Just when Ailian and the others were about to ask questions, a loud roar came from outside the tent.

"is the master"

Icarus yelled and ran out of the camp. Ailian and the others quickly chased them out, and then they froze in place in shock.

Icarus, who gets along day and night on weekdays, stretches out tender pink wings behind his back, and a halo appears above his head. He flies into the sky and disappears from their sight in an instant.

Chapter 49 The Man Protected by Angels

"Angel?" Ai Lian and the others who stayed in place murmured subconsciously.

On the other side, the black dragon looked down at the petite Tita with scarlet eyes.

"You are surprised"

"Is this your power?" the goddess looked up at the dragon's head that was bigger than herself and asked.

"It's just one of my abilities"


Icarus, who rushed over quickly, stayed in mid-air at the same level as the black dragon, staring at Tita vigilantly. She felt that it was not her familiar friend.


The goddess glanced at Icarus, then at the black dragon.

"Angel and an ominous dragon are really an interesting combination. I'm getting more and more interested in you. Let's stop here this time. Let's meet at a more suitable time next time, such as a dark night full of corpses. I'm my sister oh"

After the words fell, the "[-]" tower leaned aside like a puppet with a broken string.

Nangong Long returned to human form and hugged Tita. She was really a willful goddess, and she came and left without warning.

"Master, what happened?"

"I met the goddess of this world, it's okay, I'm not an enemy"

Nangonglong sat cross-legged and hugged Tita, and they didn't return to the camp until Tita woke up.

"Haven't come back yet?" Lei Qi looked anxiously into the distance.

After Icarus left, they had been standing at the entrance of the camp waiting for them to come back. After all, they didn't know what happened or where they were. If they searched for them randomly, they would miss them returning to the camp.

"Icarus is an angel, so who is Yinhui who she calls her master?" Lim muttered looking at the seemingly endless grassland.

"Whoever he is, the fact that I like him won't change anything." Ellen murmured in an inaudible voice that even Lim beside her couldn't hear clearly.

"They're back!" Joan suddenly called out.

It was like a signal, Ellen and the others all ran forward.

In the coach's camp, everyone was sitting around, except for Icarus and Tita, all the girls focused their attention on Nangong Long.

"You like me to say it straight, don't stare at me like that." Nangong Long looked at Ailian and the others with a teasing tone to break the silent and tense atmosphere.

Luckily, Ellen and Lim only blushed slightly, while Leiqi turned red after a brush. What was surprising was that Joan's cheeks were also flushed, and she looked away as if trying to cover up.

This is interesting, you must know that this girl was very wary of someone at the beginning.

"Don't change the subject, Icarus is an angel, right?" Ailian stared at him with wide eyes, and said in a very sure tone.


"Then what about you? Who are you?" Ai Lian asked immediately.

"You don't need to ask, of course it's a man protected by an angel."


Ai Lian and the others looked at Nangong Long with a very proud expression in a speechless manner, which seemed to make sense, but they just felt that something was wrong.

"Why do I think you're teasing us?" Ailian pouted as if watching him unhappy.

"How could it be? Didn't the founding father of Jistatt also claim to be the incarnation of the black dragon, and he also gave seven wives dragon tools. Didn't the founding father of Brunu's myth also have weapons and horses bestowed by the Holy Spirit? To me, this is just a little special A little bit," Nangong Long said solemnly.

"What happened just now, Icarus flew away in a hurry," Lim said with a serious expression.

"Goddess wants to hang up for me"

"Goddess? Tier Na Fa?" Ai Lian asked with a frown. Nangong Long had previously mentioned the various relationships between Tier Na Fa, the human world and the monster world.

"Well, the person looking for me is the human Tier Na Fa, and the monsters have already started to move."

"It's really bad news." Both Ellen and Lim frowned.

Reki and Jeanne, who don't know the cause and effect, can't understand what they are talking about.

"Can you explain that? Monsters, and human Tier Na Fa?" Reki looked at them and asked aloud.

Nangong Long nodded to her, and then explained.

"Perkenas, the king of the gods, is the god representing the sun and light, and his only enemy is Tier Na Fa, but in myths and legends Tier Na Fa is also his wife, sister and younger sister. .

Don't you find it strange why the goddess has such contradictory three identities?"

"I was also very puzzled when I was a child, but it was decided before I was born, and gradually I don't care about it," Lei Qi said. 0

"Among the ten gods, Tier Na Fa's name is the most special, completely different from other gods, and this name represents not one goddess but three, which is why the goddess has three identities"

When we parted, the goddess said abruptly that I am my younger sister, and that was the reason.

After Leiqi and Joan of Arc digested the news, Nangong Long continued:

"To distinguish Tier-na-Fa in detail, it can be called as Tier-Na-Fa of Human, Tier-Na-Fa of Demon, and Tier-Na-Fa of Power.

One protects humans, one protects monsters, and the last one provides power."

"What is a monster?" Joan asked.

"Monsters are existences with supernatural power, and they are said to live in another world, and the demon Tier Na Fa is their goddess, and the human Tier Na Fa is the goddess of this land.

The bad news is that there are also monsters in this land, and their power far surpasses that of humans. They pretend to be humans and move around, and their goal is to turn this land into a paradise for monsters."

According to Nangong Long's understanding, that is the surface and the inside of this world, whichever side is stronger will show what the world looks like.

"What will happen if you become a human like that?" Leiqi asked hastily.

"Of course they are all dead, the environment has changed greatly and humans cannot live in the world of 1.6 monsters," Nangong Long replied calmly.

"In fact, hundreds of years ago, demons defeated humans. At that time, monsters were about to dominate the earth. If we didn't think of a way, there would probably be no human beings now."

"How did you solve that?" Reki asked, since the human world still exists, that is to say, there was any way to stop the demon Tier Na Fa at that time.

"A priestess prayed for help from Tier Na Fa, the human being. Although "human" cannot directly interfere with the earth, she found the three-headed dragon with the power to kill gods—Girunitra, and asked him to help. It is the black dragon in the legend of Jistat.

There are two theories about this, one is that he gave the human beings the weapons that housed his own power, and the other is that he sent the human beings that housed his own power into the world, and the rest is the founding myth of Gistart".

Chapter 50 First encounter

More than half of the land in the Anias region is a barren land that lacks water, and it is difficult for plants to grow, so it is always dusty.

There are many cliffs and hills here, connected with each other to form crooked cliffs, and the dry wind blows constantly through the cracks.

Because it is connected to Jistat and Menegi, the Kingdom of Brunu built a fortress for defense, but it has not been actively developed.

Therefore, the number of Anias villages is very small, because they are afraid of robbers who plunder the caravan, so they are scattered around the fortress.

Tens of days ago, Menieji's [-] troops suddenly appeared on the border, broke through the fortress and invaded the Kingdom of Brunu.

After that, Meneji's army attacked the villages near the fortress. They used crowd tactics to destroy fences or walls, and directly invaded the interior of the village.

Captured the villagers, robbed their property, moved all the stored grain, demolished the house and took away the firewood.

As long as they are not high-ranking officials and nobles with political value, these villagers captured by soldiers will become their 10 property, that is, slaves.

Those old people and children who could not be slaves, as well as those who resisted, were mercilessly chopped down.

The Meneji army destroyed more than twenty villages with this brutal style.

Against the gray winter sky, the Meneji army marched on the sandy wilderness holding their flags.

Meneji's military flag is crimson, with a golden helmet and long sword with horns on it, which is said to symbolize the god of war Ulufla.

Brown-skinned soldiers wore leather armor over heavy clothes, scimitars hung around their waists, bows, spears, or oval shields in their hands, and black cloth scarves wrapped around their heads. Wearing a helmet, it could be seen that Meneji didn't have enough armor to arm everyone.

Behind the [-]-strong army, there was a group of people whose hands were tied with ropes. There were about [-] of them, almost all of whom were boys and girls. Their bodies were covered with bruises and scars, and their clothes were torn. Many women's clothes were even torn.

These people were all villagers captured by Meneji's army, and they followed behind the army with bundles of firewood on their backs, with blank expressions on their faces.

The man who leads the [-]-strong army is called Kasim, and their task is to destroy all the villages they encounter along the way and move towards the southern port of Brunu.

The purpose of Meneji is to take advantage of the civil strife in Brunu to occupy the fertile south and the port city.

Another fleet that invaded from the sea is almost here now, and Kasim is the one that goes to support it, and at the same time, it also opens the way for the main force of [-] behind.

Kasim was originally a slave, but he regained his freedom because his ability was recognized, and he got to where he is today step by step. Therefore, he was very afraid of returning to the life of a slave, so he was extremely nervous, and even a tiny village along the way Don't let go.

"It's almost time," Nangong Long muttered looking at the gradually darkening sky.

Four days had passed since meeting the goddess, and Nangong Long and his party spent nearly ten days arriving in Anias.

Now they are hiding in the sandstone cliffs to watch Meneji's army.

Accompanying Nangong Long were Ailian, Lim, and Gerald, while Lei Qi and the others stayed behind.

"Follow the plan," Nangong Long said to Adjutant No. [-].

As night approached, Kasim planned to send an order to set up camp, but there was chaos behind the troops.

It turned out that unidentified troops appeared on the left and right sides, and they were all cavalry, riding their horses towards the troops at the end.

Black horses, black armor, and spears in hand, one charge down and separate the captives from Meneji's army.

Some of the black-armored cavalry used their free left hands to grab the captive onto their horses, and then retreated quickly, while the rest of the cavalry were responsible for blocking Meneji's army.

The infantry and cavalry were mixed together, and Meneji's cavalry could not take advantage of the cavalry, and it was even difficult to catch up.

However, as time passed, the infantry stopped rushing forward, but backed away in fear.

God knows how many people they died in just a few minutes, anyway, a layer has been laid on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the black armored cavalry turned around and left. Menieji's cavalry did not dare to pursue them. Although the sky was getting dark, it was not too dark to see clearly. They could clearly see how fierce the black armored cavalry was. The cavalry of one's own side who rushed over were directly pierced by spears, and the dead could not die any more.

"Let's go, go join No. [-], it may take a lot of time for Meneji to regroup the troops," Nangong Long said to Ailian and Lim, and then got on his horse and headed north.

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