohe Sword Sect into the sixth son of the Three Thousand Dao Domain!


Compared with the leisurely Luohe Sword Sect, the battle between monks and strange creatures outside has reached a fever pitch.

Countless strange creatures were turned into black mist and dissipated, but some of them with extremely powerful cultivations entered the flock, setting off a bloody storm!

"Damn it! Why doesn't our spell work on this monster!?" A monk yelled in surprise.

Just now, I used my own cultivation base and slapped this strange creature with all my strength.

But it was directly offset by the dark aura lingering on them, and it didn't even affect this group of weird creatures in the slightest!

"Where are the successors of those top forces?! Why don't they take action!?"

"Even that bastard Cang Shitian doesn't know where to hide!"


Some monks were even more furious when they found out that there were no descendants of top forces among them.

No wonder they became weaker and weaker as they fought, those super arrogances didn't make a move at all!

And those top arrogances in their mouths are hiding in the dark to defend.

This is because he is afraid of wasting his aura because of this. After entering Jiuyou, he will be killed by other strong people, so he only focuses on defense.

And this gave the group of dark creatures an opportunity to slaughter those monks with weaker cultivation crazily.

"You obviously have a super strong cultivation base, why can't you make a move!?"

"You are really not human! Your compatriots have been massacred like this, and you don't want to save them!!"

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