Compared with Shisi, it was the dazzling blue sun condensed on the sky that made him feel more headache.

"The awakening of the will of heaven has actually caused the suppression of heaven in this area..."

"Not only can it provide this guy with the protection of the power of heaven, but it can also suppress my cultivation..."

"In ancient times, there were nine holy bodies fighting against the sky..."

Su Changge's eyes flashed when he thought of this.

"Nowadays, a mere broken heaven, how can it suppress the brilliance that belongs to the holy body?"

At the same time, there are endless bright runes covering Su Changge's body!

The body of the treasure is crystal clear, shining brightly!

boom! !

A terrifying force pierced through the boundless void, and the breath of the holy body was completely awakened!

With Su Changge as the center, the terrifying divine light spread for countless miles!

It's like a brilliant sun rising slowly in that side of the world, especially the refracted billions of rays of light piercing through the coercion of heaven!

Instead, he was shrouded in the aura of the supreme sacrament!

"how can that be!?"

Seeing this scene, Shi Si couldn't help but let out an exclamation at the same time.

This area has long been shrouded by the will of heaven, not only all the laws are under his control, but he is also able to prevent all laws from invading!

But with the awakening of the aura in Su Changge's body, the original absolute suppression was broken!

Instead, the coercion of heaven was melted layer by layer by that force!

"But Tiandao's lackeys, do you really think you are a heaven?"

Su Changge sneered, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he looked down at the sky.

When the Sword of Heaven was raised high, there was endless sword light rising and rushing out from behind him!

After soaring straight into the sky, it turned into an endless curtain of sword light and hung down from the sky!

This is one of the forbidden kendo methods taught to him by Ghost Sword Immortal, Sword Light Chaos!

With nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine sword lights as the ultimate move to kill the enemy, the gathering of thousands of sword qi will shatter the boundless for thousands of miles!

Each of the sword lights contains the ultimate power of sword energy, just a single sword fall, I am afraid that ordinary strong people in the Holy Master Realm will find it difficult to withstand it!


Om-! !

Immediately, thousands of sword lights were released, ignoring the laws of space, and even the coercive world formed by the will of heaven was instantly pierced!

"Qingming Gun Prison!"

This extreme sense of danger made Shisi's heart tremble, he didn't dare to be careless, and made a decision instantly!

Use the art of the emperor's magical powers!

boom! !

He also saw a terrifying storm of guns appearing around Shisi, and the lights and shadows of thousands of sharp guns slowly condensed around his body!

A field of apocalyptic guns is centered on Shisi, rippling away towards the space in all directions!

In the Apocalypse Spear Field, with the cooperation of the emperor's will in the emperor's army, the countless destructive spear shadows even swallowed the divine light of destroying the world, as if they could smash everything to pieces!

Boom! !

The next moment, thousands of chaotic sword lights pierced through the void and pierced straight into the apocalypse gun field!

The chaotic light exploded and the runes shattered!

Countless spear shadows seemed to want to stop the penetration of the Chaos Sword Light, but they were directly crushed by the terrifying sword energy emitted by the Chaos Sword Light!

Seeing that it would be a matter of time before his moves were deciphered, Shi Si changed his mind again.

"Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative!"

With a ruthless heart, there was another burst of supreme divine power in the palm, which turned into bursts of light and spread, covering the entire Xuanming Emperor Spear!

Two terrifying forces suddenly intertwined and roared on the blade of the gun, lingering like a galaxy, and burst out with the power of the emperor's will and the way of heaven!

When the two forces reached their limits, Shisi suddenly exerted force in his hand and threw the imperial spear in his hand with the greatest force!

boom! !

The gun light suddenly appeared, and the terrifying divine light storm set off waves of ripples!

During the piercing, the void was directly pierced, carrying the vast emperor's prestige down, and the burst of power caused the sky and the earth to tremble, and the void trembled!

"In such a hurry to give me your Emperor Armament?"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly: "Then I have no choice but to accept it reluctantly."

I saw Su Changge's mind move, and a blazing brilliance suddenly manifested from his consciousness!

The moment it landed in front of Su Changge, the Nine Burial Sword Box erupted with an earth-shattering wave of sword energy!

boom--! !

Although the power of this imperial weapon is extremely terrifying, compared with the Nine Burial Sword Box, it is more than 01:30 points behind!

Like a boat in a wave of sword energy, it was swallowed up in an instant, and finally even the figure of this emperor soldier disappeared in the rolling sword energy!

"This is... the mythical object among the four inconceivables of Huangquan, the nine-burial sword box!?"

As the existence of the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance, he already knew many secrets of the Three Thousand Dao Realm from the moment he arrived.

Who doesn't know such a terrifying and taboo thing as the Nine Burial Sword Box?

"But the Nine Burial Sword Box has already been shattered in the Great War!"

Shi Si obviously didn't believe this result, but the Ling Tian sword power erupting from the sword box made him have to think in the worst direction!

After the tumbling sword energy gradually subsided, the will in the Emperor Xuanming's spear had been completely wiped out by the Nine Burial Sword Box!

Su Changge just waved his hand slightly, and the Emperor Xuanming Spear flew into his hand!

After looking around, Su Changge smiled lightly.

"I thought it was something."

"It turned out to be just a seventh-rank emperor soldier."

Su Changge's eyes revealed an unconcealable disgust.

He thought that the Imperial Spear that burst out with such power had at least four grades, but it turned out that it just looked like special effects and gaudy!

Some disciples who had been watching this scene had been around for a long time.

Hearing this, he was even more speechless, and finally looked at each other in blank dismay, his expression full of disbelief!

"Excuse me...did I hear wrong just now?"

"God Son Changge dislikes that Emperor Weapon...?"

Imperial soldiers!

This is the Imperial Soldier!

Even the lowest rank ninth rank emperor weapon is also very precious!

This is a full seven ranks!

This was actually disgusted by Su Changge!

It is simply a violent rash!

"Forget it, throw it to that brat Ye Lintian later, if he can't control it, then let others try."

At this time, Su Changge put away the Emperor Xuanming's gun on his own.

His face was calm and breezy, as if he didn't care at all.

This made many disciples want to cry when they heard the words.

"Pure passer-by, do I have the qualifications to be the chasing... dog of God Son Changge?"

They are so sour!

They are so envious!

An emperor soldier, actually rewarding his followers!

Chapter 351 It is agreed, to protect him, the fragments of the heavenly way wake up!

As for the seized place of the imperial soldiers, his face turned livid with anger.

Clenching his hands tightly, clenching his teeth, his eyes stared fiercely at Su Changge, and his whole body was about to burst into flames!

That imperial weapon was temporarily lent to him by the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors!

Now being taken away by Su Changge, how would he explain to Brother San?

"Give me back the emperor soldier!!"

With a roar, the divine light erupting all over his body became even more intense!

The huge blue sun condensed on the sky also resonated with Shisi!

Countless lines of cyan rune light refracted out, and the power of the sky surged for a while!

"Oh, why are you in such a hurry?"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, and said again: "Whatever is in my hand is mine."

"If you want, I'll stand here, and you can get it yourself."

Hearing this, Shisi became even more angry, especially when he saw the half-smile smile on the corner of Su Changge's mouth.

This made him feel even more humiliated!

How arrogant to snatch his things!

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