However, Su Changge's sword seemed to carry boundless divine power, and it directly split through the middle of the destroying beam!

The extremely gorgeous white light is like a sword that opened the sky, as if it cut open the world and overturned the sky!


the other side.

The battle between Li Haotian and Long Hao has also reached a fever pitch.

"Want to help Su Changge?"

Long Hao sneered: "Wishful thinking!"

"Dragon God is coming!"

Hearing Long Hao's loud shout, he stepped into the void, and a strong golden dragon energy lingered around him.

A golden robe moved with the wind, making his figure even more majestic.

At the same time, amid the surge of dragon energy, endless sacred golden dragons lingered around him, and finally blasted out directly with his punch.

Roar! ! !

The golden dragon wrapped around its fist and overturned and suppressed it!

Li Haotian snorted coldly, didn't care about it, and punched the front likewise!

Brilliant fist lights burst out, and there was a terrifying golden light rolling and roaring, the breath of the holy body gathered, and there was an overwhelming power of law lingering in the world!

Boom! !

The fierce collision between the two turned into a golden light all over the sky and descended from the sky!


At this time, Long Hao stepped forward again, the sky and the earth trembled, and another even bigger golden dragon appeared, rolling and roaring forward between the sky and the earth!


Long Hao staggered his hands to condense a ball of light, and then threw it directly above the sky.

Immediately, accompanied by an earth-shattering sound, a dragon scale shone with brilliance, and a golden five-clawed dragon hovering down from the void, lingering around Long Hao.

That high-raised head seemed to overlook everything in the world, full of extreme domineering coercion!

I saw Long Hao's palm stretched out, and the void trembled instantly, as if there was a sense of heaven and earth collapsing.


At the same time, the divine dragon surrounding him let out a roar, and with Long Hao's movement, he also raised the dragon's claws.

A boundless giant claw of the dragon smashed down towards Li Haotian!

In front of this huge golden claw shadow, Li Haotian's figure is extremely small, as if he can easily tear everything in the world into pieces!

Li Haotian looked up at the sky, his face was icy cold, a terrifying coercion erupted from his body, surrounded by endless aura.

In the void, more dense chaos permeated out, intertwined, and transformed into a huge black and white Dao map.

In the blooming and spinning, the immortal law is blooming, and the interweaving of black and white seems to constitute a majestic world!

Among them, it seems to be the interpretation of yin and yang in the world, and the reincarnation of all living beings alternates!

The vision of the ancient holy body, the life and death diagram of yin and yang!

Boom! !

The sky shook, and the huge boundless golden dragon's claw collided with the rotating yin-yang life-and-death diagram, stagnating in mid-air, and destructive brilliance appeared around.

But under the great power of this yin-yang life-and-death diagram, the huge sacred golden dragon was also shattered bit by bit.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, it finally turned into fragments and disappeared into the sky.


The huge backlash force could not help but make Long Hao step back, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

"Damn! Why is there such a monster in Guiyuan Holy Land!"

Long Hao really couldn't accept this!


While this battle broke out.

Another void zone also erupted with terrifying roars of air waves.

The phoenix divine fire that covered the sky was shattered by a powerful force, turning into sparks that poured down from the sky!

"As the goddess of Yaochi Holy Land, you actually work with Su Changge, where is your dignity!?"

While Feng Muxin was speaking, her hands kept moving, her hands formed seals, the raging phoenix fire was burning in her eyes, and when she raised her hand, a phoenix covering the sky came out!

"Ridiculous, don't you also have collusion with the underworld and the Palace of the King of Hades, and you deserve to talk to me about this?"

A chaotic air permeated from Luo Yanyu's body, like the rhythm of the avenue, as if it could destroy everything.

The rippling law storm made her three thousand black hair flutter in the wind, making her look even more magnificent!


I saw Luo Yanyu slapping out a palm casually, and there was a strong air of chaos enveloping the power, like a stormy wave crushing the void, while sweeping the void, it fell in the direction of Fengmu's heart!

Suddenly, the void shook violently, an invisible storm rippling, and that berserk force was even more earth-shattering, like collapsing the sky!


At the same time, a huge flame phoenix fell from the depths of the universe, making a deep phoenix cry.

When it fell to the ground, Feng Mu, whose body was broken, coughed up blood in his heart, and his breath was weak.

"Is this the Chaos Body..."

"If I also have the Eucharist... how can I not be her opponent!?"

Just when Feng Mu was heartbroken, a mean voice suddenly came from the sky.

"There is a flaw!"

"Sneak attack!"

When Feng Muxin turned her head in horror, the Nether Phoenix was already very close!

She is inevitable!



From Su Changge's side, there was also a huge roar.

The huge sword light fell, carrying endless radiance of the holy body, as if cutting that space in half!

This scene was too shocking, the sky collapsed and the earth fell!

Chapter 332 The end of the legend?If it remains the same!


At the same time, a mushroom cloud of sword aura set off a terrifying wave of sword aura that swept in all directions.

In order to end the battle as quickly as possible, Su Changge even incorporated his greatly changed sword energy.

The sword energy that was raised shook the entire world and ravaged the sky for thousands of miles!

There was a dead silence in the audience again, staring blankly at the white-clothed figure in the smoke.

Sheng Xue was still dressed in white, with a calm expression on his face, even with such a tyrannical sword, he seemed to be okay.

This made their heads roar even more.

I don't know how to express my shock in words.

The seven ghost commanders of the Underworld and the nine Yamas of the Palace of the King of Hell, these people are all top leaders among the younger generation.

Below one person, above ten thousand people.

But now it was completely wiped out by Su Changge's sword!

"Is this Su Changge really undefeated...?"

All the Tianjiao in the underworld and the palace of the king of hell had this kind of thought in their hearts. An unfair duel was subverted by Su Changge in this way!

"Su Changge, do you think this is the end of the matter?"

At this time, another indifferent voice came from the world, which contained endless killing intent!

At the same time as the sound fell.

A terrifying and strange aura instantly spread towards the area where Su Changge was.

At the same time, runes were shining all over the sky, and finally intertwined with each other to form a cumbersome formation pattern.

Countless jet-black lights shone from it, and immediately after, the strange patterns engraved on the magic circle burst out a terrifying aura that could destroy the world!

"Hahaha! Great! My lord, they succeeded!"

Looking at this scene, the faces of Tianjiao of the many hells and the palace of the king of hell showed joy.

Heaven-killing evil array!

This is their last trump card. Although it will cost a lot, as long as they can kill Su Changge, it will be worth it!

But at this time, Ao Jiuyang and Xiu Qi had completely merged with the Tianxie Formation.

Their whole bodies were enveloped by a strange aura, and the strange aura emanating from their bodies seemed to be the embodiment of death!

"God Son of Changge!!"

Queen Bone Sea let out an exclamation, and even she could sense a terrifying aura from the strange magic circle.

Not even close.I can't imagine what kind of coercion Su Changge will face in the center of this magic circle! ?

When she made a seal with her jade fingers, there was also a terrifying force gathering, and finally it turned into a tumbling sea of ​​bones.

Immediately afterwards, a huge skull protruded from the tumbling sea of ​​bones and stretched out in front of the group of Tianjiao.

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