Above the void, there was a vague white-clothed figure sitting cross-legged on the Raging Flame Divine Phoenix.

The whole body is shrouded in lawful smog, and the ups and downs of chaotic light make their hearts palpitate even more!


The figure on it seemed to be aware of it.

Looking back slightly.

Just a gleam of light flashed out, and boundless coercion struck, almost causing them to fall to the ground directly!

"No way...I won't be so unlucky...?"

A quasi-emperor Tianjiao clutched his chest: "White clothes and black hair... Qi is like a god..."

"Could it be that I met Dilu's leader...Su Changge...?"

This made him dare not think about it.

He just came in this imperial road!

How would you play if you just encountered such a terrifying monster? !

Chapter 378 Emperor Road!The bloody road, the road to the fall of kings!

This boundless sea is really too wide.

The sound of the waves was overwhelming, and the Immortal Divine Phoenix flew Su Changge for a long time, but there was no trace of the ancient ruins.

On the way, he saw many isolated islands shrouded in auspicious energy, and there were many figures on them, with strong auras, all of whom were arrogance from the Three Thousand Dao Realm.

However, they were also very sensible, and when they sensed Su Changge's aura, they were in awe and did not dare to provoke him.

at this time.

Su Changge frowned slightly, in the void in front of them, a layer of gray mist lingered.

The rotten smell that has accumulated for many years is very pungent and makes people sick.

"Is this the miasma left over from the ancient times?"

The so-called miasma is the rotting body of the most powerful person after death, and it contains all kinds of strange and deadly substances.

If the time is long enough, all kinds of strange creatures will even be born in it, such as ghosts, which are hard to guard against.

call--! !


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in front of him, and it came towards Su Changge with something thickly bloated.

But fortunately, both Su Changge and the Undead Divine Phoenix are in the quasi-emperor realm, and the condensed law barrier can completely resist them.

What made him frown a little was that there was a strong murderous intent in it.

"Has something happened?"

Just as Su Changge murmured.

boom! !

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the void ahead, the void roared, and the law poured out!

Hurala! !

It seems that some huge creature broke out directly from the bottom of the sea, as if it was thousands of miles large, like a huge mountain, splashing water all over the sky, rolling down!

"What kind of monster is this!?"

Above the sea, there was a scream suddenly.

It turned out that a divine ship traveling on the sea was directly smashed into pieces by this huge creature.

Some of the [-] Taoist cultivators on it were instantly swept into the sea by the huge waves, and the blood stained one side of the sea!

"Kill! Kill these bastards from the outside world!"

"Guys! This group of monks who came to participate in the Emperor's Road are all great supplements, so keep them all!"

Suddenly, the surface of the sea boiled again, and a large group of ancient deep-sea tribes with strange looks and scales rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

They look very weird, like fish, shrimp, crabs, turtles and octopuses!

With various weapons in his hand, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty greed, and he swung a long knife, killing a large number of monks in the three thousand realms in an instant!

boom! !

Suddenly, the water rolled over again.

A huge pitch-black giant fish rushed out with its bloody mouth wide open!

The fish scales on his body alone are as huge as a hill, and when he opens his mouth, it turns into a huge vortex, and countless monks are involved in it!

Those abyss-like pupils, like a deep sea lake, reveal the extreme chill, and the berserk blood power is even more shocking and numb!

"This group of deep-sea ancients are really presumptuous! We really think that our three thousand realms are easy to bully, and we will fight them!"

"This fish seems to have... the legendary Kunpeng bloodline!"

This statement came out.

Countless Tianjiao were terrified.

There are countless ancient small worlds contained in the emperor's road, and many ancient creatures are hidden in them.

Among them are Taotie, Qiongqi, Kunpeng and other descendants of the light valley creatures.

This kind of creature is extremely powerful, but its physical body alone is comparable to that of a great emperor.

Such a dangerous creature, I didn't expect them to encounter it just after they came in!

"Don't be afraid! It's just a beast with the blood of Kunpeng, as long as we work together, we can..."

But he hasn't finished speaking yet.

boom! !

A silver-white trident burst out of the water, piercing through the speaker in an instant!

The blood is gushing, and the flesh and blood are blooming. Then tomorrow, without any precautions, it is actually the chest that was directly pierced!

The surface of the sea boiled again, and a vortex slowly formed, and a large number of strange creatures with strong aura came out of it!

The leader was a man who looked like a black yaksha, with an extremely powerful aura, and the terrifying law lingering around him turned into a terrifying figure!

"Quasi-Emperor Second Level?!"

A human monk suddenly yelled in horror, all of them here are mere quasi-emperors.

And most of them are eager to participate in the Emperor's Road, and they want to forcibly raise their cultivation base through panacea and medicine, which is completely incomparable with breaking through with their own background!

"That's right, after being silent for so long, it's finally time to eat meat!"

The pitch-black Rakshasa smiled ferociously, and the Seagod Trident in his hand pierced through the air!

boom! !

Suddenly, the pitch-black sea turned up a huge wave, and finally formed a huge waterspout, carrying several monks in front of it with shocking power!

Pfft! !

There was another sound of flesh being torn apart.

Along with the raging blood tornado, the monks involved were directly cut into pieces!

The original huge waterspout has become extremely blood red, which is creepy!

In addition to being in the sea, there are many quasi-emperors on the opposite side, this group of Tianjiao is completely powerless to resist, and they are immediately defeated!

"Run away!"

"Bastard! We have just stepped into the Emperor's Road, are we going to be buried in the belly of a fish!?"

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"


Countless disciples wailed in despair, but it was futile after all. After all, Dilu was like this, wanting to become a great emperor.

You must experience bloody despair!

above the sky.

Su Changge looked at the scene below indifferently.

He wasn't going to make a move, but was choosing to gather intelligence.

The number of this group of deep-sea ancient tribes is too many, it can even be said to be densely packed!

If he gets involved now, it will do him no harm at all!

Perhaps it has existed since ancient times, and its cultivation base is also extremely powerful. No matter how many cards those monks have, they will fall sooner or later!

"What kind of plans are these ancient deep-sea people planning?"

The light in Su Changge's eyes was faint, and a vast white mist had already rolled up below, rolling and rippling in all directions, covering the entire sea surface.

There are runes flickering in it, the divine light is blazing, and bursts of explosive air waves continue to spread.

It seems that there are countless people fighting in it.

Boom! !

There are more and more deep-sea aquariums, and there are many creatures as huge as hills. They are extremely huge, and the terrifying breath is desperate and suffocating!

There is a huge black octopus with countless tentacles, and its eyes are like stars. It sprays a monstrous black mist from its mouth. With a wave of its tentacles, it sets off a boundless wave, as if it is as high as the sky!

There is also like a black dragon, thousands of miles away, with bursts of radiance shining on its scales, shrouded in divine light, and across the bottom of the sea, there are purple thunderbolts bursting!

The surface of the sea, which was still silent before, instantly turned into a world-like scene!

Countless monks wailed all over the field, and the treasure boat they were riding on exploded into pieces, and the debris burning with surging flames fell on the surface of the sea!

The bloody water was even more of a large expanse of red-stained ocean, and the broken limbs floating on the surface of the sea were even more shocking!

But, such a bloody scene.

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