【Ding!It is detected that there is a new option for the option mission of the Celestial Protoss. 】

[Option [-]: Take back the Heavenly Yan Bashen Cauldron from the Desolate Clan, reward: Cang Gu swings for nine days, and the Heavenly God dominates the sky. 】

[Additional conditions: Canggu Tyrant Divine Body can be fully activated, and the complete Canggu Tyrant God bloodline can be obtained. 】


Su Changge was slightly shocked.

These two system rewards are exactly the system rewards of option [-] and option [-]!

You can get two rewards for completing one option, which is a bargain!

Su Changge smiled slightly, and said slowly: "I think there may be a misunderstanding in the conflict between you."

"The one who stole the Tianyan Bashen Cauldron may be someone else."

This sentence falls.

Both Ba Yuan and Cang Ling looked at Su Changge in horror, with disbelief on their faces.

They almost said in unison: "There is someone else who stole our clan's supreme fetish? Who is it?"


at the same time.

In a hidden valley.

The smog covered the sky, the rich aura turned into substance, and blood flowed between the heaven and the earth, just like a real ancient world.

among them.

There are six terrifying figures scattered in all directions. They sit cross-legged and circulate the power in their bodies.

The blood energy and spiritual energy permeating the air frantically poured into their bodies!

It turned out that it was in the center of this valley.

There is a huge bronze tripod, four of which are overflowing with purple air.

The whole body of this huge bronze tripod is golden yellow, as if it was cast from gold.

The runes engraved on it flowed out strands of golden brilliance.

It is like the sun lingering on it, making it even more sacred.

The six figures sitting cross-legged around the cauldron were greedily absorbing the aura emanating from it.

In the glow of the sky, there was even the sound of chanting sutras, which set off this valley like a fairyland.

Suddenly, one of the figures slowly opened his eyes.

He could only hear him muttering: "Tianyan Bashen Cauldron is worthy of being a supreme fetish, and my cultivation has actually broken through to the quasi-emperor fifth level."

Under the suppression of Dilu, it is impossible for those imprisoned people to improve their cultivation.

However, the Tianyan Bashen Cauldron is an exception. It can condense ancient blood, and the divinity flowing in it can break the shackles of their cultivation.

It can greatly ignore the suppression law of the emperor's world.

Accompanied by the divine light emitted by the Tianyan Bashen cauldron, it gradually subsided.

The remaining five figures also slowly opened their eyes, and the weakest among them had even reached the quasi-emperor third level.

After sensing their own cultivation, their faces were even more joyful.

"That's right! My cultivation base has also improved! It's truly worthy of being the legendary Supreme Immortal Artifact!"

"Hahaha! Those idiots of the Cang Clan and Tian Clan have such a fetish, and they actually use it to protect a dead star field, they are really stupid!"

"Hehe...do they really think that their declining race can produce another Cang Junlin?"

"With such a supreme immortal weapon, it is a waste if it is not eternal!"


Back then, the Huang clan used the supreme secret method to cover up their aura and transform into the appearance of a member of the Cang clan.

Sneaking into their ancestral land, it took a lot of effort to steal the Tianyan Bashen Cauldron.

In these years, they have continued to practice and develop through the Tianyan Bashen Cauldron.

Now their bodies not only have the blood of the Canggu Tyrant God, but also greatly enhanced the strength of the Desolate Race.

With their current group strength, they can completely dominate the entire Canggu Star!

"Brother, now our strength has reached great heights, and we are fully capable of sweeping the Cang and Celestial Clans."

"Our plan, it's time to start!"

Chapter 397 The three races changed, the storm came to Canggu Star

An ancestor of the Desolate race showed excitement.

Now they also have the blood of the Canggu Tyrant God in their bodies, so they can call themselves the descendants of Cang Junlin!

Cang Junlin was the name of the first Canggu Tyrant Divine Body.

Back then, Cang Junlin awakened to the Supreme Holy Body.

As the overlord in the heavenly overlord body, he did not go to confront the ancient holy body.

Instead, he chose to break into the restricted area alone, seize the immortal artifact, and suppress one of the restricted areas.

A group of immortal kings not only had no power to resist, they were even killed and disarmed.

In desperation, he could only compromise with Cang Junlin in the end!

Let him freely enter and exit the restricted area of ​​life!

In that life, the so-called forbidden zone of life became a joke in the eyes of everyone!

The age of darkness and turmoil.

The immortals fell, and all spirits wailed.

In the ancient star field without the protection of the supreme Taoism.

He achieved the supreme avenue with his awe-inspiring talent, and awakened the supreme physique, Canggu Domineering Divine Physique.

Protect the peace of one star field with the strongest strength, and achieve unparalleled prestige.

In the end, the Canggu Protoss Clan was established, which has been famous in the world for countless years.

But their Desolate Race is just a subsidiary race of the Canggu God Race.

Back then, the supreme glory of the Canggu God Clan was all seen by them

For countless years, the Desolate Clan has longed to become the Canggu God Clan and take over their position countless times.

at last.

They found an opportunity in that era and stole the Tianyan Bashen Cauldron.

After countless years of development again, they also have the blood of the Canggu Tyrant God in their bodies, and their strength far exceeds that of the declining Celestial and Cang Clans!

"From today onwards, the Canggu Protoss has only one true blood lineage."

"That's me, Desolate Race!"

That's right.

Their plan is to completely exterminate all members of the Cang Clan and Tian Clan.

Let future generations know that their Desolate Clan is the real Canggu God Clan.

He is the true descendant of Cang Junlin!

The leader of the ancestor of the Huang clan waved his hand again: "From today on, our clan will be completely renamed as the Canggu God Clan!"

"Send troops immediately to wipe out the two counterfeit races of the Cang Clan and the Celestial Clan!"

"Use their blood to prove the name of our Canggu God Race!"


The other ancestors of the Desolate race all bowed their hands together, turned into streamers and left in an instant.

Already ready to launch the army, bloodbath Cang and Celestial Clan!

But just when they were about to leave.


A man from the Desolate race rushed in from outside the hall in a hurry.

"A few people from the monster clan from outside are asking to see me!"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Desolate race frowned slightly.

At such a juncture, why come outsiders?


at the same time.

The ancestral land of the Celestial Clan.

Luo Yanyu sat dignifiedly before the banquet, tasting the delicacy of fairy fruits.

An ancestor of the Celestial Clan next to him was saying something in his mouth: "The truth of the matter is like this. The Cang Clan lost the supreme fetish, and instead blamed the Celestial Clan!"

"My lord, please do help my Celestial Clan to wipe out the Cang Clan, so as to give my ancestors an explanation!"

The patriarch of the Celestial Clan, who was named Zhundi Sanzhong, was extremely respectful at the moment.

As for Luo Yanyu, he did not dare to offend him at all!

The chaotic body plus the supreme bone, such a terrifying talent, will become a supreme existence in the future!

If they can make friends with such a talented person, the benefits to their clan will be endless!

"If things are as you said, I will take action." Luo Yanyu said softly.

After her investigation these days, she also got a general understanding of Canggu Star.

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