There are densely packed text on it.

On the emperor road list, the first name is naturally the most eye-catching.

Su Changge: Return to the Yuan Holy Land.Condensing the emperor's will: 49 wisps.Cultivation level: quasi-emperor triple.Comprehensive strength prediction ranking: first.

The countless Tianjiao who saw this scene had their eyes widened and their faces were full of disbelief!

"Damn it!? 49 wisps of emperor's will? Is this a human or a ghost?"

Finally, some Tianjiao couldn't help shouting: "I only comprehended three strands before I broke through to Emperor Zhun, and I realized nine strands after I broke through to Emperor Zhun! How could Su Changge have 49 strands?"

"Su Changge...49 strands...."

Qu Mie, who was in an unknown star, narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Su Changge's name.

He knew that Su Changge's emperor's will was above him, but he didn't expect there to be so many!

"Hmph, Zhundi has comprehended a lot of emperor's intentions before, you can't possibly succeed in righteousness and become emperor!"

Qu Mie doesn't care, the more he realizes the will of the emperor before he becomes the quasi-emperor, the less good it will be.

When he slowly breaks through his cultivation, the amount of emperor's will he condenses can easily overtake Su Changge!

"Hey...I didn't expect Su Changge to be so terrifying...It seems that the destiny of this life must belong to him..."

In another star, Luo Yanyu sighed helplessly.

Originally, she thought that she had condensed twelve strands of emperor's will before she broke through to the quasi-emperor, and at most she was a little worse than Su Changge.

Who knew, this was too bad!

Countless Tianjiao who have only heard of Su Changge's name but never met him, all have serious eyes.

"When I first stepped into the Emperor's Road, I heard the name "Son of the Holy Land" countless times. Is this the recognized taboo of young people in the Three Thousand Dao Region?"

"Hmph! Gathering so much emperor's will before breaking through to the quasi-emperor, how is this heroic act different from a reckless man!?"

But some people showed disdain. From their point of view, Su Changge was undoubtedly trying to attract people's attention, and that's all!

His eyes continued to look down on the emperor's road list:

Luo Yanyu: The Holy Land of Yaochi.Condensing the emperor's will: Thirteen strands.Cultivation level: quasi-emperor triple.Comprehensive strength ranking prediction: second, combat power prediction: second only to Su Changge.

Annihilation: Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors.Condensing the emperor's will: Thirteen strands.Cultivation level: quasi-emperor triple.Comprehensive strength ranking prediction: second, combat power prediction: second only to Su Changge.

Tian Xing: Tianzhou Mountain.Condensing the emperor's will: Thirteen strands.Cultivation level: quasi-emperor triple.Comprehensive strength ranking forecast: second, combat power forecast: second only to Luo Yanyu, and eliminated.

Zhang Wangqing: Heavenly Mountain Excalibur Gate.Condensing the emperor's will: twelve strands.Cultivation level: quasi-emperor triple.Comprehensive strength ranking forecast: third...


Continue down.

Guiyuan Holy Land Li Haotian and other three holy body geniuses and Yaozu's Huangtian Kunlun and other three geniuses ranked in the top ten.

There are many other ancient powers in the same rank as Tianjiao.

Countless Tianjiao looked at this scene with horrified faces. If the Dilu List had not been exposed, they would have really overlooked a lot of terrifying Tianjiao!

"Before entering the Ninth Emperor Pass, everyone can try their best to improve their cultivation and gather more emperor will."

The ancient voice in the sky sounded again: "The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards will be."

The voice gradually subsided, and the Emperor Road List gradually disappeared.

But the shock it brought to many arrogance was great.

Because in the end, the Emperor Road List will be completely displayed in the eyes of everyone in the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

How could they miss such an opportunity to make a name in history?

But Su Changge smiled helplessly.

Originally, he wanted to develop in a low-key way, but he didn't expect to be exposed by the emperor road list!

"Accidentally took the top spot, I'm sorry."

Hearing this, the undead Divine Phoenix has a black line, and it has only gathered eleven strands of emperor's will!

what is this?


Boom-! !

Suddenly, there was another burst of terrifying mana fluctuations in the distance.

The brilliance is shining brightly, reflecting the sky, judging from its supernatural powers and spells, it should be the powerful Tianjiao fighting each other!

"Go, go there." Su Changge said.

Hearing the words, the Immortal Divine Phoenix fluttered its wings and flew, its divine fire soaring into the sky, sweeping the heaven and earth with shocking power, like a flaming meteor streaking across the sky.

"Restrain your breath, don't show up yet."

As soon as the words fell, the Immortal Divine Phoenix immediately restrained the breath of the whole body, and took Su Changge to hide in a cloud.

In their eyes, it turned out to be a group of demon monks who were besieging a huge and strange beast.

This kind of fierce beast has a dragon head and a lion body, and the scales on its body are as tough as fine steel.

Roar! !

I saw this huge beast opened its mouth wide, and a destructive beam of thunder and fire pierced through the void, tearing apart a large area!

Several monster quasi-emperor Tianjiao had no power to resist, and were directly and severely injured in an instant!

After another fierce fight, several demon clans must have exhausted their efforts to kill this huge beast!

"Quick! Uproot all the Qiankun Dao Trees!"

"The Qiankun Dao fruit above is enough for us to break through our cultivation base, and even help us break through to the second level of the quasi-emperor!" A monster race anxiously urged.

The Qiankun Dao Tree is also an extremely rare fetish in the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

The Qiankun Dao fruit on it can not only cleanse the essence, but also help it break through the shackles and break through the cultivation base!

But it hasn't waited for this Yaozu to take a step forward.

Whoosh! !

Suddenly, a blazing divine light pierced the sky, piercing in an instant!

The Yaozu was caught off guard, and half of his body was blown away by this divine light, blood was flying, and bone dregs overflowed!

"Looking for death! How dare you..."

The remaining few Yaozu were furious, but they hadn't waited for them to take any action.

Whoosh whoosh! !

This is another few rays of heaven-shattering light falling towards them in an instant!

Boom! !

The divine light exploded, and the terrifying law of destruction was released, instantly turning those monster quasi-emperors into powder!

"This breath is..."

In the clouds and mist, Su Changge, who was watching all this, was slightly surprised.

He felt a familiar breath in these attacks.

"Canggu Tyrant God Physique...!?"

Just when Su Changge was thinking for a while, another ray of divine light arrived at a high speed, carrying the power of breaking the sky, and shot towards Su Changge's direction!

The moment this attack appeared, Su Changge was completely aware of it.

I saw that his expression was as calm as an ancient well, with only a slight glint in his eyes.

boom! !

This divine light burst into pieces at a short distance from Su Changge!

With a big move, Su Changge pinched the remaining ray of breath.

"Sure enough, it's the breath of Canggu Tyrant God's bloodline..."

"Presumptuous! How dare you sneak attack the Lord!"

The Undead Divine Phoenix was furious, with a cold expression, staring at the direction of the divine light, with a murderous aura.

I saw it on a mountain peak in the distance.

There was a group of monks with strange costumes and extremely powerful energy and blood, but they stared at Su Changge in shock!

"This guy... why does he have the same aura as the patriarch!?"

Chapter 394 The Wind Blows the Banner of the Ancestral Star, the Cang Clan and the Celestial Clan

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a strong aura.

He has black hair and thick eyebrows, eyes like copper bells, and has an extremely burly figure, holding an Overlord's halberd in his hand.

Just standing there, there will be a majestic spurt of blood and momentum!

Especially the domineering aura emanating from his body transformed into a golden blue dragon around him.

"No mistake... This guy really has the blood of the Canggu Tyrant God..."

Su Changge narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his figure flashed, leaving an afterimage in the original place, and appeared in front of this group of people in an instant.

The moment Su Changge descended in front of them.

This group of monks with unknown origins could only feel a monstrous coercion erupting from Su Changge's body!

The blood of the Heavenly Tyrant God in their bodies is extremely thin, while Su Changge's blood is extremely pure!

The gap between each other is like a commoner and an emperor!

"Su Susu... Su Changge!?"

The few surviving Yaozu in the distance turned pale with shock.

They had just finished watching the Emperor's Road Ranking, and now the number one on the Emperor's Road Ranking actually appeared in front of them! ?

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