Just as Su Changge was thinking.


A burst of dazzling brilliance flickered out.

A hazy mist suddenly appeared in the starry sky, completely covering a large space in front of Su Changge.

At the same time, a mysterious voice sounded in it: "Junior, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Immediately afterwards, mist swept in from all directions, completely covering Su Changge's figure.

The original starry sky disappeared completely, replaced by a pure white space.

In this boundless whiteness, an ancient pavilion appeared at some point.

It seems that there is a vague figure of an old man sitting in front of a chess circle.

"This deadlock that has lasted for countless years can finally be broken."


There was a sound of falling.

Su Changge suddenly felt the space surge, and he didn't know when he actually entered the pavilion, and was sitting in front of the chess arena!

"The method of space teleportation...?"

Su Changge was slightly surprised. At this time, he had also noticed the figure opposite, and was shrouded in light and mist, so he couldn't see his figure clearly.

Zhundi Jiuzhong, not even the Great Emperor!

But the other party can actually master the technique of space opening comparable to the great emperor's treasure technique!

"Ha ha...."

The old man smiled slightly: "It's like a emptiness in the depths, and it's like a fool in virtue."

"I have watched the Emperor's Road for countless years, and the realm is of no use to me."

Hearing this, Su Changge's face became more solemn.

The only one who is qualified to watch over the Emperor's Road is the mysterious watchman hidden in the Emperor's Road.

Their cultivation bases are all unfathomable, and they have achieved greatness in a long time ago, and they were finally selected for various reasons.

Become the guardian of the Emperor's Road, watch over the years, watch over the world, and watch over the Emperor's Road!

"Su Changge, pay my respects to senior."

Su Changge didn't dare to lose his courtesy, so he stood up and cupped his hands.

After all, such a strong person has also made a great contribution to the human race, and it is in line with the rules to perform this gift.

The old man stroked his beard and smiled, although he couldn't see clearly his face shrouded in chaotic mist.

But just listening to the voice, it looks like a virtuous and respected sage.

"I don't know how many years this chess game has been stalemate, do you know how to solve it?"

At this time, the old man spoke again.

Su Changge's eyes moved, and he also saw the endgame on the chess table.

Baizi is surrounded by sunspots, like a lonely city, isolated and helpless, like fish on a chopping board.

Heizi is powerful and imposing, dominating the battlefield.

Judging by its appearance, although Heizi has become a sure-win situation, the two sides are actually stalemate and deadlocked.

"The junior doesn't understand, please senior explain." Su Changge doesn't know much about chess, so he really doesn't understand what the end game means.

The old man was not angry either.

He smiled slightly, but dropped a ball towards an area in his hand.

The originally deadlocked chess game suddenly became cheerful, and the white pieces actually formed a complete counterattack!

"There is a glimmer of life hidden in any endgame, just need a ray of opportunity."

"It's like the opportunity I've been waiting for for so many years is finally here."

At this time, the surrounding scenes tumbling again.

The white mist shrouded in the surroundings receded sharply, and turned into the previous starry sky again!

The mist that permeated the old man's face dissipated.

The original appearance was revealed, with a fairy demeanor, a childlike face and white hair, eyes like eagles, and an extraordinary temperament!

"My name is Master Qixuan, and I am a member of the Tianqi Sect. I have been trapped here since the Xianluo era."

"You, would you like to make a deal with me?"

Master Qixuan's eyes were piercing, looking at Su Changge's figure with a radiant light.

It was like seeing the light of dawn.

Chapter 384 Break the shackles of Emperor Road and liberate the imprisoned spirits?

"Reverend Qixuan?"

"The Age of Immortal Fall?"

Su Changge frowned slightly.

In the time of Xianluo, he didn't know much, he only read sporadic bits and pieces in ancient books.

Post World War.

The battle between the heavens and the dark world has reached its climax, and the entire heavens and worlds have been completely affected, and everything is in danger.

Countless immortals waged a mighty battle with the darkness.

The avenue wailed, the world was shattered, countless immortals fell, and countless immortal dynasties were destroyed by darkness.

After paying a heavy price, the Dark Wave was temporarily repelled.

However, the consequence of such a great war is that the Immortal Territory is broken and the immortals fall. This is the era of destruction and the era of immortality.

And the old man in front of him actually said that he was a monk who survived the Xianluo era, and his horror was self-evident.

"However, what does this person mean by the deal?"

Just as Su Changge asked the question, the system's voice sounded.

【Ding!Detected a new option task: Option [-]: Cooperate with Master Qixuan to complete the transaction plan, reward: Xuanyuan Daoguo (can help the host break through the nine-level small realm, no limit to cultivation.)]

[Option [-]: Secretly mess up Master Qixuan's plan and make it a complete failure.Reward: Heaven and Earth Chessboard (a taboo thing—nineteen vertical and horizontal paths, no heavy game through the ages.)]

Hearing this, Su Changge's pupils shrank slightly.

Ignoring the fruit of the limitation of cultivation base, if he gets one himself when he becomes the great emperor, wouldn't he be able to directly break through to become an immortal?

But he also wants this taboo thing.

The Nine Burial Sword Box can be regarded as a taboo item. Although it is difficult to use under the pressure of Dilu, it is definitely one of Su Changge's trump cards.

He had a hunch that this world chessboard must be much stronger than the Nine Burial Sword Box!

"With such a generous reward, the karma involved must be huge."

Su Changge didn't dare to be careless, it was the most important thing to find out the information first.

"Senior, please explain the transaction in detail." Su Changge resisted the restlessness in his heart and said lightly.

Seeing this, the corners of Master Qixuan's mouth slightly curved into a smile.

"I believe that the little friend has already understood something after going through this questioning pass."

"Although the Emperor's Road is the avenue that countless people dream of pursuing, it is also a cage of freedom."

"There are billions of stars in the world of emperor's road, and not only many people who lost the emperor's road are included in it, but also the innocent souls who died in the war that destroyed the world are trapped."

"I have also been trapped in this world for a long time, and I know the pain..."

"Therefore, my long-cherished wish in life is to break the shackles of Emperor Road and liberate the world of Emperor Road..."

As he spoke, Master Qi Xuan let out a long sigh again, his words and expression could not conceal the feeling of the hero's death: "However, I am old, and I can only leave helplessness!"

"Of course."

Master Qixuan changed the subject again: "When you appear, it is like the light of dawn. My long-cherished wish will finally come true."

Say it.

Reverend Qixuan cupped his hands, buried his head, and bowed deeply to Su Changge: "If you are willing to break the shackles of Emperor's Road for me and liberate the world of Emperor's Road, I am willing to dedicate my whole life to help you obtain his immortality." Sincerely!"

"I only hope that you can find a way of freedom where all spirits are imprisoned!"

The lines between the lines are even more righteous, and with his immortal demeanor, he is really like a sage of the human race, which is moving.

Seeing this, Su Changge helped him up, but his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"Senior, you don't need to be like this. I have already kept this matter in my heart, and I must make a decision."

Although the other party's words sound just and righteous, but he doesn't know the whole situation. If he makes a conclusion like this, he is no different from a fool!

Hearing this, Master Qixuan didn't say much.

With a long sigh, he said again: "It's time to work."

"After delaying so many worlds, the next pass, Emperor Pass, is about to open."

"You go on the road as soon as possible. After you break through the Nine Emperor Passes, I believe you will make a decision."

The words fall.

Master Qixuan waved his hand, and the original mist reappeared to cover the ancient pavilion.

call--! !

A gust of wind blew past, and the mist disappeared together with the ancient pavilion.

Only the voice of the old man from before resounded through the void.

"My little friend, please think carefully about what I said..."

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