Stretch out the big hand and directly hold the strange creature's head, and finally lift it up directly.

"It's ridiculous, I have self-confidence, my way is above everything."

boom! !


Su Changge activated the power to devour the holy body.

The black capital rune spread and rose from his palm, and the power of devouring without a trace fell down along the sky cover of this strange creature.

Under the dual suppression of the emperor's will and the devouring holy body, this strange creature has no power to resist.

In an instant, it was covered by the law of devouring, and finally the body, together with the soul, was completely absorbed by Su Changge.


Su Changge also obtained the memory of this strange creature.

"Extraterritorial...The Devil's Sea of ​​Thorns...These four guys originally came from here."

Su Changge frowned slightly: "But, isn't there a Black Sea that contains the power of extinction...?"

"How did these guys get across?"

Su Changge continued to search the memory of this strange creature.

Finally, he captured a memory picture.

In a dark hall.

A vague figure sat high on the dark throne.

The voice was hoarse: "Evil Gui, the four of you brothers are the guardians of my sea of ​​thorns and demons. This time, the four of you will be the vanguard and lead the way to the opposite side of the sea."

"Collect as much information as possible, and find out the bottom across the sea."

"As for the law of extinction in the Black Sea, don't worry, the restricted area of ​​life has already figured out a way for us."

"Not only us, but many other forces can cross the Black Sea."

"This is a good opportunity for our Sea of ​​Thorns to go further. If something goes wrong with your four brothers..."

The memory picture gradually dissipated in a threatening tone.

Su Changge pinched his chin, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

He caught a key word.

Life is forbidden!

According to the ancient ancestors——

They claim to be above the Nine Heavens, and they are the strange forces closest to the Immortal Realm.

In the Three Thousand Dao Realm, because of the World War, the laws were shattered, and the heavens and the earth mourned.

Later, the fairy road was cut off, and in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, the limit was nothing but a detached person.

However, even a detached person only has a lifespan of more than 3 years in one life.

If you don't reach the fairyland, you will never be able to live forever, but now I don't know how long it will take to open the fairyland.

Some great emperors and transcendental beings were unwilling to die just like that.

In their later years, they proclaimed themselves as cultivation bases, slept in the fairyland, and finally waited for the fairyland to open in the forbidden area of ​​life.

When the time is right, they will wake up from the forbidden zone of life again, use it to plunder the common people and spirits, and finally use the method of sacrifice to strive for a step beyond the fairyland.

"Unexpectedly, the restricted area of ​​life has not yet come, but it has secretly colluded with outsiders."

"What are they trying to do...?"

Su Changge frowned more and more.

He always had a hunch.

The restricted area of ​​life seems to be planning something big.

It is very likely that the alliance with the outside world is intended to disrupt the three thousand realms.

In the end, he took the opportunity to harvest the souls of the three thousand realms.

"These three guys seem to have sneaked in from a hidden place in an extraterritorial battlefield."

"It seems that it is necessary to take a look."

Not to mention protecting the entire Three Thousand Dao Domain, what Su Changge cherishes is here, so he will naturally do his part to protect it.

before leaving.

Su Changge walked up to the previous emperor's corpse.

The previous scarlet spear erupted inside the emperor's body.

The emperor's corpse, which was originally complete, now looks a bit broken, with no bones left.

With a wave of Su Changge's hand, the endless laws of the emperor's way spread out, wrapping the broken emperor's corpse.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Su Changge's law, countless fragments of the broken emperor's corpse slowly gathered. Although they were still broken, they were already complete.

Looking at the corpse of the unknown emperor, Su Changge sighed.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

Outside the domain, after all, it is not the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

The man walks around, where is there no green hill?

But, if they have the ability, everyone wants to return to their roots.

From where you come out, you will naturally go back to where you came from.

Just when Su Changge said these words.

An invisible air slowly rose from the emperor's body.

Vaguely, it seems that a vague figure of the Great Emperor can be seen.

His name is Emperor Wei Cang.

Guarding the outside world for more than a thousand years, he never returned home.

In the end, not only did I forget the appearance of my family in my memory, but I even forgot the home in my memory.

It can be so.

He still remembers the direction of home.

The blurred figure of Emperor Wei Cang turned around and looked in the direction of the Three Thousand Dao Realm.

That was the direction of home in his memory.

All thoughts are in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is out of reach.



Outside the territory, there is a place among the ancient stars that are surging with monstrous blood.

A woman wrapped in blood-colored thorns, wearing a blood-red robe, and exuding terrifying coercion slowly opened her eyes.

She is the Lord of the Demon Sea of ​​Thorns and one of the top ten ancestors outside the territory.

It is called the ancestor of bloodthorn outside the territory.

At this moment, her abyss-like eyes seemed to have pierced through the void for thousands of miles, and landed on the position where the four strange creatures died.

"Useless trash."

"I can't even do this little thing well."

The bloodthorn ancestor's tone was cold: "I don't know who dares to destroy our family's plan like this."

"In the future, when I descend across the sea, I will surely tear his body to pieces!"


the other side.

In the restricted area of ​​life, an ancient tree rooted in the dark and scorched earth.

The power of the endless law is surging, like a black ocean tumbling.

Among them, there is a vague figure of an old man sitting cross-legged in meditation.

Fingers twitched, strands of secrets entwined, as if they were calculating something.


The vague old man opened his eyes and couldn't help saying: "There is a change in the future plan!"

He is a detached person who is very good at deduction in the restricted area of ​​life.

The plan of their life penalty area is very important, and there is no room for half a mistake.

All detached people who are good at the method of deduction are deducing future events in turns.

Today is the old man's turn.

Now that this incident happened, the old man's expression changed drastically with fright!

"Damn it! I want to see who dares to destroy the important thing in the restricted area of ​​my life!"

Endless radiance surged all over the old man's body.

The power of the obscure law was vented, and what's more, a dark vortex slowly intertwined in front of him!

However, when the vortex was half built, it was directly stopped by a powerful force!

Destiny is nothingness, and there is no way to escape!

Chapter 479 The line is full, become the leader of a new round of offensive?

Before the detachment from the restricted area of ​​life could react.

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