The golden light flickered in Su Chang's singer, and a domain symbol appeared in his hand.

"According to the information given by the ancestors, the extraterritorial battlefield is at the edge of the Three Thousand Dao Domain, a land of nothingness..."

"With my current strength, it shouldn't take long."

After thinking about it.

Su Changge's whole body is full of imperial spirit, and countless lines of emperor's way spread and condense, extending towards the depths of the starry sky.


at the same time.

extraterritorial battlefield.

Boom! !

The laws are pouring out, and the runes are surging.

A dense black light rose into the sky.

Among them, a huge black claw that seems to be as high as the sky sticks out.

The terrifying black light emanating from his body spreads in all directions. Wherever it passes, the laws are rotten, and the dao rhyme is wiped out!

This is a power completely different from the Three Thousand Dao Domain!

It symbolizes unknown, decay, and destruction!

"Three-thousand dao domain's offal! How long do you think you can stop me from waiting!?"

It seems that the owner of this huge and weird black claw is roaring angrily at this moment: "Feng Shui turns, in this era, the three thousand realms will surely be destroyed!"


"Which emperor is in charge of guarding the caves outside the territory today!?"

A commander in pitch-black battle armor let out an angry roar.

The extraterritorial cave is the most unstable factor, and the extraterritorial creatures invade the Three Thousand Dao Domain from here.

Every time the emperor is responsible for guarding here.

But today, something happened unexpectedly.

Just when everyone panicked.

boom! !

A pitch-black figure soared into the sky, with majestic imperial majesty, covering the sky and covering the earth.

However, his aura is very strange, and that ominous will makes one's scalp tingle even more!

"That is....!?"

The previous commander couldn't help but exclaimed: "Emperor Qinghuang!?"

"Didn't Emperor Qinghuang be in charge of guarding the caves outside the territory before...!?"

"Why is it eroded by the laws of the outside world!?"

Chapter 475 The Lord of Tianyi has something to ask, and the darkness revives?

Although foreign laws can erode the soul of their monks.

But, what is a great emperor?

The emperor's body is invulnerable to all laws, and it is indestructible through the ages!

This is the first time that the emperor has been eroded on the battlefield outside the territory!

However, at this time.

boom! ! !

The eroded Emperor Qinghuang was full of majestic power.

Center on it.

A domineering strange aura erupted from his body.


At this moment, Emperor Qinghuang's remnant consciousness seems to be still contending with this strange force.

But the appearance was extremely painful, and he couldn't control his heart-piercing wailing.

The aura like a turbulent wave shook in all directions, venting in all directions frantically.

Under this powerful force.

Countless troops responsible for guarding the place were directly blown away by the air waves, and scattered all over the ground.


A strange magic eye pattern appeared on the surface of Emperor Qinghuang's body.

In the end, more and more, not only completely covered his entire body surface, but even densely packed magic eyes appeared in the void!

This weird scene made everyone's scalp tingle!


Suddenly, Emperor Qinghuang laughed madly again.

The voice was eerie and hoarse.

It seems to be another existence hidden in Emperor Qinghuang's body.

"After so many years of cultivation, my efforts are not in vain!"

Emperor Qinghuang's eyes were dark, and his voice became more and more excited: "I didn't expect that my Demon Eye Heavenly Monarch actually got a body of the emperor, not bad, not bad!"

"Next, it's time to smash this Heitian and let those guys come out."

black sky.

It is the name people from outside the region call the caves outside the region.

"Not good! Stop him!"

The army that reacted gritted its teeth and prepared to fight back.

They are just an ordinary army of immortal forces. Compared with the Great Emperor, they are really far behind!

"Hmph! A group of miscellaneous fish."

Demon Eye Tianjun's eyes were cold, and he was controlling Emperor Qinghuang to kill the army below.

But right now.

But he saw a flash of light in the sky.

boom! ! !

A scarlet divine light of destruction pierced through the universe, and it came from the deep space towards the Demon Eye Tianjun!

"Dare to sneak attack? How courageous!"

Demon Eye Tianjun snorted coldly.

While sticking out the big hand.

The strange aura emanating from countless magic eyes lingered on his arm.

boom! !

In an instant, his figure turned into black lightning, majestic as an emperor, he raised his hand and smashed the void with a punch.

Many magic eyes suspended around him erupted with surging magic power. While setting off bursts of destructive wind, the power of decay caused the endless law to wither quickly!

next moment.

A dull roar resounded through the void.

The storm of laws spread in all directions, and many armies responsible for guarding this place were directly blown away.

"Hmph, with such strength, you dare to..."

But before the Demon Eye Tianjun opened his mouth to mock.

A scarlet thunder pierced the sky in an instant, and appeared in front of the Demon Eye Tianjun in an instant.

"It's mere scraps."

Emperor Zhan's face was cold, and his tone was indifferent: "Do you dare to be presumptuous?"

Words fall, punches out!

At such a short distance, Emperor Zhandi punched extremely fast.

The Demon Eye Heavenly Monarch had almost no time to react, and was hit directly!

Boom-! !

The runes surged wildly, and the emperor was mighty.

Everyone saw a ray of divine light tearing apart Emperor Qinghuang's body, and piercing through his chest!

Where the light shines.

Even the large void area was completely wiped out by this force.

"You boy..."

Demon Eye Tianjun's pupils shrank, his face full of disbelief.

Why are there so many powerful emperors in the Three Thousand Dao Domain?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"I see, are you the strongest...?"

After a light laugh.

The power of Demon Eye Tianjun parasitic on Emperor Qinghuang gradually dissipated.

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