Obviously, they have already determined that their leader is serious!


Tian Xing didn't dare to say any more, and walked out of the crowd with five hundred Blood Shura clansmen.

And Tianxing's eyes are even more venomous.

In his opinion, this is the one who uttered wild words, and the juniors of the human race caused him to be reprimanded by the leader!

"Damn human race! I must tear you to pieces!"

Roaring in his heart, the killing intent towards Su Changge had reached its peak.

"Don't be careless, fight with all your strength!"

Seeing Tianxing's disdain and anger, the blood on the side scolded.

In his perception, Su Changge is definitely not an ordinary person.

So he had to make sure that Su Changge had no hole cards in the process, and finally killed him directly with a thunderous blow!

Make it impossible to resist!

And this time.

Under the leadership of Tian Xing, five hundred blood Shuras had already surrounded Su Changge firmly.

Their eyes were full of killing intent towards Su Changge, as if they wanted to tear Su Changge into pieces!

But Su Changge didn't care about it, he still stood there with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face.

"Please begin your performance."

These words fell into the ears of those blood Shuras, and the veins on their foreheads bulged even more.

"What a crazy human race!!"

"Jie Shura Battle Formation!"

Accompanied by Tianxing's roar.

The [-] Blood Asura clansmen burst out with their bloodline power one after another.

And the power of the bloodlines intertwined continuously, and amidst the roar of the rolling bloodlines, their aura intertwined and roared with each other.

boom! !

Amidst the surging blood energy in the sky, the power of weeping blood unleashed by five hundred blood Shura finally formed a huge phantom.

I saw that phantom with three heads and six arms, a red face and fangs.

A slight release of that majestic power of qi and blood can set off a shocking wave in the void!

At the same time, Tian Xing violently swung his right fist.

"Sura Fighting Heaven Fist!"

The huge figure condensed above the sky waved six arms.

Those six huge fists fell towards Su Changge like six destroyed stars!


At the same time, this terrifying force crushed the void into layers of terrifying fluctuations.

Accompanied by the ultimate roar, when it was tens of feet away from Su Changge.

The area where Su Changge was standing began to collapse layer by layer due to the squeeze of this force!

"Fist fight?"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, the white robe moved without wind, and a majestic aura was continuously released from his body.

"Why are you afraid?"

At the same time, Su Changsinger's palm was as crystal clear as jade, with golden runes attached to it one after another.

Under the blessing of the holy body breath, he directly punched that huge figure!

And this punch is obviously so small in front of this huge phantom.

But it is filled with an ultimate mighty power!

It's as if Su Changge is the real god in the world, and the power he controls seems to be able to easily turn everything into ashes!


next moment.

The six blood stars above the sky collided violently with Su Changge's punch.

boom! ! !

The huge roar made the world tremble in an instant!

And all the Blood Shura clansmen had dilated pupils, staring blankly at the scene in front of them!

Su Changge's punch was like a bright sun, directly shattering the Blood Shura they believed in!

The blood in the sky was collapsed into smoke, dissipating layer by layer like wind and sand!

And those Blood Shuras who gathered their strength to attack Su Changge with this attack spit blood even more, as if they had suffered a huge backlash!

Bang bang bang! !

Immediately afterwards, that force lifted them all out of the group of people and smashed them to the ground.

Wait until it's all over.

But only Su Changge's figure was still standing there.

The breeze gently brushed a strand of his hair, his face was still so calm and breezy.

"too weak."

The corners of his mouth were outlined, and he said with a faint smile, "The next batch."

Chapter 324 Frost Sword, Disappeared

The space was frozen, as if a needle could be heard.

The pride and capital they had was completely crushed by Su Changge's punch!

Turned into nothing, nothing left!

In Xue Shura's view, the human race has always been the weakest race.

Why did this human fist blow up all five hundred of their clansmen?

"This kid..." Xue Fu also had a gloomy expression.

Originally, he did this to take the opportunity to play Su Changge's trump card.

Unexpectedly, the opponent ended the fight with a light punch!

This made him even more certain that Su Changge must have a terrifying trump card.


Xue Fu suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Cang Yue, you lead a thousand clansmen to suppress this kid!"

"Don't worry, I will help this time."

The scene just now came so suddenly that Bloodfury was caught off guard and had no preparations.

He could only watch a group of his clansmen die. This time, as long as he noticed something abnormal about Su Changge, he would directly attack him.

He didn't believe that Su Changge still had the ability not to use his hole cards in this situation!

As if seeing what Xue Fu was thinking, Su Changge said with a smile: "Even if you let all the group of miscellaneous fish behind you go up together, the ending will be the same."

"It's better that you come in person."

Hearing the words, many blood Shuras froze in place again, their heads blank, obviously not knowing how to express the shock in their hearts.

But after reacting, they were even more furious.


"This damned human race! I want to use his skull as a chamber pot!"

Blood Shura was enraged again, and all of them stared at Su Changge with monstrous anger.

This time the blood rage was also completely enraged, and the clay figurines were all three points angry.

He, the leader of the blood Shura clan, was provoked again and again by a junior of the human race?


"Okay, very good." Bloodfury said in a low tone.

The unconcealable extreme killing intent instantly froze the noisy crowd.

All blood Shuras looked in the direction of Blood Fury.

I saw Blood Fury slowly walking out from the crowd.

While walking towards Su Changge, the scarlet lines on his body slowly lit up.

At the same time, a terrifying coercion enveloped the world, making people tremble uncontrollably.

"Since you like to provoke me so much, then I will satisfy your request."

At the same time as the words fell, a majestic aura instantly spread from Xue Fu's body in all directions!

What is even more shocking is that the blood power of all the blood Shuras behind the blood anger is roaring.

In the end, it turned into wisps of red thread and kept drilling towards Xuefury's body!

Su Changge, who was watching this scene, did not move. He still stood with his hands behind his back. Even in the face of such power, he was as stable as Mount Tai, not moving against the wind!

"Even if you add the power of this group of miscellaneous fish?"

Su Changge smiled lightly: "With all due respect, I am not targeting anyone."

"You blood Shura clan is in my opinion."

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