His voice was cold, without any emotion.

"Lord Emperor Yuan...if you are willing to make a move..."

After obtaining the consent of other ancestors, one ancestor gritted his teeth and said, "We are willing to donate half of the final results!"

Half, this is the biggest concession they can make.

It can also be seen how strong the Eternal Night Emperor City is, so that the top ten strange ancestors have no choice but to give in.

"Oh? Give me half?"

Emperor Yuan frowned slightly, as if interested.

He admitted that he was really tempted.

But compared to this.

He cares more about another thing.

After a few perfunctory words verbally, the three strange ancestors left unwillingly.

They were even more angry in each other's voice transmission: "Damn Su Yuan! You still haven't agreed to half the results. Could it be that you want the lion to speak up!?"

"Hmph! Since Yongye Emperor City doesn't intend to intervene, then we will go on our own. After so many years of precipitation, aren't we waiting for the opponent of the Three Thousand Dao Domain!?"

"That's right, the restricted area of ​​life will also cooperate with our actions at that time. We will win this battle!"


Eternal Night Emperor City.

Looking at the three weird ancestors who were a little annoyed.

Emperor Yuan wanted to laugh a little.

"A group of miscellaneous fish, if it is not for the completion of the family plan."

Emperor Yuan's tone was cold: "How can you have a chance to live till now?"

At this time, Emperor Yuan murmured again: "I heard that the young master of the family seems to be in the Three Thousand Dao Realm..."

"I don't know if I will be lucky enough to meet you?"

Chapter 482 The Black Sea surges upside down, the foreign army descends, and the army confronts each other!

Accompanied by the continuous mobilization of troops from outside the region.

Many forces stationed on the battlefield outside the territory also felt this sudden change.

It has attracted countless discussions among the great emperors and powerhouses.

"What's going on? Why did the laws outside the domain suddenly become so unstable...?"

"The Black Sea is also a bit strange. The Law of Nirvana in it seems to be sinking into an inexplicable precipitation."

"The erosion from the laws outside the territory feels obvious..."

"Don't worry, with Guiyuan Holy Land here, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"That's right... I heard that Emperor Changge is still in charge of commanding the Guiyuan Holy Land army this time. I'm afraid this new offensive will have a different result..."

This statement came out.

The anxiety in the hearts of many great emperors also gradually disappeared.

They know how strong Guiyuan Holy Land is.

The six top emperors have not only broken through to the realm of ancient emperors, but all of them are destiny emperors!

Su Changge is also known as the eternal emperor.

With such thighs, the probability of them lying flat is extremely high!


at this time.

Guiyuan Holy Land resident.

"According to the news from Tianjiu and Yutian, the changes in the land outside the territory may be to actively attack my three thousand realms."

On the battle platform of laws condensed by the endless brilliance of the emperor.

The Emperor of War stands on it.

Below him stood countless strong men from Guiyuan Holy Land, as well as many great emperors!

Except for the two great emperors Tianjiu and Yutian.

All the great emperors stationed on the battlefield outside the territory, a total of seven great emperors, all gathered here!

Of course, except for the Divine Sea of ​​Destiny and the Demon Abyss of Absolute Beginning.

Further below, there are legions wearing glowing armor, like an army of cutting down the sky!

At this time, the Emperor Zhan said loudly: "This time, it is the Emperor Changge who leads my army of Guiyuan Holy Land to crusade outside the territory!"

"Who has any objections!?"

Falling with these words.

All of them were figures in white clothes gathered at the head of the crowd.

Just standing there, there is a great emperor's spirit that looks down on the world.

"I am willing to obey the orders of Emperor Changge!"

The rest of the great emperors, and all the troops of Guiyuan Holy Land bowed their hands towards Su Changge.

How high Su Changge's achievements are, they are obvious to all, with such achievements, they are fully qualified to lead them!

Boom boom boom! !

But right now.

The entire outer battlefield trembled crazily.

The area where the Black Sea is located even set off huge waves!

The huge roar spread across the wilderness, as if some great terror was gradually waking up.

"This direction is... the land of the Black Sea!?"

Many great emperors looked towards the direction of the Black Sea.

There is the junction of the Three Thousand Dao Domain and the Outer Territory.

Although they were mentally prepared, this scene came too suddenly.

"Is the land outside the territory ready to take the initiative to attack?"

Su Changge's eyes were also full of solemnity, and there was a cold killing intent flowing in them.

For outsiders, he doesn't have any good impressions. If he is not of my race, his heart must be different!

at this time.

Life is forbidden!

Several vague and dark figures are sitting cross-legged on the bronze platform.

In front of them, the strange pitch-black runes condensed together, and finally formed a huge pitch-black pool.

The picture in it is an extraterritorial battlefield.

"It's started, the land outside the domain has decided to launch a counterattack against the Three Thousand Dao Domain."

"Who is in charge of ups and downs in the vast land of the world?"

"Even the Guiyuan Holy Land cannot stop the general trend of the times."

A vague figure in the highest position whispered: "The Immortal Realm is about to come, and it's time for a new round of harvesting to begin."


Boom! !

Accompanied by the turmoil between heaven and earth is getting worse.

The entire Black River surged upside down, and the power of Nirvana rolled over!

In the end, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the whole Heihe disappeared completely!



An ancient horn full of vicissitudes and weirdness resounded from the sky.

The far end of the dark horizon.

The wind and the clouds are changing, and the wind and sand are rolling.

Suddenly, a scarlet banner rolled up high from the pitch-black wind.

With it as the center, dense numbers of strange figures appeared above the dark horizon.

They have strange shapes and strange breaths!

The skeleton war horse gallops.

The blood-soaked battleship was empty.

Countless strange and strange creatures striding forward from the horizon!

Especially among them there are countless figures who can be compared to the great emperor!

Center them.

Endless dark clouds rise up, and finally go straight to the sky, completely covering the entire universe!

"These... are all foreign troops!?"

Countless [-] Dao domain powerhouses stationed on the battlefield outside the domain couldn't help but exclaim.

Although they know that the outside world has been accumulating strength, but after the arrival of the army, it is far beyond their imagination!

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