The evil spirit was overwhelming, turning into ghost spears and blood spears, piercing through the air towards Su Changge!

Boom! !

But when it collided with Su Changge's palm print, the billowing waves vented in all directions, and those magical powers had no resistance in front of Su Changge's palm print!

In an instant, it turned into shards of light all over the sky and collapsed!

Puff puff! !

The aura of the holy body in the palm print suddenly exploded, and the holy and terrifying power immediately crushed the reincarnated floating corpses below into blood mist!

"This kid is really weird!"

"Let's do our best together!"

The remaining reincarnated floating corpses roared furiously, and the power of karma was awakened from their bodies repeatedly, forming karma flames on the surface of their bodies!

Their aura was raised to the extreme at this moment, and they burst out with terrifying power again!

The strong wind that was just set off continued to pour in all directions, and the terrifying breath seemed to completely drown Su Changge!

"Come to fight!"

The blood of the Eucharist in Su Changge's body was completely boiling, and there was a boundless fighting spirit rising in the depths of his pupils!

A hearty battle is the way he wants to go!

"I hope you are an unbreakable toy."

After the words fell, endless divine light emerged from Su Changge's body!

Stretching out his right hand, runes rolled up one after another, and finally turned into a lightsaber!

Swish swish! !

Boom boom boom! !

"Yin and Yang with one sword!"

"The sword destroys the world!"

"Heavenly Meteor Sword Falls!"


As Su Changge used the most powerful sword formulas one after another, endless sword energy poured down every time he swung the Heavenly Sword!

The terrifying sword qi surging out from the God Sword set off bursts of sword cries, and the violent sword qi fell straight down like a galaxy!

It turned into a berserk sword-qi blue dragon and roamed freely, rocks and rocks shattered and collapsed layer by layer!

Every time he cuts out a sword, the sky and the earth roar, and the void trembles!

The magical powers played by the reincarnated floating corpse below are actually useless in front of Su Changge!

One sword can break all spells!

"Shenzi Changge's strength is unavoidable..."

The surrounding disciples looked dull and exclaimed.

Especially the two brothers and sisters, Bai Ze, trembled even more watching this scene.

The reincarnated floating corpses recorded in ancient books are all physically powerful and extremely difficult to deal with, but now Su Changge is all about chopping melons and vegetables!


Roar! !

A reincarnated floating corpse whose arm had been sliced ​​off by Su Changge's sword qi was instantly furious.

"I think I was a great emperor before I was alive, but now I am being bullied by dogs! It's really hateful!"

boom! !

I saw him stepping out step by step, the thick evil spirit wrapped around his body, the white hairs all over his body stood up, and layers of black energy burst out, as if they could absorb boundless Yin energy!

At the same time, his lingering evil spirit turned into a black thread and surged toward his chest!

In the end, the position on his chest turned into black light flickering.

He opened his mouth and spit out a sinister light beam bursting with a destructive aura towards Su Changge!

"Oh... Great Emperor? So you are very brave?"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, he didn't care about it, he even beheaded the ancient emperor!

A great emperor in life, why should he be afraid of the evil spirit of white-haired zombies after death?

I saw that Su Changge had already raised the Heavenly Sword above his head, and the endless sword energy permeating the void gathered at the same time.

Even the Sword of Heaven burst out with bright and shining light, like a bright moon tearing apart the darkness!

The storm of sword energy rippling around him surrounded his whole body.

At this moment, Su Changge's black hair is flying, his eyes are shining, and the aura in his body has reached the extreme at this moment!

"Sword of Extinguishing God!"

Immediately, Su Changge chopped down the long sword that was held high!

This radiant sword light is like a divine star descending into the world, causing the universe to collapse, as if this space is about to collapse!

Chapter 341 Breaking the defense!Like ants!

boom--! !

An earth-shattering explosion exploded!

The turbulent sword energy set off a divine light, like a galaxy of swords turbulently venting!

The destructive red light gushing out from the mouth of the reincarnated floating corpse was split directly in the middle by Su Changge's sword!

The moment the scarlet light came into contact with Su Changge's sword energy, it was torn apart as easily as paper!

In the end, this dazzling light completely illuminated the world, it was more like a star falling from the sky!

Boom! !

Glory to the world!

The sword energy, sword light, and the sky-filled sword intent rolled down the sky like a flood from a dam!

Puff puff! !

A large group of reincarnated floating corpses at the center of the sword energy explosion couldn't resist Su Changge's sword energy at all!

Together with the surging karmic force in their bodies, it turned into billowing blood and dissipated between heaven and earth!

"Too deceiving!!"

Some reincarnated floating corpses roared angrily again. They couldn't accept that a junior in the Dharma-ending Era beat them to such an embarrassment!

Bang bang bang! !

I saw bursts of strange power erupting in their bodies again!

As soon as he raised his hand, the shimmering supernatural powers and laws collided with the dazzling sword light again!

Years of backlog of anger, as well as the feeling of grievance in the heart, drove the remaining reincarnated floating corpses into a complete madness!

The earth was cracked, and the smoke and dust billowed in the sky.

The completely different breaths of the two parties continued to roar and explode in the area ahead!

Even the laws of that area were completely obliterated and turned into a vacuum!

As for the many disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land, they were evacuated thousands of meters away!

The dust all over the sky made it difficult for them to see the specific moves.

But the endless roar made their eardrums tremble like the thunder of war drums!

"Isn't the combat power of Changge Shenzi too exaggerated?"

"The group of ancient corpses sleeping in the Samsara River look very strange, but God Son Changge can fight back and forth with them!"

A disciple retorted when he heard the words: "Where is this fight back and forth? Changge Shenzi is completely in the upper hand!"

"Nowadays, the strength of Changge Shenzi may be difficult to find an opponent among the younger generation. Perhaps only the older generation can fight against him!"

As soon as these words came out, they were recognized by many disciples present.

With such a Son of God around, why should Guiyuan Holy Land be unhappy?

As for the other several Saint Physique Talents, they all looked at each other helplessly, and a deep sense of helplessness could be seen in their eyes!

They are also holy bodies, but there is such a big gap between them and Su Changge!

The Empress Bone Sea in the crowd was staring at Su Changge's direction.

"Why do I feel... Changge Shenzi's aura seems to be getting stronger and stronger during the battle...?"

Her cultivation base is the highest among these people, and she is extremely sensitive to the perception of the law of spiritual energy.

Every time Su Changge slashed out with a sword, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, as if through the process of fighting, he broke through his own cultivation!


another direction.

A group of people who came in after Su Changge were watching this scene from a distance.

On the bloody hillside, a young man in black robe stood with his hands behind his back.

The black robe moves automatically without wind, making a sound of hunting.

He is the Heavenly Dao Supervisor Alliance Shisi who sneaked in.

Looking at the battle area shrouded in endless chaotic light, Shi Si sneered.

"I didn't expect Su Changge to have two brushes."

"The reincarnated floating corpses were all top powerhouses, and the lowest ones were all emperors."

The corner of his mouth smiled even more: "Although they have been eroded by the endless law of reincarnation, they still retain the fighting habits and fighting moves of their lifetime."

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