
The sudden arrival of the sword energy also exploded with tyranny.

When the two reacted, the electric sword energy carrying Ling Tian's power had already descended.

Boom--! !

In an instant, a wave of extremely sacred sword energy wrapped in Tao Tao's sword energy fell from the void!

But when this sword energy fell, it set off a towering sword roar, the earth collapsed, and hundreds of millions of sword lights shot out of it! !

boom! ! !

A shocking sound was heard from the entire area, and the dust that was stirred up alone spread for miles around!

Many Guiyuan Holy Land disciples who were sensing the opportunity in the upper reaches of the Samsara River were once again startled by the huge noise!

They looked at each other, and there was even more horror in their eyes that couldn't be concealed!

"Shenzi Changge who broke through to the peak of the Holy Master Realm is too strong!"

"Hiss... Is Changge Shenzi really just breaking through to the Holy Master Realm? The attacks from some Emperor Realm are just like that, right?"

The feeling of this sword energy was too strong for them. Even though they were separated by an unknown distance, the aftermath of it had already made their minds roar!

At the same time, in the lower reaches of the Samsara River, Su Changge's sword intensified the bank collapse of the Samsara River!

wow wow wow-

The endless river flooded back, and the hazy atmosphere of reincarnation spread out, covering the whole area!

next moment.

Suddenly hundreds of millions of jet-black thunders bloomed in the area of ​​the sky-high smoke and dust and the air of reincarnation!

"Su Changge!! You are courting death!!"

Di Shi Cang's furious voice came out, and at this moment, his shirt was broken, and even his left arm was sliced ​​off by the sword energy.

Blood gushed out, and the whole body was covered with blood and clods, which looked very oozing!

But compared to the pain of tearing his body apart, the sense of shame in his heart was even worse!

He is the majestic Son of the God of Six Desires, and Su Changge can be regarded as the same title!

He had always longed to have a real fight with Su Changge, but it was only one move that made him see such a huge gap!

Is the difference really that big?

He doesn't believe it!

"Magic Thunderbolt God Art!"

Boom--! !

Immediately, with Di Shi Cang as the center, hundreds of millions of thunderbolts crisscrossed and exploded all over his body.

In the end, it turned into a sea of ​​dark and dazzling thunder!

Lei Haitao, black thunder shining, black snake dancing wildly, thunder shaking the sky!

The pitch-black thunder that billowed like a tide continued to gather, and it was as ferocious and terrifying as the thunder of destroying the world!


When Emperor Shi Cang's aura reached its peak, with his roar, the thousands of thunderclaps finally vented in the direction of Su Changge!

And Su Changge standing in front of this world-destroying thunder sea is like a flat boat in the raging sea, as if a thunder wave rolls over Su Changge's figure and will be submerged at any time!

However, Su Changge didn't care about this, his eyes were like an ancient well.

Without saying a word, the sword of heaven in his hand gently slashed towards the sea of ​​thunder that destroyed the world.

The movement of his sword is very light and slow.

It seems that everything in the world is frozen like a slideshow.

"Little Lei, how dare you turn the world upside down?"

The words fall, Jianming!

Swish swish! !

Suddenly, countless sword lights appeared instantly, constantly appearing from all angles!

In the end, the continuous pieces of sword light converged and interweaved into a huge sword net!

boom -

Finally, the thunderous ocean intertwined with the huge sword net and roared together.

Those terrifying black thunders laughed wildly, vowing to tear up this huge sword net and then destroy it!

But as the sword energy runes in the sword net became more and more shining, they almost instantly pierced through the sea of ​​thunder!

Countless thunderbolts collapsed and dissipated, turning into dust and annihilation between heaven and earth!

" this...?"

Looking at his shattered supernatural power, Di Shi Cang looked dull.

Like Su Changge, he is also called the Son of God.

Now with the blessing of the power of heaven, he has also broken through to the peak of the Holy Master Realm, but why is there such a big gap after one move! ?

He is also the pride of one of the top forces, why is he so inferior to Su Changge?

Su Changge, who was standing on the sky, looked down, his eyes were cold, like one side, he was a god born in grass!

Di Shi Cang, who was looking into his eyes, was completely frightened and froze in place. From Su Changge's deep eyes, he saw his own ending in ashes!

The fear inside the wall made him step back. At this moment, he no longer lost the courage to face Su Changge!

Just when Su Changge was about to make a move, another faint laughter came from the smoke and dust: "God Son Changge is really powerful."

"I really admire you very much."

Su Changge frowned slightly when he heard the words, and glanced in the direction of the voice.

A figure walked slowly in his direction with positive and negative hands.

Wearing a black robe and a black jade crown on his head, he is handsome and handsome, and his brows reveal the arrogance of Ni Tianxia.

What was even more shocking was that the smog of reincarnation lingering around him couldn't touch him at all.

Looking carefully, it turned out that there was a faint white light emitting from the surface of his body, and this white light was intertwined with thousands of runes.

Under the roar of the bursts of runes, it was like a light curtain, blocking all the haze of reincarnation outside.

"grown ups!!"

Like a drowning person finally grabbing a life-saving straw, the previous gloom was swept away, and Di Cang seemed to see hope again!

However, Su Changge, who saw this situation, still had an indifferent face, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"It turns out that you are the dog sent by the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance this time."

"Looking at you like this, do you want to save this dog under your command?"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth became even more playful: "Then you have a try, whether it's your hand or my sword."


With just one word, Emperor Shi Cang was completely sentenced to death!

boom! ! !

The sword net exploded in an instant, and at the same time turned into millions of sword-qi blue dragons roaring and roaring!

One after another sword light swayed and fell like a tornado in the sword prison!

"Su Changge!!"

Shisi, who originally wanted to show off in front of Su Changge, was a little overwhelmed by Su Changge's decisiveness!

He originally wanted to get some words out of Su Changge's mouth, but it seems that the other party didn't give him a chance at all!

This made him even more annoyed, but his hands kept moving, and he gathered the power of heaven in an instant!

When he raised his hand, a fiery destructive light blasted out!

Boom! ! !

However, the scene where Jian Guang was stopped did not appear as expected!

Logically speaking, his power of heaven is already immune to many laws, and it can be said that all laws are invulnerable!

But at the moment of contact with Su Changge's sword energy, it was like ice and snow collapsing in layers of the scorching sun!

"This is... the power to cut Dao!?"

Shisi's pupils shrank, and he finally noticed the sword of God in Su Chang's singer, which made him gasp even more!

"Why is there the power of heaven in the sword over there!? It's still the oldest power of heaven!"

"how can that be!?"

Just as he was wondering, the huge sword light had fallen, and the storm of destructive sword energy completely destroyed that space!

"Do not!!!"

Di Cang uttered a desperate and stern roar for the last time, his body was powerless to resist the destructive sword energy!

All were destroyed, not even a single bit of body and soul left behind!

Turned into a part of the flying ash!

Chapter 349 The recovery of the emperor's army, the protection of the heavens, and the restart of the heavens?

The thunder in the sky turned into wind and sand and dissipated.

The law wailed, and the magic light dimmed.

There were originally many people who were attracted by this battle, and they all stared in this direction blankly.

Their eyes were replaced by a kind of shock, and the crowd was dead silent.

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