"Thank you senior..."

A soft voice sounded in Gu Zu's heart at the same time.

Then it turned into a sky full of stars, slowly dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Looking in that direction.

The ancient ancestor didn't recover for a long time.

What frightened him wasn't the woman's cultivation, but the aura emanating from her body.

"What a strong power of reincarnation..."

"Could it be Fang Xianchao from the Immortal Territory..."

To be able to master such a terrifying power of reincarnation, according to his cognition.

Besides the Samsara Immortal Dynasty in the Tianlun Immortal Territory, who else is there?

But the woman just now obviously didn't have any malice towards Su Changge, it was more like a feeling of longing.

After Gui Yuan Guzu thought about it, he felt his mind roaring!

"The kid Changge's father is from the Taboo Su family..."

"His mother's natal family could be..."


A memory suddenly flashed in Gu Zu's mind.

Once upon a time, there was a legendary story about a couple of gods and Taoists that resounded throughout the fairyland.

They entered the abyss of darkness hand in hand, killed seven in and seven out, and beat all the dark dynasties crying for their fathers and mothers!

Later, they entered the Chaos Forbidden Zone together, and confronted the immortal existence within.

But the other party seemed to have some scruples, but he didn't dare to make a move, and in the end he could only grit his teeth in anger!

He even killed a bunch of fairy kings in the forbidden zone, and he was able to escape from it!

The immortal being among them was furious, yelling at him for bullying others, and going to Immortal Immortal Court to sue them.

However, in the end, even the Immortal Immortal Court who claimed to be the talker of the Immortal Territory did not dare to intervene in this matter, and finally had to let it go.

"Now it seems that if these two forces become in-laws..."

"I can explain clearly what the pair of gods and couples who walked sideways in the fairyland did."


The ancient ancestor sighed again, and laughed at himself: "I didn't expect such an important thing to be forgotten."

"When you get older, your mind goes bad."

At this time, Empress Xuanyu, who had not responded for a long time, suddenly asked in a low voice, "Guzu...you are old...you should have a good rest..."

This statement came out.

Di Zhan and the other three great emperors all stared wide-eyed, looking at Empress Xuanyu with horror on their faces.

That look seemed to say: Warrior!How dare you speak to Gu Zu like that!

Sure enough, the eyes of the ancient ancestor who was in the midst of emotion once again fell on Empress Xuanyu.

That strange feeling made Empress Xuanyu shiver even more!

She... seems to know...

I said something wrong!


Although there was a smile in Gu Zu's words, it made one's scalp tingle.

"I'm getting older and my memory is not good. What is the specific content of the Guiyuan Jing...?"

"Oh, forgot!"

"Then what, Xuan Yu, copy the Gui Yuan Sutra [-] times and show it to me! Just enough for me to remember it!"

Hearing this, Empress Xuanyu almost knelt down directly!

The Guiyuan Jing, which was written by countless sect rules of their Guiyuan Holy Land, has hundreds of thousands of words!

Copy one hundred thousand times?

When should it be written?

"Guzu I..."

Before Empress Xuanyu coquettishly explained again.

Gu Zu suddenly asked again: "What?"

"You don't think it's enough?"

"Let's do this, add another hundred thousand times!"

Hearing this, Empress Xuanyu wanted to cry without tears!

She doesn't dare to talk nonsense anymore!

The three great emperors who had a panoramic view of this scene all lowered their heads, only daring to communicate secretly with their eyes!

It seems to be saying: Gu Zu, you still hold grudges like this!

Boom! !

But right now.

The dull thunder suddenly sounded from outside the sky, and the earth-shattering thunder flashed.

The sky turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and even turned into a surging sea of ​​thunder.

An extremely terrifying coercion descended!

With Guiyuan Temple as the center, a terrifying will keeps gathering towards Su Changge!

Emperor Zhan Dadi and the others looked at each other, and the shock in their eyes was even more difficult to conceal. They were too familiar with this will!

"Is this... the Emperor's will...?"

This power has just been born between heaven and earth, but the coercion that emanates seems to contain endless power!

It's even like a real emperor waking up!

You know, Su Changge is only breaking through the quasi-emperor realm.

It has nothing to do with the realm of the legendary Great Emperor!

However, this aura has already made countless disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land feel their scalps go numb!

"Son of God... Is this going to break through the quasi-emperor...?"

Numerous disciples and elders of Guiyuan Holy Land stepped out of the cave where they practiced.

They all looked up at the area of ​​Guiyuan Temple.

I saw endless runes of light gushing out above the sky, resplendent and extraordinary.

The terrifying emperor's will and Daohui intertwined, and it even turned into a phantom of a square temple.

The ancient and immortal temple seemed to be one with the sky, and the floating light in it shone every time.

Then there was a sky-shattering coercion soaring to the sky, smashing the world, tearing everything apart!

But it didn't stop there.

That heaven-shattering aura is constantly surging, and thousands of miraculous phenomena are constantly forming!

It's like a rendition of the universe.


At this moment, Holy Master Guiyuan was also standing in the crowd, his eyes widened.

The tone was full of disbelief: "Changge...is he going to break through to Emperor Zhun so soon...?"

When saying these words.

His whole body seemed to be in a dream!

How long has Su Changge been practicing Taoism?

In just five years, he was about to break through to the quasi-emperor realm!

He has practiced for a full hundred years, and he is worthy of touching the threshold of Emperor Zhun!

But now Su Changge is about to break through!

Suddenly, he felt his heart ache!

My heart hurts so much!

"I have practiced for so many years... I really have cultivated to dogs...!"

If the other holy masters heard it, they would probably vomit blood with anger!

After a hundred years of cultivating to become a Holy Master, he is already regarded as the best among the arrogance of heaven!

If you have to find a monster to compare, you will also involve them, the Holy Masters, in it!

Lord Guiyuan is not as good as a dog, so aren't they even worse than dog shit? !

As for the many Supreme Elders in Guiyuan Holy Land, they also looked at each other with wry smiles.

They all saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, but they were very relieved.

"It's been so many years..."

"I return to the former glory of Yuan Holy Land...is it finally going to shine again...?"

Chapter 373 In the Age of Decline, Be the First Light

at the same time.

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