While holding the sword of heavenly authority, his whole body seems to be covered by a mysterious law of the great way.

among them.

That obscure and mysterious law seemed to completely resonate with Su Changge.

The scale-like lines of the divine pattern seemed to grow from his flesh and blood, gradually spreading and transforming along the position of his arm.

Under the background of this incomparably pure power of heaven, Su Changge is like an immortal in golden armor.

The bright runes linger around, making it even more sacred and exciting!

boom! !

Suddenly, a more terrifying sword energy erupted.

It was like a burst of golden lotus completely enveloping Su Changge's figure.

Su Changge, who was clearly aware of it, suddenly felt countless thoughts surging in his heart.

One by one, ancient pictures suddenly appeared in his mind.

[In the picture, it is an ancient and wild land, where the fighting is shaking the sky, and the strange beasts are plundering the sky. 】

[Every time accompanied by the explosion and roar of the gods, there will be huge waves of laws that soar into the sky and rush out in all directions. 】

[Corpse, blood, and debris from the Shenzhou spilled on the earth, like the loess was even dyed blood red. 】

[Among them, the figure of a woman is particularly glaring. She is wearing a divine armor, her hair is flying, and she is holding a divine sword in her right hand that is full of divine splendor.

In her left hand, she held an ethereal Baoguang Xuanshield. 】

[At this moment, her body is covered with countless wounds, big and small, and the gurgling blood stained her clothes red. 】

【In front of her, there are countless dark creatures, with ferocious roars one after another, all staring at this woman with blood red eyes. 】

[After taking another deep breath, the woman controls the giant sword and shield, and shoots out in an instant! 】

[Afterwards, the endless destructive light, the rune ripples bloomed like moonlight in the darkness...]


I don't know how long.

The screen changes again.

The seemingly boundless army of darkness turned into palpitating fragments of blood.

The dark ferocious beast king who could easily crush the earth was also beheaded to death by him.

Wait until the surroundings are finally silent.

I just heard the woman muttering: "Since I am the Heavenly Dao of the Three Thousand Dao Realm..."

"This body should be dedicated to the peace of the common people..."

"But... I can't let go of them the most..."


This figure seems to have a sense.

The voice stopped abruptly, and she froze in place, at the moment of looking back.

The screen is suddenly shattered.

At the same time, Su Changge's eyes slowly opened.

There was a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"This original true spirit of the Dao of Heaven is left by the Dao of the first generation. Is the woman in the picture just now the Dao of the first generation...?"

"So the Sword of Heaven...is the sword of the power of heaven...?"

Su Changge speculated in his heart: "Since that war, Broken has become what it is today."

Looking at the celestial sword in his hand that was full of radiant splendor, Su Changge felt extremely moved.

The sword of heavenly authority.

According to ancient historical records, it was one of the supreme gods born along with the Dao of Heaven at the beginning of the birth of the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

The other is the shield of heavenly authority.

The sword of heavenly authority is known as the sharpest sword in the world.

And the shield of heavenly authority is known as the strongest shield in the world.

"Although God, you have a deep connection with the way of heaven."

Su Changge looked at the God Sword in his hand and murmured: "But you are God in this life, you and I, you should cut off the past."

Om-! !

The Cangjian trembled slightly, as if it was responding to Su Changge.

While watching this scene from the side, the two of them were silent for a long time.

The sword of heavenly authority, the strongest sword in the three thousand realms, had already been shattered in that world-destroying war.

They didn't expect to come back to the world again now, they didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

At this time, Su Changge suddenly said: "Su's purpose of coming here has been achieved, I wonder if the two seniors can find a way to send me out of this world?"

After all, several months have passed now, and Su Changge has been delayed here for too long.

"Of course... If your lord is in a hurry, we can leave right away!" Shi Fen hurriedly cupped his hands.

My master wants them to be responsible for the whole process.

The two of them naturally did not dare to be careless about this.

"It's work."

Su Changge cupped his hands in return.

At the same time, I have some expectations in my heart.

In the past few months, his cultivation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Coupled with the fact that the Sword of Heaven has now transformed into the sword of the power of heaven, his strength is no longer comparable.

"I hope that group of guys before will also mention something, otherwise."

"This emperor road is too boring."


the other side.

The eighth pass of Emperor Road.

Annihilation City.

This piece of void is almost full of roaring sounds.

All kinds of divine light runes are rising brightly, and countless Tianjiao monks are coming across the void.

The look on his face was even more exciting.

On the Emperor's Road, the most exciting thing is the big collision between Tianjiao.

"I never thought that the long-disappeared Ancient Phoenix Clan would unite with the Heavenly Demon God Mountain and the Six Desire God Palace again!"

"They have jointly dispatched seven quasi-emperor and seventh-level powerhouses to hunt down and kill Guiyuan Ersheng!"

"However, I'm more curious. Now that the Second Sage Guiyuan is besieged in the City of Silence, why are there no other disciples from the Holy Land of Guiyuan?"

"You don't know that, the three major forces have spent a lot of thought on this, and there are also many other talents who made their moves."

A quasi-emperor Tianjiao said: "Their purpose is to intercept the reinforcement disciples from Guiyuan Holy Land."

"Under such a siege, I'm afraid Guiyuan Ersheng is in danger!"

The two saints of Guiyuan are Ye Lintian and Li Haotian of Guiyuan Holy Land.

One has ancient double pupils, and the other has ancient sacred bodies.

In the past few months, the two extremely powerful Holy Physique Tianjiao joined forces and fought invincible hands all over the emperor's road.

He even killed the Tianjiao of the Monster Race of the Heavens and the Tianjiao of the Palace of Six Desires.

As a result, the three major forces were furious.

That's why they sent Peerless Tianjiao to besiege and kill the two with such great fanfare.

"Hehe...these seven quasi-emperor powerhouses are all well-known talents on the list of hell, the ancient phoenix clan Great Phoenix Sky Kunlun, and they have recently broken through to the eighth level of quasi-emperor!"

"With the cooperation of the other six quasi-emperor powerhouses, even Su Changge is still alive, and it is still difficult to compete!"

Speaking of the word Su Changge, everyone couldn't help but think of that stalwart figure in white.

Suppressing the world, the unparalleled taboo Tianjiao has disappeared for several months now.

Many people can't help but wonder, if Su Changge hadn't disappeared, what kind of situation would he stir up?

Chapter 431 Return, Destroy One Word!

Just when everyone was feeling emotional.

Boom! !

A terrifying roar of spiritual energy echoed above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a vision of the sky suddenly rose.

The demonic aura is majestic, covering the sky and the sun.

Accompanied by the tumbling of the runes, several terrifying figures slowly emerged.

"Look! The Lord is coming!"

This terrifying vision instantly attracted many disciples to look up.

The quasi-emperor powerhouses of the three major forces have come hand in hand.

Their eyes were indifferent, their expressions were stern, and their eyes were fixed on the direction of Silent City.

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