There was a faint smile on the corner of Su Changge's mouth, but his face looked so calm and breezy.

As if to say.

This is my sword.

Chapter 317 He should go home

a while.

Although Zhang Wangqing's face returned to calm, there was still an unconcealable shock in the depths of her eyes.

Only his voice was faint: "The skills are not as good as others, and I am willing to bet and admit defeat."

Then he changed the subject again.

"Where did you learn the sword move you used?"

Su Changge was not surprised when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Master, Huang Quan, Ghost Sword Immortal."

Zhang Wangqing's pupils shrank slightly after hearing these words.

Obviously, he knew the name.

According to the ancient records of Tianshan Shenjianmen——Zhang Wudao, the legendary Tianjiao of Tianshan Shenjianmen.

He has never lost a single defeat since he was born, relying on his heaven-defying talent in swordsmanship, he has wiped out countless arrogance in the emperor's road.

Become one of the strongest swordsmen of that ancient era.

Finally, he challenged the Brahma Heart Sword Emperor who was known as the Western Juggernaut at that time.

The two fought fiercely on the Tianshan Mountains for three days and two nights.

I don't know how it will end.

I only know that in the end Zhang Wudao stayed behind closed doors for three years after returning to the sect, and was finally found to be learning forbidden techniques. After his body was smashed, he exiled his soul to the underworld.

Countless years later, he finally rose strongly, broke the shackles, and became the feared Ghost Sword Immortal of Huangquan in that era.

Later, the World War broke out, the heavens were in turmoil, and Huangquan was broken. A generation of legendary sword immortals came to protect Huangquan.


"You actually learned from that person...?"

Zhang Wangqing continued: "But hasn't he already fallen? How did you obtain his inheritance?"

His eyes were like swords, staring at Su Changge firmly, as if he wanted to see through him thoroughly.

"Compared to this, the teacher asked me to give you a sentence for Tianshan Shenjianmen."

Zhang Wangqing frowned slightly again.


"He said, if I meet someone from the Tianshan Shenjianmen in the future, I will..."

Su Changge smiled slightly, the smile was so harmless to humans and animals!

"Break a few of their bones."

After finishing speaking, Su Changge's blood of the Holy Body awakened, and the power of Qi and blood in his body roared like a dragon's chant!

This time, he directly stimulated the two major physique bloodlines.

Under the guidance of the blood of the innate holy body, the divine body of Cangtianba exploded with a power that could destroy the world.

The body of the treasure is as crystal clear as jade, and layers of qi and blood fluctuate like a tsunami rippling from Su Changge's body!

Kick-kick! !

Under the suppression of this force, even the void was squeezed, making a palpitating breaking sound!


After reacting, Zhang Wangqing just wanted to make a move.

But Su Changge doesn't talk about martial arts at all, sneak attack!

Swing out a fist!

The frightening wind of fists hit Zhang Wangqing directly like a falling star.


There was a dull sound in the void.


Then this force exploded violently, and the fist light pierced the heavenly light, wrapping Zhang Wangqing and blasting directly into the ground!

It wasn't until the monstrous smoke that was raised that the crowd watching in the distance slowly reacted.

"Shenzi Changge is too cruel, isn't he? This is another punch, I'm afraid it will kill him!"

"Isn't that right? Although Changge Shenzi's punch was strong, it didn't have killing intent, and he deliberately avoided the fatal part, just like..."

The man's tone was even a little unconfident: "It's like breaking the opponent's bones on purpose!"

And in a hidden cave.

Looking at this scene, Wuji Aotian jumped up excitedly.


"Good fight! Great fight! Kill this stinking shameless!"

He even completely forgot about the pain in his butt, and jumped up happily.

Wuji Aotian is so happy!

Before, Zhang Wangqing raised his sword and stabbed him outside, causing his buttocks to be seriously injured.

But want revenge but can't beat it!

Now that Su Changge helped him relieve his anger, let alone how happy he was.

"Su Changge is really tyrannical to deal with all kinds of dissatisfaction, what a relief!"

"It's a pity that I'm a man. If a woman climbs onto Su Changge's thigh, what else can I do?"

The Luohe Sword Sect disciples on the side watched this scene without saying a word for a long time.

Finally, they looked at each other blankly, where is the agreed dog?


And in that smoky sky.

"Cough cough..."

Zhang Wangqing clutched her slightly sunken chest and coughed up a large amount of blood.

Confirming what Su Changge said, several of his ribs have been broken.

But compared to being shocked by the horror of Su Changge's punch, he was more angry, obviously worried about Su Changge's sneak attack.

"Feel sorry."

Su Changge shrugged helplessly: "Master's order is hard to break."

Hearing this, Zhang Wangqing was taken aback.

Then he looked up and laughed!

"Hahaha! Interesting! Interesting!"

"I didn't expect that the master would still be brooding over what happened back then."

Zhang Wangqing looked at Su Changge again and said, "If my embarrassment can calm down Master, how about breaking a few bones?"

After what happened back then, although Tianshan Shenjianmen also tried to restore it, but matters involving the principles of the sect cannot be sloppy after all.

When everyone in Tianshan Shenjianmen thought that Zhang Wudao could no longer hold the sword again, he used his own strength to prove it.

Not only can he continue to hold the sword, but he can even become stronger than before!

Such a strong person will naturally be respected by him.

Zhang Wangqing stood up slowly.

It seems that the self-confidence before has been restored again.

"Don't worry, I just lost today, it doesn't mean I will in the future."

Zhang Wangqing said indifferently: "My sword will become stronger. On the Emperor's Road, you and I will fight again!"

"Don't be defeated by others first."

"I'll wait." Su Changge responded with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Wangqing, who turned and left, gave a meal.

He took out a ball of objects bathed in flames from his arms, and threw it directly at Su Changge.

After Su Changge took it, there was a little shock in his eyes.

"This is...."

The object bathed in divine fire was apparently a fiery key, with fiery runes swimming across it, like an extraordinary thing.

"I snatched this from a dragon guy, I think it will work for you."

"As a reward, you will also pass on a word to the master for me."

"Just to say, the people of Tianshan Shenjianmen miss him very much. It's been so long, it's time to go home and have a look."

When Su Changge heard the words, he hesitated to speak.

His teacher is dead.

How can I go back?


What Su Changge didn't know was that the Nine Burial Sword Box in the storage space trembled slightly and shone brightly.

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