Immediately afterwards, a high-pitched dragon cry resounded through the world.

In an instant.

A phantom of a sacred and huge dragon appeared, and the dragon's body covered the sky and the sun.

Tianlong Wushen stepped out step by step, soaring into the sky, standing in the middle of this phantom of the dragon.

At the same time, the huge dragon phantom slowly opened its huge dragon pupils as if it had come to life!

Countless pieces of golden scales burst out with terrifying divine light, and the dragon's mouth opened wide, as if it could swallow the sky and the earth!

"What a despicable and shameless demon clan!"

"Actually trying to seize my clan's fetish!"

"Even if the old man fights to the death today, he will kill you!"

Huang Xin, the last ancestor of the Huang Clan, let out an angry shout.

As soon as the footsteps were stepped on, there was a monstrous momentum that filled the air.

As the strongest ancestor of the Huangzu, his cultivation has not only reached the quasi-emperor fourth level.

And because he has absorbed the breath of the Tianyan Tyrant God Cauldron for a long time, his Canggu Tyrant God bloodline is the strongest existence in the Desolate Clan!


The two collided powerfully. Although Tianlong Wushen had broken through to the quasi-emperor third level, it was still difficult to compete with the full power of Canggu Tyrant God's blood!

The condensed divine dragon form was almost shattered by Huang Xin's punch!

"Damn! This old thing is stronger than I thought!"

Tianlong's face was gloomy: "The battle on the other side seems to have subsided... If that guy rushes over, it will be troublesome!"

But before Tianlong Wushen had time to explode.

Su Changge's faint laughter came from the sky: "I wonder if Su is qualified to observe this dog-eat-dog drama?"

This statement came out.

The original turbulent divine light collision subsided instantly.

The air freezes.

The world fell into dead silence.

Everyone who was fighting looked up at the place where they were speaking in astonishment.

I saw a burst of divine fire rolling in the sky, and the blazing flames reflected the nine days.

Just thousands of miles away, there was a roiling heat wave, carrying a mighty evil spirit, sweeping towards everyone overwhelmingly!

"Shenhuang...? A member of the Ancient Phoenix Clan...?"

"Wait! Su..."

Tianlong Wushen suddenly recovered, his pupils shrank slightly, and his complexion turned pale: "Su Changge!?"

"The woman next to me is..."

Tianlong Wushen's heart has sunk to the bottom of the sea!

"The Goddess of Yaochi Holy Land, Luo Yanyu!"

With a chaotic body and a supreme bone, who doesn't know such an amazing talent?

Now that they are walking together with the monster Su Changge again, are these two going to break through the emperor's road hand in hand! ?

Just when Tianlong was in a daze.

The Immortal Divine Phoenix had brought Su Changge and Luo Yanyu to the front of the crowd.

Su Changge, who was standing on top of the Immortal Phoenix, stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were teasing, and he looked down at the people below with a faint smile on his lips.

Luo Yanyu's expression on the side was also cold, as if no one could meet her eyes except the white clothes in front of her.

Su Changge was too lazy to talk nonsense, and stretched out two fingers.

"I'm here to do two things."

His eyes first glanced at the ancestor of the Huangzu: "You, hand over the Tianyan Bashen Cauldron, you can live."

Then he looked at Tianlong Wushen again: "As for you."

The smile on the corner of Su Changge's mouth was even wider: "Did you kill yourself, or will I help you on your way?"

Following Su Changge's speech, it fell.

The originally dead space was completely frozen.

Everyone couldn't help opening their pupils wide and gasping for air!

This is simply speaking the most domineering words in the calmest tone!

Especially Tianlong Wushen, his complexion is as gloomy as a dark cloud.

He, the blood of the ancestor dragon, the heir of the ancient emperor, is even known as the existence of the young emperor!

Su Changge actually made him commit suicide in public! ?

"Su Changge!!"

Tianlong Wushen's eyes were about to split open, and his eyes were red!

But he didn't wait for him to come and explode his cultivation base.

"Samsara Turning Palm."

Su Changge stretched out his palm.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, above the void, there was a big hand condensed from the resplendent law of reincarnation, which slammed down from mid-air!

"Su Changge, you...!"

Tianlong Wushen didn't expect the other party to make such a domineering attack directly.

Before he had time to react, he was directly hit by this huge palm print!


Shocking explosions resounded in all directions, followed by a surging tsunami of law sweeping across the waves!

"Master Wushen!"

Several Yaozu Tianjiao looked furious and were just about to make a move.

Whoa! !

A huge light lotus lingering with the air of chaos suddenly sits from the sky!

boom! !

At the moment of blooming, the divine light of torrential destruction rippling and lasing, and a violent explosion occurred along with that side of the world!

"He doesn't like being disturbed."

"Sorry, you have to die."

Luo Yanyu's voice was cool and cold, and with a move of her jade hand, chaotic lotus flowers condensed on the sky!


The words fall.

Then I saw countless chaotic lotus flowers floating in the sky blooming one after another!


Countless balls of blazing light rose up, stretching endlessly, as if they were going to completely melt the world!

Under this powerful offensive, the three quasi-emperor powerhouses of the ancient dragon clan were instantly suppressed, completely at a disadvantage!

At this time.

Su Changge looked at the ancestor of the Huangzu who was sweating coldly, and said with a sneer, "It looks like you don't want to either."

"Then die."

Chapter 404 The Frightening Truth

"Junior! Don't be presumptuous!"

Huang Xin was furious, and a monstrous pressure of blood flowed from his body.

He fixed his eyes on Su Changge, and there was a divine light in his eyes.

However, Su Changge didn't care about this coercion at all.

Let the other party act as they please.


Suddenly, a more terrifying force erupted.

The sky and the earth are so colorful, it seems that the entire avenue space has turned into his body.

A huge phantom of an ancient god covered the sky and the sun, and stretched out its big hand, as if it could pick up the sun, the moon and the stars.

"Junior! Die!"

Accompanied by Huang Xin's words, it fell.

Boom! !

The big hand covering the sky suddenly slapped it in the direction of Su Changge, and the space storm created during the fall seemed to be able to shatter everything into powder!

at last.

Su Changge, who was at the center of this coercion, had already made some moves.

"With such power, dare to claim to be the orthodox Canggu Tyrant Divine Body?"

At the same time, his palm was slightly raised.

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