When this wave of frost and snow completely enveloped Su Changge's figure.

There was another icy wind howling, turning into ice blades, cutting towards Su Changge from all angles!

But I saw that Su Changge was still not in a hurry.

Wei Wei raised his hand, unexpectedly there was a gleaming rune culture as a bright white string.

"Is this...with Tao as the string...?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Xuanya's complexion changed slightly.

There was an unconcealable shock in her beautiful eyes.

Among the qin dao, some people who have a very high opinion on the qin dao can often arouse the resonance of Dao when they play.

In sword cultivation, as long as you have enough faith, you can turn everything into a sword.

Even if it is a branch, or a leaf, or even an inconspicuous weed on the side of the road.

It can still become a sword in the hands of a sword repairman.

And the piano is the same.

As long as there is a song in your heart, where can you not make a fu?

"Is this the real genius...?"

"Not only is he extremely accomplished in the way of swordsmanship, but even in the way of piano, he also has such a terrifying talent..."

While Qin Xuanya sighed, the sadness in her heart became even worse.

She has no chance to become good friends with Su Changge again.

Now she is the child of the four great ways of heaven, and the blessing of the power of the way of heaven has indeed made her piano way have a greater transformation.

Since you have received favors from others, you must do what you promised.


The screen returns to Su Changge's side.

Su Changge just hooked his fingers slightly.


all of a sudden.

A high-pitched and bright piano sound turned into a wave of sound waves rippling away in all directions.

This sound wave forms layers of waves of light, sparkling like waves of clear water and autumn lake.

In the next moment, it collided with that frost and snow world.

The meaning of two completely different rhythms is in it, and they are intertwined and interpreted, as if they are trying to construct the rhythm story they want to tell.

But in the end, it was Su Changge's rhythmic meaning that was slightly better.

Accompanied by a bang.

The pure white world transformed by Qin Xuanya's rhythm disappeared like layers of smoke.

The cold wind that blew out completely blew it away, and the world was suddenly clear.

The remaining cold wind blew towards Su Changge's body, making his white clothes flutter and his black hair flutter.

"It seems that I have won this battle."

Immediately afterwards, Su Changge mobilized his own strength and walked forward in a chic way.

Because there is no wind and snow for the time being.

He walked like flying, and soon reached the opposite side of Qin Xuanya.

At this time, he also saw the other party's face clearly.

The skin is creamy, with beautiful eyes and eyebrows.

Even though she was just sitting there, her figure was still tall and straight. Against the backdrop of the blue guqin in front of her, her demeanor became even more elegant and extraordinary.

"I have no grievances with you, why do you want to stop me here?"

Listening to Su Changge's question, Qin Xuanya still supported her guqin without looking up.

She only heard her whisper: "I have received favors from others, and I have to repay them."

Hearing this, Su Changge was slightly silent.

His eyes didn't move, he just stared at Qin Xuanya, as if he wanted to see everything about her.

After a few breaths of time.

A smile appeared on Su Changge's cold face: "That's it."

"Then let the violin decide the winner."

From the very beginning, the other party didn't deliberately kill him.

Even the previous blow was still the other party's temptation to him.

Moreover, Qin Dao is also one of the avenues that Su Changge is good at, so it is best to meet the needs of the two of them.

"Okay." Qin Xuanya also nodded lightly.

Obviously, that's what she wanted too.


After some preparations.

Su Changge asked Luo Yanyu and Queen Guhai to wait at the side.

He was sitting on a mountain not far from Qin Xuanya.

The snow is getting heavier.

There was a vast expanse of white snow, flying in the air, and it was impossible to see clearly even ten meters away.

Their bodies were gradually covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

But they still didn't move, as if they were planning something.

Just half an hour passed.

The two of them remained motionless.

In the vast snowflakes.

The two figures stood upright like pine trees, and even the biting cold wind did not affect them at all.

Luo Yanyu and Queen Guhai didn't move, they also stood in place, watching silently from the side.

Although they don't know the rhythm, they also know that the most important thing about the piano is a kind of artistic conception.


Half an hour passed again.

Qin Xuanya opened her eyes that were tightly closed.

I saw bright musical notes rising from the depths of her beautiful eyes, and each musical note was like a cheering elf, as if to interpret the most beautiful story in the world.

"Is this the true strength of this woman!?"

"It has been able to transform into a form through the melody, this is completely reached the legendary realm of human-qin unity!"


Luo Yanyu also studied the way of the piano a little bit, and immediately saw Qin Xuanya's terrifying way of rhythm.

At the same time, Qin Xuanya's body was shining brightly, and the blue guqin seemed to resonate with it, and the same holy light shone out.

The dharma image bloomed, and in the void, another incomparably bright halo spread out.

A holy and unparalleled figure sits cross-legged in this halo, like a fairy above the nine heavens.

The general appearance of this fairy is very similar to Qin Xuanya, and she is also sitting cross-legged, stroking the guqin.

The rhythms of the sky are constantly intertwined and surging.

"The title of this song is Frost and Snow Thousand Years."

After Qin Xuanya spoke softly, the music sounded.

Almost at the same time, the rhythmic runes lingering around him flashed and danced.

The moment the other party played this piece of music, Su Changge knew it, and Qin Xuanya seemed to be born for the way of the piano.

The sound of this song even affected the celestial phenomena in this area.

The wind and snow are flying all over the sky, continuous and endless.

She truly achieved the combination of environment and meaning.

The world is empty and silent, only the sound of the piano is left.

Qin Xuanya has long and slender fingers, and those beautiful and exaggerated hands are like hers.

When playing the qin thoroughly, and against the rhythm of the sky, it seems like a fairy in charge of the world's qin, which makes people dare not desecrate.

Chapter 308 The World Is Not Just Lonely, It's More Exciting

Su Changge, who watched all this, remained silent.

He also knew deep down that Qin Hyuna had her own reasons.

But now that the two of them are considered to be opposites, they must decide the outcome.

After thinking about it, Su Changge's fingers also plucked on his guqin.

There is also a strong sense of rhythm condensed around Su Changge.

Behind him also appeared layers of rings of the god of zither, and in the bursts of ripples, a vague figure condensed out.

It is completely different from the soul shape condensed by Qin Xuanya.

The huge blurry figure behind Su Changge looked like a king in white, revealing the power to sweep through the world.

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