Wei Li and Yukina watched the news. Yesterday's sabotage incident by the beasts was reported without a doubt. It is said that the loss was more than 50 billion. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

When the security team arrived, the prisoner had already fled, only to find a vampire who was seriously injured and dying.

Since there was no incident of the Fourth True Ancestor's Beast running wild, the loss did not reach an exaggerated figure of more than 500 billion.

Yuri and Yukina reported the matter to the Lion King agency, but no useful information has been sent back.


When they arrived at the school, everyone separated. Yukina and Agurola went to the junior high school, and Weili and Nangong Long went to the senior school.

"Then I'll go to class first, see you at noon" Wei Li said with a smile.

"it is good"

After separating from Wei Li, Nangong Long went to Nayue's office, because Nayue called him early in the morning and asked him to go to her office after school.

Nangong Long pushed the door open and entered, seeing Nayue sitting on the office chair, couldn't help but joked:

"I'm so anxious to see me, could it be that my lovely sister can't control her feeling of missing her brother?"

Nayue frowned her lovely eyebrows, gritted her teeth and said angrily:

"I'm not your sister. I called you here today because I have something to say, not to play some sister's role-playing game with you."

If it wasn't for that month's space control magic that had no effect on Nangong Long, Na Yue would have hanged up this nasty guy long ago.

Nangong Long walked to the desk, bent down, and pinched her face at a speed that Yue couldn't react.

"It's so cute when you're angry"

Nayue's face turned red, she didn't know if it was from shyness or anger, maybe both.

"Enough of you, bastard, if you are like this, I will beat you up even if you are a fallen soul." Nayue stood up and shouted at him.

"Forget it then," Nangong Long shrugged and said with a smile.

Sitting back on the chair that month, she still had an angry look on her face.

"Damn Lolicon" entry.

Chapter 48 See you at the old place

"How can you say that, my lovely sister..."

"Huh?" Nayue snorted heavily, staring at him with terrifying eyes.

Seeing that there was a tendency to go berserk that month, Nangong Long hurriedly stopped, and changed his words:

"That Yue-chan, is there anything urgent to find me?"

Adding sauce after her name, Nayue reluctantly endured it, it was better than calling her sister.

"Did you hear about the destruction of the beast that happened yesterday?"


"It's not the first time that a dying vampire has been discovered. There have been seven cases in the past two months, but it's the first time that the 'ancient generation' has been involved." That month threw a thick stack of documents to Nangong Long.

After looking through the information, sure enough, those two unlucky guys still didn't escape, and the short-haired orc and the yellow-haired vampire were still attacked.

"Do you know what information "[-]" tells?" Nayue asked.

Nangong Long nodded.

"Know something"

"Huh!?" Nayue looked at him in surprise. She originally wanted to give it a try, but she didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains.

"tell me the story"

Nangong Long held his chin and looked at Na Yue with a smirk on his face.

There was a cold feeling on the back of that month, and there was a bad feeling.

"Call O'Neill to listen, maybe I'll tell you as soon as I'm happy"

That moon's face froze, and the next moment the volcano erupted.

"Do you want to die?" Nayue gritted her teeth and stared at him fiercely.

"Huh? I was frightened, the information seems to have become blurred." Nangong Long said with a smile on his face, he didn't look frightened at all.

Nayue looked so angry, bit her lower lip and said inarticulately:

"At most I will have a meal with you"

Nangong Long pretended to be contemplative and raised his brows when he saw it.

"Don't push yourself too hard"

"No, I was wondering where to eat well"


That month's mouth twitched.

"Hurry up"

Nangong Long smiled and didn't provoke that month.

"I think you already know what the prisoner looks like."


"That uncle is a teacher from Rotalingia"

Nayue frowned and whispered:

"Why did Mr. J come to Izukami Island?"

"Of course it is to take back what belongs to one's own religion"

"Huh?" Nayue snorted suspiciously, and continued:

"Could it be that someone smuggled items from the Rotaringia Orthodox Church?"

"As long as you tell the high-level criminals that they are Mr. Jian, they will naturally know what's going on. After all, they know how this island was built."

"What do you mean?"

"Then there's no need to worry about Yuechan. The Lion King Agency has known about this for a long time. I just want to see when they will make a move." Nangong Long changed the subject.

"You know that we are business rivals with the Lion King Agency, but you still say that, are you trying to annoy me?" Nayue said angrily.

"Absolutely not. Isn't it interesting to be a bystander? Just watch a movie, and it can be relaxed." Nangong Long waved his hand and said.


Nayue sighed and said:

"It's not that simple, but let me thank you for now, I finally have a clue to investigate."

"Actually, there's something I've been wanting to say for a long time. The strength of the guard team is really not good. Small characters can still deal with it. A slightly stronger guy will be able to deliver food."

The equipment of the guard team is very good, but if there are famous magician criminals, they are collectively cold, and they are completely giving away the existence of heads. After all, they are not magicians.

"That's why it can't be compared to the Lion King Agency."

Nayue clicked her tongue unhappily.

"It seems that you don't want to eat with me anymore"


lunch canteen

Qian Cong looked at Weili who was sitting with them, and looked at Nangong Long suspiciously.

"Why would Yuba-san sit and eat with us?"

"There are various complicated situations on my side."

"A powerful enemy has appeared," Yase Motoki said seemingly casually.

"What powerful enemy?" Kojo Akatsuki, who was eating, looked at Motoki Yase in doubt.

Qian Cong blushed, she knew what Yase Motoki was referring to, so she gave him a hard look and told him not to talk too much.

After being warned, Ji Shu smiled wryly at Xiao Gucheng:


"Qiancong, you look very tired, did you not rest last night?" Nangong Long changed the subject in a timely manner.

"It wasn't because the equipment near Warehouse Street was destroyed in yesterday's Beast War. The artificial island management company wanted to restore the management system as soon as possible, so I was called to help.

It's because of buying low-cost, low-complexity junk hardware that it became like that..." Qian Cong complained.

"Student Lan Yu is so amazing," Wei Li admired, although there were many terms that Qian Cong said that Wei Li didn't understand.

"Not anymore," Qian Cong said shyly, waving her hands.

Then she gave Nangong Long a look, and wanted to explain to me about classmate Yubo in private, obviously she hadn't forgotten this most important thing to her.

After lunch, Qian Cong and the others returned to the classroom, while Nangong Long returned to the office to continue his research.


A butterfly-shaped shikigami flew in through the window and landed on his desk, turning into a piece of paper.

"See you at the old place - Scarlet Rice"

Burning the letter paper casually, Nangong Long left the office and went to the rooftop of the Higher Department.

"What's up"

Fei Dao didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point, her tone was as calm as ever.

"Why didn't you stop Mr. Jian's actions, do you want String Kamijima to be destroyed?"

1.6 "Of course I don't want Xianjinjima to be destroyed, but I don't have the habit of acting according to the script set by others. I think you should be very clear, so why bother to ask?"

"It's just a matter of routine. After all, what you said personally and my personal guess are different to those people," Fei Dao said in a flat tone.

"Which congressman with persecution paranoia asked you to do this kind of temptation?"

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