The second shemale war?

"Then thank you very much..."

But before Long Hao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Changge again.

"As a reward for giving you nothing, let me be the leader of your ancient dragon clan and ancient phoenix clan for fun, isn't it too much?"


As soon as these words came out, there was a large sound of breathing around.

You must know that the leaders of the ancient dragon clan and the ancient phoenix clan are the strongest people in the two groups.

Su Changge's move not only severely belittled the two major ethnic groups, but also severely rubbed their dignity on the ground!


The eyes of Long Hao and Feng Muxin instantly cooled down, and a strong killing intent surged out, just that look seemed to tear Su Changge to pieces!

"God Son Changge, are you kidding me?"

Long Hao suppressed the killing intent in his heart: "If you despise our two ancient clans so much, God Son Changge has to weigh it up!"


Su Changge raised his chin slightly, with a sarcastic look on his face: "What are you? Don't say it's you, even if your grandfather is here, I dare to weigh it."


"Hahaha! You really have sharp eyes and a sharp mouth. Does the famous Changge God only play tricks?"

"I think it's nothing more than that!"

At this time, another thunderous man's voice sounded from the sky.

I saw billowing thunderclouds in the sky.

During the roar, the area on that side was completely covered by thick dark clouds.

In the midst of thunder and thunder, there are even huge divine cows standing on the sky.

In particular, the huge horns on their heads are no smaller than the dead Tyrannosaurus, or even worse.

Accompanied by a bell-like bell-like roar of a bull, a divine thunder bull interwoven with endless laws and majestic thunder power suddenly descended!

"It's Tianyao Shenshan, the descendant of the ancient barbaric bull clan! Bull Demon Heaven!"

"The opponent's cultivation is already at the peak of the Holy Realm!"

"That's not right! Looking at the breath of the other party, it's not an ordinary holy place at all!"


Many disciples talked about it, and the arrival of Niu Motian undoubtedly made the atmosphere even more climax.

Su Changge frowned slightly, looking for his reputation.

A muscular, burly man with a square face and sideburns emerged from the thunder cloud, wearing a purple divine armor with a pair of horns on his head.

Just standing there, waves of energy and blood surged out.

Can't be seen.

Niu Motian looked proud, and looked at Su Changge without any scruples, his eyes filled with arrogance.

"This is Su Changge?"

"Although I have some abilities, I have already obtained the inheritance of the Dao of Heaven. I am not only the son of the Dao of Heaven, but also blessed by the Dao of Heaven, and I have also broken through to the peak of the Holy Realm."

"A mere Su Changge? Ridiculous!"

Niu Motian thought so.

"There is a familiar smell, like the smell of the guys from the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance..."

After some perception, Su Changge also found clues in Niu Motian: "The ancestor said that the four sons of heaven have been born, so it is rare that this guy in front of him is one of them...?"

But Su Changge doesn't care, Son of Heaven?

But a stepping stone on the way forward.

Boom! !

at this time.

The huge portal that was suspended above the sky erupted with a violent roar, and even the entire giant gate was shaking slightly!

"What a strong power of space!"

In everyone's horrified eyes, the shining space runes tightly wrapped the huge portal, and the last area was twisting and changing.

I saw that weird black portal changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ancient door, which was originally dark red and full of traces of time, is gradually becoming scarlet and dazzling.

After a few breaths of time.

This change gradually subsided, but everyone was once again stunned by the scene in front of them.

The huge portal is no longer a void, but filled with strange spatial fluctuations, as if leading to another world.


Many monks showed excited eyes.

The several monster clan powerhouses who were confronting Su Changge tit for tat were also excited.

As if they could find the legendary River of Reincarnation in the next moment!

"Go! Enter Jiuyou!"

Long Hao just stepped out.


At the same time as the sword cry sounded like a dragon chant, a dazzling sword light pierced the night, and even briefly dyed the sky into daylight!

If it wasn't for Long Hao's quick reaction, I'm afraid the sword would have struck him directly!

"Su Changge! Are you deliberately provoking me!?"

Veins popped up on Long Hao's forehead, if they hadn't made a plan to deal with Su Changge long ago.

He couldn't help but shoot Su Changge just now!

"This is a weird creature that I cleaned up, can you go in first?"

Su Changge's tone was cold: "Get the hell out of here!"

"You...! Su Changge, this Nine Nether Trial is a rule made by everyone, do you want to swallow it all by yourself!?"

Long Hao seemed to have found an opportunity, and crazily poured dirty water on Su Changge: "As expected of the Son of God of Guiyuan Holy Land, being so domineering is really impressive!"

"Hehe...Since Son of Changge wants to monopolize it, why not give it to him?"

Feng Muxin also chose to jump out to fight the fire at this time.

In particular, the tone of the word "exclusive" is specially emphasized.

Obviously, they wanted to turn Su Changge into a target of public criticism.

Su Changge sneered in his heart, he was worrying about how to carry out the next step of the plan, but the other party didn't take the initiative to send it to his door.

"The three of you are also descendants of the top forces in the monster clan. As the saying goes, the stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility."

"Don't say that the monks of the human race need your help, but you can see that your fellow demon race is also indifferent."

The surrounding environment was very quiet, so Su Changge's voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

"Let the strange creatures slaughter, no matter what, but instead of saying that I, the human race, saved your monster race, you stood up and slandered me."

"Is this the descendant of the top power of the demon clan? This face really makes people not afraid of laughing!"

"Su Changge! Stop pretending to be noble here!"

Long Hao, the leader of the ancient dragon tribe, said coldly: "What's your plan, do you really think we don't know!?"

Su Changge smiled slightly: "So what if it's true? And didn't I save these people?"

"It's really ridiculous that you have such strength and only watch the show from the sidelines."


Long Hao was speechless when asked. Although he was very unconvinced, he had to say that what Su Changge said was the truth.

"Haha... God Son Changge used such a powerful force, I'm afraid it took a lot of cultivation, right?"

At this time, Feng Muxue smiled again: "Since the son of Changge is so great, you must be careful after entering Jiuyou, and don't be targeted by others."

When everyone heard this sentence, their pupils could not help constricting.

How could they not know the meaning of these words, they were clearly threatening Su Changge!

"Hahaha! God Son Changge might have been prepared to sacrifice himself a long time ago to help others!"

Niu Motian from Tianyao Mountain also arched his fire at this time: "It's ridiculous! For a group of outsiders, he actually lost the interests of his holy land. Such a person is also worthy of being a son of God?"

Hearing these words, Su Changge wanted to laugh even more.

"is it?"

"Since everyone cares about Guiyuan Holy Land so much, I can tell you that you don't have to worry at all."

"Because my Guiyuan Holy Land is much stronger than you."

Su Changge closed his smile, and said loudly: "Where are everyone in the Holy Land of my return to Yuan!?"

Chapter 301 Strong Threat, No One Dare To Speak, The Old Man Comes Here?


At this moment, above the pitch-black night, there were suddenly countless thunderbolts flashing.

A space crack opened above the void.

At the same time, bursts of incomparably terrifying coercion emanated from it.

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