The Son of Guiyuan, who had been shining so brightly for eternity, faded away and disappeared without a trace, making countless monks sigh with regret.

There were also people who secretly rejoiced that Su Changge was so strong that it was easy to break just after the break, and the tree was so strong that everyone couldn't breathe.

Now that Su Changge has disappeared strangely, many people think that he has long since fallen.

But Guiyuan Holy Land didn't say anything about it.

It seems that there is no wave on the matter.


News continued to spread from the Emperor's Road, and many arrogances shed blood and fell into the stars.

There is also an extremely powerful unknown arrogance who rises up, killing invincible all the way, so strong that he shakes the sky and the earth.

More and more Tianjiao have arrived at the eighth pass of the Emperor's Road, ready to make final preparations for the opening of the ultimate Emperor's Road.

The fourth pass of the Emperor's Road, above the ruins of the Sword Qi Great Wall.

A beautiful woman in a plain white glass dress, her beautiful face seems to be able to bring troubles to the world.

At this moment, she is sitting with her arms around her knees in front of the ruins of the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

Looking at the collapsed ruins in front of him, he murmured to himself with a somewhat melancholy expression: "Changge...these months have passed...where did you go...?"

"Didn't you agree to meet at the top... If you can't see you for the rest of your life... what's the point of the peak...?"

All over the sky, the blue silk danced with the wind, and under the floating of the breeze, it set off the outline of her figure more and more vividly.

Even though his expression was a bit haggard at the moment, his unreally beautiful fairy face was shocking.

"Master Goddess... We have been delayed for too long at the Great Wall of Sword Qi..."

A Tianjiao from the Holy Land of Yaochi came behind Luo Yanyu and bowed: "Many others have already reached the seventh or even the eighth level... It's time for us to set off."

"Understood." Luo Yanyu nodded slightly.

Before leaving, he took one last look at the ruins of the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

She also believed in her heart that it was impossible for someone as powerful as Su Changge to have accidents.

The sixth pass of Emperor Road.

Yun Xinyan, Gu Linger, and many followers of Su Changge gathered here for a short time.

"A few months have passed.... Still no reply from God Son Changge..." Yun Xinyan in the crowd seemed to be in a daze, muttering in her mouth.

"Before I received an echo from the sister of the princess, Changge Shenzi separated from her on a mysterious ancient road, so it shouldn't be a big deal," Tang Wuer said.

"Don't worry, what a majestic and heroic Son of God, might he be defeated here?"

Bi Qingxia said with a smile: "What I'm waiting to do is to keep moving forward, so as not to hinder Lord Shenzi."

"Besides, besides, Haotian and Lintian are doing well on the Emperor's Road, so we shouldn't be weaker than them."


The eighth pass of Emperor Road.

Silent Demon Mountain.

Boom! !

A terrifying storm of spiritual energy soared into the sky, and then the scarlet blood mist wrapped in billowing smoke and dust vented the agitation.

"The two holy body talents in Guiyuan Holy Land are going against the sky!"

"The ancient emperors of Liuyu Shrine were slaughtered by the two of them together!"

"Hiss... I heard that the ancient emperor of Liuyu Shrine had broken through to the sixth level of the quasi-emperor a few days ago. I thought he was a dark horse on the emperor's road, but he fell like this!"

"Including the previous four heirs of the Demon Emperor from the Heavenly Demon God Mountain, they have killed five small giants of the Emperor's Road!"

Countless monks talked about it.

Although Su Changge has disappeared, the other three great saints in Guiyuan Holy Land are also extremely tyrannical and cannot be ignored.

Return to the depths of Yuan Holy Land.

Several ancestors of Guiyuan Holy Land gathered together.

In the past few months, the Three Thousand Dao Domain has been turbulent.

Both Tianyao Shenshan and Tiandao Supervisor Alliance are secretly brewing their own conspiracies.

The Guiyuan Holy Land is also preparing for war.

But at the same time, they are always paying attention to Dilu.

If it wasn't for the imprint of Su Changge's soul card not being affected, even they would have wondered if something happened to Su Changge.

At this moment, Ancient Ancestor Miexian slowly opened his eyes.

Compared with the ancient ancestor of the Mie Shen, the power of the Dao deduction of the ancient ancestor of the Mie Immortal is even more unpredictable.

As for the most mysterious distant ancestor... the two ancient ancestors habitually referred to him as the Tongtian distant ancestor.

He only heard his ethereal voice echoing in this space: "Changge has entered the zeroth level of the first emperor's road."

"According to my avenue calculation, Changge is about to reach the secret place of time."

Hearing this, the sad eyes of the ancestors suddenly showed joy.

But at the same time, they shook their heads and sighed a little: "These few months have given others too much room to catch up. I'm afraid Changge will suffer in terms of cultivation!"

"rest assured."

The ancient ancestor Miexian smiled slightly: "This guy Changge, his cultivation base is still ahead of all Tianjiao."


at the same time.

Emperor Road Level [-].

In the dark depths of the starry sky.

A shining bronze sailboat is breaking through the void and advancing at a high speed.

On top of the bronze sailing boat, a figure in white sat cross-legged, with a misty celestial light all over him, and chaotic light gushing out, like a standing god.

From time to time, his aura surged violently, bursting out with a supreme kalpa light that could destroy the world.

Sometimes it was as quiet as water, but the whirlwind of silence lingering around him seemed to be able to decay the space layer by layer.

And Su Changge's cultivation has actually broken through to the seventh level of the Emperor Zhun, and is even continuing to climb!

It turned out that during the past few months, Su Changge had been in an epiphany.

Feel yourself and break through the shackles.



The aura law pervading Su Changge's body surged crazily, bursting out with an earth-shattering roar.

Under the control of a ray of absolute power, the four supreme holy body overlord breaths unleashed a terrifying force that suppressed the nine heavens and ten places.

With Su Changge's body as the center, countless stars and meteorites floating around him were turned into dust all over the sky by this terrifying force!

This terrifying power seems to have aroused the alert of some unknown existence.

Whoosh whoosh! !

A few streamers of light shot towards this place from the depths of the starry sky and landed on the starry sky.

Their eyes were all looking at Su Changge on the bronze sailboat in shock.

"Isn't this the Dilu starship...? Didn't it collapse in that battle? Why did it appear again?"

"Strange, our world has long been cut off by the outside world, how did this person get in...?"

Chapter 426 The power that does not exist in the world, the power of nothingness!

These figures are all dressed in ancient costumes, with a strong aura, and they are all like the existence of the strongest.

There is also a strong power of law lingering around them, with a terrifying aura, as if it can turn the space into wind and sand to dissipate.

They are the time survivors of this time foreign land.

When he sensed this terrifying power, he came to check spontaneously.

Looking at the figure in white sitting cross-legged on the bronze sailboat, their hearts were pounding.

The terrifying power of Qi and blood gushes out a majestic force, as if it can absorb the life essence of heaven and earth.

Between exhalation and inhalation, it seems that they are completely in line with the rhythm of the avenue.

"Strange, isn't this bronze sailboat controlled by a senior Taoist in the early days?"

"Although this kid's cultivation is strong, he is still more than 01:30 points worse than Senior Taichu. Could it be that Senior Taichu sent him in?"

"Don't worry about it so much, if this kid can come in, he must have a way to get out."

A strange creature covered with golden scales said coldly: "If we suppress him, maybe we will have a chance to escape from this world."

This statement came out.

The powerhouses of these time survivors all fell into deep thought.

They have been trapped in this world since Emperor Zero shut down.

Now that they have finally seen the dawn of freedom, they are naturally unwilling to give up.

Just when they reached an agreement and were about to take Su Changge down.


The next moment, the sudden change!

It seems that there are endless chaotic thunders exploding, endless radiance gushes out, and the flames of the avenue of various colors turn into a galaxy rewinding.

Terrifying energy storms swarmed towards Su Changge's body from all directions!

"Not good! This kid is about to break through!"

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