The Fengyun Pass in the Emperor's Road also came to an end.

Countless Tianjiao fell, and their corpses scattered across the earth.

Broken fragments of the magic weapon are like overgrown weeds, and can be seen everywhere!

The sky-reaching mountains were crumbled into rubble ruins.

There was a human Tianjiao who was pierced through the heart with a spear and was directly nailed to the rock.

The head was drooping, and the hands were powerless to hang down, but the right hand was firmly grasping the head of a ferocious monster.

There is a person from the demon world who was half of his body shattered by the sacred mountain, and before he died, he dragged shocking traces on the ground...

There was a Yaozu woman who was chopped off in the middle by a long sword, her face was covered by messy hair.

But you can feel the monstrous resentment emanating from her...

The original Fengyun Pass seemed to be soaked in blood, like a purgatory, where as far as the eye could see, there were dismembered corpses scattered around the world!

The once crystal-clear Green Lake was shattered by a terrifying force.

The lake stopped flowing, and the corpses floating on it dyed a large area of ​​the lake red!

Tongtian Primeval Forest was wrapped in raging flames, and black smoke covered the sky.

The original lush forest disappeared, and was turned into a dark, dead and scorched earth by the fire!

The ashes floating in the air merged with the rich blood, covering the sky and covering the sky, just taking a casual sip, it seems to be able to fill the entire mouth!

The towering snow-capped mountains were melted by the scalding blood, and the ice and snow merged with the blood to form a huge lake of blood.

Countless Tianjiao who are known as the posture of heaven and man in the Three Thousand Dao Realm are nothing but worthless on the cruel road of emperor!

Only after entering the Eighth Emperor Pass can one be qualified to leave the Emperor Road.

Those who escaped before this will become the lost ones of the emperor's road, and they will never have a bright future!

Or, fight fiercely with other Tianjiao, prove the way and become emperor!

Or die, and become white bones in the wasteland!

In the distance, bright lights like falling stars continued to explode, and powerful figures continued to fight among them!

Thousands of supernatural powers are like the light that breaks the sky, tearing the runes of the law!

The air waves caused by the fights again and again spread thousands of miles!

Boom-! !

Among them, a blazing glow rolled and exploded with a shocking power.

After the two terrifying figures collided with each other, they were directly knocked into the air by each other's power!

boom! !

One person smashed on the mountain.

One person fell into the plain!

Wait until the billowing smoke and dust gradually dissipate.

The two figures were panting heavily, their flesh and blood were bloody, and their breath was sluggish!

Under the power of Ye Lintian's double pupils, Wushen, who was as strong as Tianlong, also suffered heavy injuries, and even his entire left arm was directly shattered!

Ye Lintian's condition was also not good, several holes were pierced through Tianlong Wushen's body, blood was pouring like a spring, flowing like a spring!

Due to the excessive stimulation of double pupils, the eyes are even more tightly closed at this moment, and two lines of blood and tears continue to flow out.

"Ha ha..."

Ye Lintian spat out a mouthful of blood foam, resisted the pain in his body and sneered, "The so-called heir of the ancient demon emperor, is that all?"

"Ye Lintian! You are courting death!!"

Hearing this, Tianlong Wushen was completely furious.

As a bloodline of the ancestral dragon, it is an extreme shame that his arm was destroyed by a human race!


The blood of the ancestral dragon of Tianlong Wushen boiled again, and a majestic dragon energy instantly gathered between the heaven and the earth!

A terrifying coercion descended, wanting to completely submerge Ye Lintian!

"Hmph! This time, your other arm will be disabled!"

Ye Lintian also refused to show weakness, the blood of the Holy Body awakened again, even if it was overloaded, he would kill this Tianlong Wushen!

If even a loach can't be killed, how can he be qualified to follow the son of Changge? !

Just when the two were about to collide again.

clang! !

A vast bell rang through thousands of miles, and the Tianjiao who were fighting were enveloped by a mysterious force.

Their killing intent was immediately stopped, and the attack on each other was completely over.

"No. 860, 610, No. 1000 Fengyunguan, the remaining [-] people of Emperor Road Tianjiao, meet the promotion rules."

Boom! ! !

With the fall of this voice, the original world shook violently.

Rays of divine light enveloped all the surviving Tianjiao.

The mysterious rune light healed their wounds and brought them back to peak condition.

"Emperor Guan promotion channel...?"

"I successfully crossed the Wind and Cloud Pass!"

Those blood-stained Tianjiao wept with joy, Fengyunguan was simply purgatory for them!

Endless killing, endless battle!

Hundreds of thousands of Tianjiao, only one thousand can go to the next Emperor Pass!

This is a meat grinder!

It is the grave of pride!

Those Tianjiao who died will only become nameless bones!

As for the Tianjiao who survived by chance, he will eventually become a lost emperor!

This is the Emperor's Road, this is the bloody road that buried countless heavenly prides!

"Ye Lintian! If I meet you in Xiaguan, I will kill you!"

Under the healing of special laws, Tianlong Wushen and Ye Lintian's injuries were completely recovered.

But the previous revenge of the broken arm still made Tianlong Wushen feel extremely ashamed!

"Ridiculous, do you think you are brave?"

Ye Lintian dismissed it with disdain: "When I meet the Son of God, let him directly kill you, you little bastard!"

"Ye Lintian! I..."

Before Tianlong Wushen finished his cruel words again, he was completely teleported away.


The other Fengyunguan, roughly the same scene.

Li Haotian and Huangtian Kunlun fought for [-] rounds.

A large area collapsed and collapsed, and the battle area was fragmented.

Huangtian Kunlun's wings were broken, and Li Haotian was also seriously injured.

The two sides are also not convinced by each other, and put each other on the must-kill list!

Bi Qingxia and Xue Qinglian also suffered losses in the fight. It is worth mentioning that when the two girls were teleported.

But they yelled at each other.

The two fairy-like women turned out to be full of foul language, cursing like shrews!

The white moonlight in countless monks' dreams suddenly shattered!

Queen Guhai, Yun Xinyan, Tang Wuer and other followers of Su Changge are of extraordinary strength and have been trained by Su Changge.

He even killed the demon clan Tianjiao who fought against him, and successfully advanced to the next emperor pass!


As for the scene of Diguan where Su Changge is located, it is extremely terrifying!

The blue light in the void where Qu Mie is located is reflected, and a blue lotus flower takes root in the void, and as it sways, it sheds a surging glow!

But Qu Mie's mouth was stained with blood, and his breathing was disordered, as if he had been traumatized!

Su Changge held the long sword behind his back, his robe fluttered in the wind, with a faint smile on his lips.

The breath was like an ancient well without waves, but the vertical and horizontal sword energy surrounded him like a galaxy.

But the ground below him has completely collapsed.

It seems that the abyss of sword energy cannot be seen to the bottom!

The remaining Tianjiao in Fengyunguan in this world trembled.

They didn't fight at all, they just avoided the aftermath of the attack from the two of them!

But even if they had been trying their best to dodge, there were still countless Tianjiao who were involved by their power, and finally there were no bones left!

Chapter 392 Xingxiu Pass, Canggu Star, Emperor Road List!

on the sky.

The momentum of the two of them continued to rise, and the chaotic air gushed out, causing the void to twist and tremble.

In particular, the cyan lotus flower condensed by Qu Mie seemed to cover half of the sky.

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