After using the emperor's will to break through the void.

Su Changge arrived at the destination very quickly.

Look into the eyes.

This place is very strange, not only is it darker, but the air is even colder.

The radiance condensed on the surface of Su Changge's skin was extremely dazzling, making him look like the sun in the darkness.

For some reason.

It seemed that he had sensed the aura of Su Changge's arrival.

In the dark starry sky, there are strange tentacles like a tide slowly squirming.

If you look carefully, the thorns growing on it are full of living monks!

But at this moment, they all have shriveled skin and exhausted aura.

The mouth is wide open, and even the fear before dying is hanging on the face!

In this countless densely packed tentacles.

A few vague and strange figures are hidden in a broken star.

"Hehe...I didn't expect that it really attracted a big fish."

"This fish is not bad. His breath is very delicious. If you absorb him, you will definitely bring out more members of our clan!"

"Be careful, this guy has a strange aura, and he may be much stronger than the previous guy."

"Don't worry, with the blessing of the power of Nirvana, even if this kid has the ability to shake the sky, it won't help!"


Boom! !

Su Changge shattered the starry sky all the way.

Soon, a huge planet was noticed.

There are countless fragments of stars scattered around, and there is a remnant breath of war in the void.

"Where is..."


Su Changge seemed to have noticed something, and as soon as he took a step, he appeared in front of this huge planet in an instant.

I saw this huge star sunken inward.

In the shattered pit was a figure covered in blood.

His hair was disheveled, and Wusi covered his face.

His hands fell limply, and the hot Emperor's blood dripped down his fingers.

Su Changge didn't stay too long.

Instead, he looked along a scarlet strange thorn.

This scarlet strange thorn directly pierced through this person's heart, directly nailing his whole body to the stars!

A great emperor was not only brutally killed, but even directly nailed to the stars!

This is not only a deterrent to the murderer, but also a provocation!

What made Su Changge even more angry was the bloody sentence next to the emperor's corpse——

"Dogs from the Three Thousand Dao Domain, watch out, this is what will happen if you fight against us!"

The emperor who guards the battlefield outside the territory.

It's all for all the common people in the three thousand realms.

They hide their names and silently guard the common people here.

Not only was he killed like this, but he even suffered such humiliation after death!

Su Changge's complexion became more and more gloomy, and a murderous intent flickered in a certain pupil.

"Don't worry, I'll take you home."

Su Changge just wanted to reach out and put down the corpse of the unknown emperor.

boom! !

Almost instantly, the moment Su Changge approached.

The weird thorns inserted on the emperor's corpse directly erupted with a terrifying force!

The scarlet thorns that shot out were like a sky-shattering spear, straight at Su Changge's forehead!

So close and so fast!

Even if it is a second-rank great emperor here, I am afraid that he will capsize in the gutter!

Boom! !

In an instant.

The scarlet spear exploded directly on Su Changge's forehead.

Countless scarlet thunderbolts exploded, centering on that area, terrifying waves of blood surged in all directions!

"Hahaha! It worked! This move is truly a tried and tested trick!"

"This big fish is the same as the previous one! It's really stupid!"

"I thought how strong it was, but this is it?!"


Those strange figures who succeeded in the sneak attack jumped out.

I saw that they looked like humans and monsters, with sharp fangs and red hair all over their bodies.

Previously, they crucified a strong man in this way.

Then he used his body to attract the previous great emperor to be fooled, and finally he was severely injured by such means.

Then they teamed up to suppress it, and after absorbing its power, they brutally killed it.

of course.

His body was not wasted either.

Used as bait to lure rescuers.

"Hahaha! I have to say, the human race is really stupid!"

"Yeah! It's really stupid to attract this group of fools with a useless corpse!"

"This time I will be the first to absorb it!"

Several strange creatures taunted.

But did not wait for them to approach.

A voice suddenly came out of the tumbling blood mist.

"good very good."

This voice was extremely cold, as if it contained killing intent from the heavens!


"All have to die!"

Chapter 477 Absolutely Overwhelming!Suffocating strength!

The words fall.

boom! !

With Su Changge as the center, the terrifying pressure of destruction spread in all directions.

Under the cover of this coercion.

The extinguished stars trembled, and finally collapsed into ashes.

Wisps of emperor's mark rose up, covering the sky and covering the earth.

This is the manifestation of Su Changge's explosive strength with the emperor's body.

The moment the four strange red creatures felt this power, they couldn't help but roar and tremble all over!

Although they came from outside the territory and were partially suppressed by the laws of the Three Thousand Dao Domain, they were still comparable to the existence of the Seventh Rank Great Emperor.

Now that Su Changge's breath just exploded, they felt a burst of despair!


These are the three words that sounded in their minds at the same time.

Then came: "Flee!"

The four moved extremely fast.

While confirming his thoughts, he once again gathered strength in his hands and patted Su Changge.

The endless blood-colored thorns covered the sky and covered the sky, like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, about to submerge Su Changge's area.

Su Changge didn't care about this at all, and pushed towards the starry sky with his palm.

Whoa! !

The endless light of the runes rose up, and finally gradually formed a palm print covering the sky.

The blazing divine light reflected the entire pitch-black starry sky in a golden yellow!

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The golden palm prints directly collided with the tumbling waves of red thorns.

Not surprisingly.

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