A black-haired figure in white clothes slowly descended from the sky.

The glowing runes lingered, the chaotic air was up and down, and the aura between every gesture made everyone here change color.

It was Su Changge who came.

And behind him, the undead Divine Phoenix shining like a bright sun set him off like a fairy.

"Su...Su Changge!?"

"Fuck!? This monster is actually here!"

Many arrogances exclaimed.

Now Su Changge has become a nightmare in their hearts.

One person is like a supreme mountain, lying on top of everyone's heads, making it difficult for all the arrogance to breathe.

The last person they want to meet on the Emperor's Road is Su Changge!

The top supreme beings of the ancient dragon tribe have been slaughtered by them like dogs, isn't beating them like a little Karami like chopping vegetables?

"Su Changge!"


Seeing this figure, Zhang Wangqing and the Bone Queen both looked excited.

After sensing Su Changge's powerful cultivation base, Zhang Wangqing also froze suddenly, and then shook his head bitterly.

He once said that he would compete with Su Changge again on the Emperor's Road.

But now the other party's aura is so difficult even for him to see through!

This means that Su Changge's current strength is far above him, so it's hard for him to see the gap!

In the end, I could only sigh bitterly: "Since the heavens have grown into songs, why should there be forgetfulness in the world!"

Chapter 412 Sword Qi Great Wall Mutation, Dark Shadow Beast!

"Meet the second brother!"

Several descendants of the main line of Tianyao Shenshan bowed their hands respectfully towards the man who had transformed into a unicorn.

Their second elder brother is the second pride of the Sky Demon Clan, the younger brother of their elder brother Canghuangji, Canghuangtian.

Both of them have the blood of the unicorn in the early days, with a strong physical body, their strength can break the sky, and their spirit can collapse the earth.

In order to avoid the detection of Emperor Lubang, so that the plan can be better implemented, the two of them suppressed their condensed emperor's will before breaking through the quasi-emperor.

As for his elder brother Cang Huangji, he acted together with Qu Mie to prepare for the real suppression and killing of Su Changge.

Many disciples around looked at Canghuangtian who was hanging opposite Su Changge, and their hearts trembled.

"The descendants of the five top Heavenly Demon God Mountains...their ultimate goal seems to be Su Changge!"

"If these people fight... I'm afraid the chance of the Great Wall of Sword Qi will not be with us again!"

Many monks showed bitterness, and most of them stepped on the road of God because of the heaven-defying chance.

After all, the Ultimate Emperor's Road is the real place to prove the Tao and become an emperor. With their cultivation and talent, it is obviously impossible to get there.

"Su Changge, I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you either."

At this time, Cang Huangtian suddenly said to Su Changge coldly: "This time, Emperor Lu, if you don't die, then we will die."

"You die, we live."

As soon as this statement came out, the surroundings couldn't help but gasp.

Cang Huangtian's speech this time is completely a life-and-death challenge to Su Changge!

Of the two of them, only one can survive in the end!


Su Changge didn't even frown when he heard the words, and there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? So."

"You think you're okay again?"

The words fall.

Su Changge raised his hand and hit a golden palm print covering the sky, suppressing it in the direction of Canghuangtian!

"Bold! How dare you attack Second Brother!?"

Seeing this situation, the other four heirs of the main lineage of the Tianyaoshen Mountain were furious.

But before they could make a move, Cang Huangtian's eyes were cold, and he made an equally terrifying palm print without showing any weakness!


While the sky was flooded with light, this huge palm print turned into a purple Qilin galloping out!

Boom! !

The terrifying storm of spiritual energy darkened the entire world, and golden light and purple air burst and flickered within it, as if turning into vertical and horizontal divine thunder, continuously roaring and blasting.

Almost at the same time, the two shot out again, not knowing whether they wanted to fight physically or were testing each other's strength.

Both Su Changge and Canghuangtian punched each other, and the collision of fists constantly stirred up terrifying void storms. Every round of confrontation was like stars roaring and exploding.

Bang bang bang! !

Because its speed was too fast, everyone couldn't see the movements of the two of them clearly!

You can only see the light of blazing stars blooming one after another above the void!

"Dragon Elephant Batian Fist!"

"Kirin God Fist!"


The shouts of the two came from the tumbling aura storm.

Afterwards, everyone saw that the aura of rune light that filled the sky rose sharply!

One side of the sky was covered by majestic purple air, and countless demon runes rose up, as if torn apart the world, and a huge unicorn head protruded out of it.

And the other side is equally terrifying.

The breath of qi and blood that turned into substance turned into a terrifying wind and wandered around, the surrounding void was torn apart like a mirror, and blazing chaotic light spewed out of the extremely black nothingness.

A gigantic dragon-elephant shadow roared out of it, as if it was shaking the sky!

The phantoms of the two giant beasts are like enemies, they are extremely jealous when they meet, and they collide suddenly while their breaths are tumbling!

Boom! !

The storm of purple qi and the hurricane of qi and blood constantly collided and intertwined, and the agitated power spread for thousands of miles.

This scene caused all the cultivators here to widen their eyes with astonishment.

One after another divine light shackles tore through the ocean of purple qi, protruding from it continuously, the divine chain of order was like a raging flame, and the moment it came into contact with the ocean of purple qi, it completely evaporated!

Perhaps it is because of this powerful force that the void runes are constantly gathering and shrinking in the same direction!

But with the further explosion of the two shares of profit, countless pieces of void fragments were scattered like a collapsed continent!


There was another huge sound wave explosion.

Everyone saw a figure retreating out of the tumbling mist of spiritual energy.

"Hiss...the unparalleled Qilin among the monster clan is not Su Changge's opponent!"

A talented quasi-emperor Tianjiao saw the clues, and exclaimed: "It's obviously an internal injury to look the same!"

"Second brother!!"

The complexions of the descendants of the Heavenly Demon God Mountain changed drastically, and they just wanted to help.

But he was stopped again by Queen Guhai and Zhang Wangqing.

"Sorry, no traffic ahead."

The words fall.

The two broke out the law of cultivation almost at the same time.

The endless ocean of sword energy lingers around Zhang Wangqing.


The ground cracked, and countless white bones crawled out of it, and finally condensed into a giant skeleton beast that covered the sky and stood behind the Queen of Bones.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!?"

The four descendants of the monster clan also showed no sign of weakness, and the majestic monster energy erupted, and another big battle was imminent!

Boom! !

But right now.

Suddenly, a huge change occurred in the direction of the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

I saw a few rays of divine light shooting up into the sky, as if they were connected to the sky.

Endless sword runes rose up, turning the originally gray sky into daylight!

"Sword... sword energy!?"

A quasi-emperor who cultivated a sword suddenly yelled.

With the sky above the Great Wall of Sword Qi as the center, endless sword runes surged and spread in all directions, covering the original sky and transforming it into an ocean of sword Qi!


Another blackness as deep as ink suddenly appeared from the ground!

Even more frightening and magical scenes appeared.

The firmament is all day and white, like a sea of ​​light.

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