Wuji proudly raised his chin slightly: "We must always carry out the spirit of Gou Dao and carry forward Gou Dao to the extreme!"

"Thank you, Brother Aotian, for waking up the dreamer!"

Many sword cultivators of Luo and Jianzong dispersed the haze one after another, and immediately recovered their spirit of cooking.

This even attracted the strange eyes of all the guests around.

If it weren't for the Guiyuan Holy Land here, they would have suspected that this group of guys were beggar sword cultivators who sneaked in from outside!

But what they don't know is that this group of beggar sword cultivators who preach the Gou Dao have already stepped into the realm of the Holy Master!

Gou Dao, it's so terrifying!


The banquet continued.

Guiyuan Holy Land set up this banquet without much purpose.

That is, before the opening of the Emperor's Road, let these young talents have a platform to exchange information.

After all, the emperor's road is extremely dangerous, and the land road in each life will be affected by time and space, so there will be different results.

Therefore, the emperor's road in each era is extremely dangerous, and the kings are buried.

In the past, there were also people like Su Changge who overwhelmed the general trend.

When everyone in the world thought that person could become a great emperor, but in the end they received the wail of the buried bone emperor road.

After all, it is a matter of destiny, and there are countless monsters who hide their strength.

Just to become the dark horse that can turn the world around on the emperor's road.

So collecting experience, don't say whether you can prove the Tao and become an emperor.

At least there is a chance of survival in the emperor's road.

"Son of Changge... I'm here this time, but I actually have some important news to tell you." Luo Yanyu blushed again after taking a sip of the wine.

"According to the perception of the Dao of Heaven by an ancestor of my Yaochi Holy Land...a power of the Dao of Heaven that does not belong to this era seems to be awakening..."

"According to my Yaochi ancestor's guess...it is very likely to be the aura of the legendary inheritor of the Dao of Heaven..."

Su Changge frowned slightly upon hearing this.

According to the information he had collected before, the reason why the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors went to Jiuyou was to awaken the inheritors of the Heavenly Dao to deal with him.

Now that the plan has failed, he is still determined to die!

Su Changge's eyes were a little cold, thinking of Mu Yanxi who disappeared in front of him, he felt a nameless fire towards the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance in his heart!

At this time, Luo Yanyu smiled again: "I have heard for a long time that Changge Shenzi's qin skills are extraordinary, and Yan Yu is also proficient in qin skills."

"I don't know God Son Changge, would you like to discuss the Tao with Yan Yu at this banquet?"

These words pulled Su Changge's thoughts back, and he looked at Luo Yanyu whose eyes were a little blurred.

Su Changge smiled helplessly: "Goddess Luo, are you drunk..."

Luo Yanyu smiled lightly and raised her head. Her dreamy face was complemented by a blush color, making her even more like a fallen fairy.

The white dress is better than the snow, facing Su Changge in white, in the eyes of many monks, they are better than a couple.

Especially for some young men, when they glanced at Luo Yanyu from the corner of their eyes, they would feel their hearts beating fiercely, and they would be deeply shocked by this beauty.


Luo Yanyu smiled slightly: "God Son Changge, are you afraid...?"

The sound was like silver bells rippling, and it was like the sound of a clear spring, and even the discussion crowd was quiet for a short time.

At that moment, no matter whether it was a man or a woman, there was silence.

As for Su Changge's followers, they looked at each other and smiled.

Yun Xinyan also stared at this scene speechlessly, her eyes flickering with anticipation.

The reason why Luo Yanyu is called a goddess is also because of her powerful cultivation talent, and now she has stepped into the peak of the holy ancestor realm.

Coupled with the assistance of the Supreme Bone and Chaos Body, if it does not die young.

His future achievements on the road will not be much lower than that of Su Changge.

If this kind of person is willing to follow Su Changge and become the son of Changge, they are naturally very willing.

Su Changge looked at Luo Yanyu quietly.

Suddenly, a smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

"Since Goddess Luo is not afraid."

"Why are you afraid of Chang Ge?"

Chapter 360 Goddess Luo wants to kill herself?

Hearing this, Luo Yanyu made a light move with her hand.

Then a guqin made by an unknown god bone suddenly appeared and manifested from the void.

It is crystal clear, with colorful rays of light blooming.

At this moment, Luo Yanyu had black hair and shawls, and a radiant melody lingered around her.

There is an extraordinary and refined temperament all over her body, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

I saw her slender jade fingers moving over the strings.

bass--! !

Suddenly, the sound of the piano sounded, and the beating rhythmic runes kept rolling, and finally turned into light and rain flying out of the sky.

It is also like the sound of the nine gods falling, and the rippling sound of the piano seems to be able to cleanse everyone's soul.

At the same time, there was an indescribable Dao Yun pervading, and the joyful divine light set off Luo Yanyu's beauty even more.

"I didn't realize that Luo Shennv Qindao is also so extraordinary."

Su Changge smiled faintly, and also took out a guqin from the void.

With a flick of your fingertips, the endless melodies turned into mist and diffused, setting off that area like a fairyland.

The two completely different piano sounds are intertwined and resonate with each other, like mountains and flowing water, quenching the heart and spleen.

All the guests were immersed in this wonderful music, fascinated and dreamlike, as if they had fallen into a place of ecstasy.

Under the shroud of the law, this group of young arrogances, even radiating radiance all over their bodies, fell into a strange place of sudden enlightenment...

a time.

In the main hall, various visions emerged.

All kinds of five clouds of light interweave and transform into various miraculous scenes, reflecting each other and showing their brilliance.

Even the ancestors of Guiyuan Holy Land were amazed when they heard this song.

"Chang Ge and Yan Yu's qin skills are really good... Not only does it have a hint of Dao charm... it has also reached the realm of artistic conception..."

The Patriarch Pojun showed even more helplessness at this time: "Actually, listen carefully... There is a different kind of emotion in the song of that little girl Yan Yu...."

"Although it is hidden very deeply...but the admiration expressed is too strong..."

The point is over, the Pojun Patriarch will not say more.

The other ancestors also looked at each other and smiled, which seemed normal to them.

After all, Su Changge, no matter in terms of appearance or talent, is a top existence in the entire Three Thousand Dao Realm.

Even since they had more Su Changge in Guiyuan Holy Land, the original Daoist style has become so rare that it is difficult to find traces.

This is because all women have a white moonlight in their hearts, Su Changge.

After all, who could not love a handsome and powerful son of God?

a long time.

The music gradually subsided, and all kinds of visions gradually disappeared.

All the guests opened their eyes reluctantly, the scene just now really made them linger.

"If you can hear such a fairy voice every day...why don't you worry about becoming a Dao...?" A young Tianjiao suddenly sighed.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately got the approval of many people.

The music played by Su Changge and Luo Yanyu is full of grand rhyme, and the divine sound is indistinct, which can cleanse the soul.

At this moment, Luo Yanyu also slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at Su Changge with a half-smile.

"How? My piano way."

Su Changge smiled: "Not bad."


Luo Yanyu snorted softly, but a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Until the end, is the other party unwilling to respond to yourself?

However, this feeling was instantly concealed by her.

It's right to think about it, how can such a dragon among men be a thing in the pool?

He belongs to the higher sky, he belongs to the nine heavens, his legend should echo in the larger world.

"Pretty women in pink are all skeletons, they turn the country and the city into bones..."

Luo Yanyu lowered her head with a gloomy expression and said in a voice that could only be heard by herself: "On the beautiful appearance...without strong cultivation, it is nothing more than a kind of shackle..."

"Perhaps I shouldn't."

After thinking through all this, a trace of determination flashed in Luo Yanyu's eyes.

Zheng-! !

I saw her sliding her hands on the guqin, and the sound of the piano reappeared, it was obviously like the sound of heaven, but there was a chill in it.

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