They can't fight with their lives!

"Idiot! I kicked the iron plate, run away!"

The priest let out a terrified roar.

He took the lead and fled towards the rear, almost without looking back!

Pulling one hair and moving the whole body, the group of Shura clan saw that their priests had run away, and hurriedly fled in all directions like a defeated army!

"Can you escape?" Su Changge, who was watching from the sidelines, sneered.

I saw him wave his hand.

In the void, Muran appeared a series of banning runes composed of sword energy.

It will be completely imprisoned in all directions.

The terrifying sword qi echoed each other, and each sword qi rune formed a forbidden area of ​​the sword.

No matter how the group of blood cultivators bombarded them, it would be difficult to break through!

"Damn! Why is this happening?"

These blood Shura people have lost their previous arrogance, if their skin is not red.

I'm afraid he's pale with fright now!

All along, they have played the role of hunters in this Nine Nether World!

Not to mention that this world of blood mist is their home field, and those top talents of the human race are their prey!

But now they are not only defeated head-on, but also unable to escape and can only be hunted and killed by others!

"Haotian, let me take action next."

Su Changge said lightly: "There will be a big battle later, you must recharge your batteries."


Li Haotian cupped his hands when he heard the words, and stepped aside.

I saw Su Changge stepping out.

boom! !

At the same time, a supremely majestic aura instantly permeated the air.

At the same time as the Congenital Saint Physique awakened, the blood of the Batian Divine Physique in his body also let out a terrifying roar!

Above the sky, it seems that one after another the power of the world is condensed.

That is far beyond the scope of this world!

Those Blood Shuras just felt like there were countless worlds oppressing towards them.

That power made them feel extremely small!

"how is this possible...?!"

The priest of Blood Shura let out a terrified roar.

"After that great war, how could such a monstrous existence be born in the outside world!?"

"It's against the rules!"

Obviously, this priest also knew some secrets.

Now Su Changge's terror has exceeded his cognition!

Raising their hands can make them feel a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in their hearts!

"It's over, I'm completely screwed today, and if I mess with such a monster, even if all the arrogance of my Blood Shura is combined, I'm afraid it won't be his all-in-one enemy!"

The priest of Blood Shura felt a little desperate.

But he did not beg for mercy, because of his posture.

He knew that Su Changge would never let them go!

Almost at the same time, the power of the world suspended above the sky directly suppressed it.



In the next moment, all the blood Shura clansmen had no power to fight back, and their bodies burst into pieces instantly, with their bones shattered.

Flesh and flesh turned into minced meat, and even the primordial spirit was completely wiped out by this stalwart power!

Chapter 322 A strong man comparable to the great emperor, I am enough to deal with you

And the huge roar caused by Su Changge's casual palm resounded throughout the area.

Deeper in the blood mist, endless blood energy surged, and millions of white bones were piled up.

A blood Shura man who was sitting cross-legged on the highest altar was exuding a monstrous coercion.

The monstrous power of Qi and blood is comparable to the Holy Master Realm outside!

There are more weird patterns covering his body, intertwined and formed like weird armor.

Blood Fury, the leader of the Blood Shura Clan, is only at the peak of the Quasi-Emperor Realm under the suppression of the special law of Jiuyou.

But its physical strength is even comparable to the eighth-rank Great Emperor powerhouse outside.

Under the circumstances that the powerful in the Great Emperor Realm cannot enter Jiuyou, such a terrifying existence can even wipe out the entire Jiuyou monks!

I saw his eyes slowly opening, and two scarlet lights rippling.

Instantly shattered a giant mountain ahead into pieces!

A hoarse and cold voice resounded.

"The priest of my family... is dead?"

The blood of the Shura clan is special, and the strongest can not only sense the blood aura of each clansman, but also mobilize the blood power of all clansmen, and finally gather it on themselves.

With the blessing of this kind of power, the real strength of Blood Fury can even reach the sixth rank of the Great Emperor!

At this time, there were strands of blood lingering between Xue Fu's fingers.

A stream of blood gathered towards his fingers, and then he was only seen flexing his fingers a little.


A blood mirror composed of fresh blood appeared in front of him.

The scene of the blood Shura priest before his death appeared in the screen...

"It's interesting. Not only does this kid have a Eucharist, but he's not just a Eucharist."

Blood Fury saw the clues: "It is very likely to have two holy bodies..."


There was even more excitement in his voice that couldn't be concealed.

"There's not just one Eucharist in that group...but several...!"

The greed in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

The Eucharist is rare in a thousand years, and even more rare!

After each holy body is completed, it is an existence comparable to a great emperor!

"If I catch them all and offer them to the Lord God..."

A cruel smile was drawn on the corner of Blood Fury's mouth: "The Lord God will definitely bestow on me unparalleled strength..."

"Even the fairy in the gods..."

"Come on!"

After hearing Xue Fu shout, a few black shadows flashed in front of Xue Fu.

"Please command the leader."

"Call all the clansmen immediately!"

Xue Fu shouted: "I will personally lead you to kill the invaders!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sound of breathing all around.

Who is it that not only wants the entire Blood Shura clan to dispatch, but also wants their leader to personally lead the team?

"The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength."

"This kind of super genius must have a strong hole card in his hand."

"I'm still not at ease if someone else makes a move."

There was a cold light in the blood anger's eyes: "So, I will use the powerful thunder method to destroy you directly!"


the other side.

Su Changge and his party also figured out a rough idea through the analysis of a bunch of blood Shura's corpses.

"The native creatures of Jiuyou have absorbed this strange blood mist for a long time, and their physical bodies have been made extremely powerful."

Su Changge picked up a piece of minced meat casually, and said with a sneer, "Their bloodlines are very strange, and they seem to be able to attract and resonate with each other."

"Son of Changge, according to what you said, then we are likely to..."

Su Changge threw the piece of minced meat casually.

"That's right, what happened here has already been known by other Blood Shuras."

After purifying the blood in his hands, Su Changge sneered and said, "It won't be long, they must be coming."

"This group of monsters really chose a good place."

"It must have been a good thing for those guys to be attacked by those ancient beasts before."

Su Changge guessed the Yaozu's intention at once: "It must be to borrow a knife to kill people and lead us into a trap."

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